Figure 1 - uploaded by Stephan Puehringer
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Personal-institutional network of influential economists in Germany. Nodes with only one connection are excluded. Dots represent individuals, circles represent institutions and triangles petitions, bold/thin lines indicate actual/former connections.
Source publication
Building on recent work on the political and societal impact of economics and distinct economists, respectively, this chapter aims to examine individual, research and institutional characteristics as well as existing professional networks of what are considered to be "influential economists" in Germany. For the purpose of identifying the most influ...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... the clustering algorithm yields six clusters. Among them, as figure 1 illustrates, there are four partly intertwined main clusters with a degree centrality of 57 (the "ordo-/ neoliberal cluster" A, green on the bottom right), 59 (the "mainstream cluster" B, blue, at the center), 22 (the "transnational economics cluster" C, grey at the bottom left) and 25 (the "progressive cluster" D, red, at the top) connected nodes, respectively. (cluster B). ...
Context 2
... contrast to that, the international cluster C and the progressive cluster D are connected to other clusters to a much lesser extent. Hence, the network graph in figure 1 indicates, in line with recent studies on German economics (see section 2.1), that ordoliberal power structures are still relevant today. First, many influential economists, who successfully engage in public and political debates, are connected to ordo-and neoliberal networks. ...