8 Phase of the particles relative to the RF phase in a cyclotron with planar pole faces

8 Phase of the particles relative to the RF phase in a cyclotron with planar pole faces

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In 1895, Henri Becquerel discovered that some uranium salts emit penetrating radiation that can be made visible with ordinary photographic emulsions. This discovery was the beginning of nuclear science. Today we know that most natural radioactivity is due to a few very long-lived unstable isotopes that were formed 4.5 × 109 years ago. At that time...


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Based on guides RG 1.109, RG 1.111 published by United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) our research concentratesinassessing radiation doses caused by radioactive substances released from the nuclear power plant (NPP) Ninh Thuan 1 under the scenario of normal operation using software package NRCDose72 provided by the USNRC. The database including the released radioactive nuclides, meteorology, terrain, population and agricultural production activities have beencollectedand processed to build the input data for the model calculation. The wind rose distribution obtained from the meteorological data in a five-year period from 2009-2013 showed that the radioactive nuclides released to environment spread in two main wind directions which are North East and South West. The XJQ (s/rrr') and DIQ (s/rrr') qualities which are, respectively, the ratio of activity concentration to release rateand that of deposition density of radioactive nuclides to release rate were calculated within an area of 80 km radius from the NPP site using XOQDOQ. Population doses were calculated using GASP AR. The XOQDOQ and GASP AR are two specific softwares in NRCDose72 package.
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This study aims to present hypothetical nuclear and radiological event scenarios of a nuclear research reactor and a Cobalt-60 radiator at the region of Attica, Greece, through a local civil services perspective. The results aspire to present general mapping of consequences, while establishing a precise method of relevant incident management at Municipality level. Scenarios concerning the nuclear reactor have demonstrated vast results within the first 10 minutes - a necessary time frame to assess direct effects on human lives [1], which differentiate by wind speed, direction, terrain features and can influence areas about 10 km away from the reactor. To present these effects, risk maps were created for Municipalities of Northern Suburbs of Attica, based on data from scenarios and GIS tools. The Cobalt-60 radiator scenario has presented severe results mainly inside the facility hosting the radiator. Regarding protection levels of employees inside the facility, the use of HotSpot model has indicated a type of “average” protection that will mandatorily fulfill specific standards inside the facility. After quality research and bibliographical reference, we faced significant lack in briefing issues concerning local administrative bodies, when in parallel, administrative legal voids, basically legislative measures, were noted. Greek competent bodies, utterly unaware of those aspects, have proceeded to creation and implementation of specialized protection plans of public from radiological threats. On this basis a radiological incidents response plan was created for Municipalities that are affected on a medium scale. The aforementioned led to remarks and suggestions about facilitating response and prompt activation of Municipalities and citizens in the event of radiological and nuclear incidents.