Figure 2 - uploaded by Harald Schmidbauer
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Phase differences and their interpretation 

Phase differences and their interpretation 

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WaveletComp is an R package for continuous wavelet-based analysis of univariate and bivariate time series. Wavelet functions are implemented in WaveletComp such that a wide range of intermediate and final results are easily accessible. The null hypothesis that there is no (joint) periodicity in the series is tested via p-values obtained from simula...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... absolute value less (larger) than π/2 indicates that the two series move in phase (anti-phase, respectively) referring to the instantaneous time as time origin and at the frequency (or period) in question, while the sign of the phase difference shows which series is the leading one in this relationship. Figure 2 (in the style of a diagram by Aguiar-Conraria and Soares [2]) illustrates the range of possible phase differences and their interpretation. In line with this style, phase differences are displayed as arrows in the image plot of cross-wavelet power. ...
Context 2
... 250000 (the latter was not found to have an adverse effect on file sizes). A grayscale can be convenient for black-and-white printout; it is easy to realize in WaveletComp (see Figure 20): ...
Context 3
... following code constructs a data frame with all weekdays of 2018 and a time series with weekly (low on Mondays, high on Fridays) and monthly (for simplicity, we let a month have 22 workdays) seasonality: The result is shown in Figure 23. So far, so good. ...
Context 4
... far, so good. Now suppose the company is closed for vacation from the beginning of July to mid-August, so that the time series is interrupted, retaining only what is outside of the shaded interval in Figure 22: The code above, with substituted for, then leads to the result shown in Figure 24. ...
Context 5
... suppose the company is closed for vacation from the beginning of July to mid-August, so that the time series is interrupted, retaining only what is outside of the shaded interval in Figure 22: The code above, with substituted for, then leads to the result shown in Figure 24. There are two problems here, due to the data interruption: ...
Context 6
... The plot looks as if there were a structural break -although the underlying data-generating model (and even the very realization to be transformed) is the same in Figures 23 and 24. ...
Context 7
... The time axis in Figure 24 pretends that data were available throughout July and August. To be sure, fixing the time axis won't make the plot more meaningful. ...
Context 8
... is, of course, true for all the tools of statistical analysis.) The idea here is that x and y (see Figure 25) represent hourly observations from a 96-day interval. The time axis labels of Figure 25 simply count through the observations; for certain applications, it may be more intuitive to display days (see also Section 2.7). ...
Context 9
... idea here is that x and y (see Figure 25) represent hourly observations from a 96-day interval. The time axis labels of Figure 25 simply count through the observations; for certain applications, it may be more intuitive to display days (see also Section 2.7). Series x and y have joint constant periods 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, but different amplitudes at period 16. ...
Context 10
... produces the plot in Figure 26. Horizontal arrows pointing to the right indicate that the two series x and y are in phase at the respective period with vanishing phase differences. ...
Context 11
... is also possible to define siglvl as a vector.) Figure 27 confirms that the rectified version of cross-wavelet power gives sound results for all periods. (Omitting rectification would severely underestimate the lower periods' power.) ...
Context 12
... time series x shares period 128 with series y within a certain range of time, and y is shifted: The result, which is somewhat counterintuitive, is displayed in Figure 29. Period 128 shows significance across the entire time interval, while one expects period 128 to be jointly important only in the middle, according to the construction of x and y. ...
Context 13
... 128 shows significance across the entire time interval, while one expects period 128 to be jointly important only in the middle, according to the construction of x and y. The arrows indicate that x and y are in phase in the middle, with x leading (see also Figure 2), and they tilt away off the middle. This example illustrates the dilemma of the cross-wavelet power (see also the comment in Section 1.2), which corresponds to the covariance - it can be large even if only one component swings widely. ...
Context 14
... Limit the area where arrows are drawn to the region where both individual wavelet transforms of x and y show significance (set which.arrow.sig = "wt"), and avoid the artifacts of the image in Figure 29 resulting from the steep power gradient by choosing color.key = "interval": ...
Context 15
... computation time, but no arrows indicating phase differences will be plotted.) Figure 32 results again from smoothing with Bartlett windows, but window.size.s = 1 now defines a window of length 101 (an even number will be increased by 1) and produces more blurring for low periods (high frequencies): This leads to less granularity in high frequency areas. ...
Context 16
... resulting wavelet power spectrum is shown in Figure 42. A cluttered plot will appear with option plot.waves ...
Context 17
... plots in Figure 53 are not quite satisfactory: The three series' wavelet transforms have different maximum powers (as might have been guessed from Figure 52). The plots in Figure 53 thus cannot be directly compared. ...
Context 18
... Plot time axes similar (with respect to ticks and labels) to those in Figure 52. ...
Context 19
... on period 365 days, the arrows in the cross-wavelet power spectra in Figure 56 can then be interpreted with the help of Figure 2 (and remembering that a full circle corresponds to one year): ...
Context 20
... arrows (see also Figure 2) now reveal that both pairs under scrutiny are more or less in sync at the 24-hour period, but there is a very important difference between the pairs at the 12-hour period: Trump pos/neutral is leading over Clinton pos/neutral, while Clinton neg is leading over Trump neg most of the time. It looks like Trump supporters and Clinton opponents were eager to post media, while Trump opponents and Clinton supporters were sluggish. ...
Context 21
... relevant angle series can now be extracted, and we can compute the lead time in minutes: A plot of the lead time (or phase difference) is shown in Figure 62. (Remember that we also need to compute my.wc with my.pair = c("trump.neg", ...

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... As such, the continuous wavelet analysis can detect variations in the dominant dive cycle periodicities across the time series (Cazelles et al. 2008), or intra-individual variability in the temporal patterns of diving behaviour. Moreover, another benefit of the continuous wavelet analysis is that it can be used to evaluate a customisable range of temporal periodicities, on the order of minutes to days depending on the length of the time-series intervals and the objectives (Rösch and Schmidbauer 2018). ...
... The continuous wavelet analysis was completed using the R package WaveletComp (ver. 1.1, A. Rösch and H. Schmidbauer, see Based on the temporal resolution of our data, periodicities of interest and related previous work (Thorburn et al. 2019;Burke et al. 2020) parameters were set as follows: a loess span of 0, a sampling resolution of 0.5 h, a frequency resolution of 1/250, a lower period for the wavelet function of 1 h, an upper period for the wavelet function of 128 h, and the number of simulations of 100 (details in Rösch and Schmidbauer 2018). The continuous wavelet analysis returns a plot of the wavelet power spectrum, which identifies dominant dive periodicities (h; y-axis) over the duration of the tag deployment (x-axis). ...
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... y CWT de la biblioteca R WaveletComp (https://cran.r-project. org/web/packages/WaveletComp/index.html)[30]. ...
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... In the present study, only the positive significant signals (α = 0.01) against a thousand first-order autoregressive AR(1) surrogate time series were considered [61]. Periods of <20 h were highpassed. ...
... The maximum global wavelet power, which is the average cross-wavelet power in the frequency domain (averages over time) [61]; 3. ...
... The calculations were conducted in R 4.3.2 [63] using gstat for mapping and the WaveletComp package for wavelet spectrum and coherence analysis [61]. The grids were obtained with the sp and raster packages, and the mapping was performed in Golden Software Surfer 11 and CorelDraw 2021. ...
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... The wavelet analysis uses the implementation from package WaveletComp [31], where the Morlet function [32] is the basis function translated and scaled, given by ...
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... The difference in phase between two time-series data depicts an in-phase oscillation pattern of two time-series data if they are matched with each other; in contrast, the difference in phase depicts an out-of-phase pattern if the two time-series data do not match (Grinsted et al., 2004). The lagging or the leading tendencies of the variables are indicated through the arrows (Schmidbauer and Roesch, 2018). The coherence between the variables was evaluated at the p-value of 0.05 and was incorporated in the cone of influence (Pal and Devara, 2012). ...
... The coherence between the variables was evaluated at the p-value of 0.05 and was incorporated in the cone of influence (Pal and Devara, 2012). The entire process of wavelet analysis and its graphical expression was performed in RStudio using the WaveletComp package (Schmidbauer and Roesch, 2018). To detect the presence or absence of multicollinearity among climatic variables, the variance inflation factor (VIF) was obtained in RStudio using the faraway package (Faraway, 2022). ...
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... For this analysis, we use the R-packages WaveletComp [37] that analyze the frequency structure of uni-and bivariate time series using the Morlet mother wavelet [33,35] ...
... This leads to a continuous complex-valued wavelet transform that can be separated into its real and imaginary parts, providing information on both local amplitude and instantaneous phase of any periodic process across time, a prerequisite for investigating multiple time series coherence [37]. ...
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... The overall data processing and analysis was done in R environment. The wavelet analysis was done using WaveletComp package [11]. The time series was detrended before the application of wavelet transformation. ...
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... WMT was used by R Wavelet package [21], in which the Morlet mother function is ...
... We therefore calculated a Fourier decomposition of each timeseries in addition to a time-averaged wavelet decomposition of each timeseries, meaning we obtained two semi-redundant frequency representations of our data. However, because the wavelet transform uses a differently-shaped "mother wavelet," and because it is not perfectly information-preserving when averaged across time, it will have some differences (Schmidbauer & Roesch, 2018;Torrence & Compo, 1998). We found that some information loss was advantageous because it reduced noise that otherwise obscured patterns in the data. ...
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River flows change on timescales ranging from minutes to millennia. These vibrations in flow are tuned by diverse factors globally, for example, by dams suppressing multi‐day variability or vegetation attenuating flood peaks in some ecosystems. The relative importance of the physical, biological, and human factors influencing flow is an active area of research, as is the related question of finding a common language for describing overall flow regime. Here, we addressed both topics using a daily river discharge data set for over 3,000 stations across the globe from 1988 to 2016. We first studied similarities between common flow regime quantification methods, including traditional flow metrics, wavelets, and Fourier analysis. Across all these methods, the flow data showed low‐dimensional structure (i.e., simple and consistent patterns), suggesting that fundamental mechanisms are constraining flow regime. One such pattern was that day‐to‐day variability was negatively correlated with year‐to‐year variability. Additionally, the low‐dimensional structure in river flow data correlated closely with only a small number of catchment characteristics, including catchment area, precipitation, and temperature—but notably not biome, dam surface area, or number of dams. We discuss these findings in a framework intended to be accessible to the many communities engaged in river research and management, while stressing the importance of letting structure in data guide both mechanistic inference and interdisciplinary discussion.