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Predicting driving behavior and crash risk in real-time is a problem that has been heavily researched in the past years. Although in-vehicle interventions and gamification features in post-trip dashboards have emerged, the connection between real-time driving behavior prediction and the triggering of such interventions is yet to be realized. This i...
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Context 1
... a benefit of this technique is the fact that it takes into account all interactions with other features [52]. Based on Figure 3, the distance travelled, the speed and the speed limits have the greatest influence on the process of recognizing the safety level where the driver is. In contrast, the variables HandsOnEvent and FatigueEvent have the lowest impact on the classification process. ...
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To adapt vehicle control and plan strategies in a predictive manner, it is usually desired to know the context of a driving environment. This paper aims at efficiently inferring the following five driving environments around vehicle’s vicinity: shopping zone, tourist zone, public station, motor service area, and security zone, whose existences are not necessarily mutually exclusive. To achieve that, we utilize the Point of Interest (POI) data from a navigation map as the semantic clue, and solve the inference task as a multilabel classification problem. Specifically, we first extract all relevant POI objects from a map, then transform these discrete POI objects into numerical POI features. Based on these POI features, we finally predict the occurrence of each driving environment via an inference engine. To calculate representative POI features, a statistical approach is introduced. To composite an inference engine, three inference systems are investigated: fuzzy inference system (FIS), support vector machine (SVM), and multilayer perceptron (MLP). In total, we implement 11 variants of inference engine following two inference strategies: independent and unified inference strategies, and conduct comprehensive evaluation on a manually collected dataset. The result shows that the proposed inference framework generalizes well on different inference systems, where the best overall F1 score 0.8699 is achieved by the MLP-based inference engine following the unified inference strategy, along with the fastest inference time of 0.0002 millisecond per sample. Hence, the generalization ability and efficiency of the proposed inference framework are proved.
Determining risk factors of single-vehicle run-off-road (SV-ROR) crashes, as a significant number of all the single-vehicle crashes and all the fatalities, may provide infrastructure for quicker and more effective safety measures to explore the influencing and moderating variables in SV-ROR. Therefore, this paper emphasizes utilizing a hybrid of regularization method and generalized path analysis for studying SV-ROR crashes to identify variables influencing their happening and severity.
This cross-sectional study investigated 724 highway SV-ROR crashes from 2015 to 2016. To drive the key variables influencing SV-ROR crashes Ridge, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (Lasso), and Elastic net regularization methods were implemented. The goodness of fit of utilized methods in a testing sample was assessed using the deviance and deviance ratio. A hybrid of Lasso regression (LR) and generalized path analysis (gPath) was used to detect the cause and mediators of SV-ROR crashes.
Findings indicated that the final modified model fitted the data accurately with X32= 16.09, P < .001, X2/ degrees of freedom = 5.36 > 5, CFI = .94 > .9, TLI = .71 < .9, RMSEA = 1.00 > .08 (90% CI = (.06 to .15)). Also, the presence of passenger (odds ratio (OR) = 2.31, 95% CI = (1.73 to 3.06)), collision type (OR = 1.21, 95% CI = (1.07 to 1.37)), driver misconduct (OR = 1.54, 95% CI = (1.32 to 1.79)) and vehicle age (OR = 2.08, 95% CI = (1.77 to 2.46)) were significant cause of fatality outcome. The proposed causal model identified collision type and driver misconduct as mediators.
The proposed HLR-gPath model can be considered a useful theoretical structure to describe how the presence of passenger, collision type, driver misconduct, and vehicle age can both predict and mediate fatality among SV-ROR crashes. While notable progress has been made in implementing road safety measures, it is essential to emphasize that operative preventative measures still remain the most effective approach for reducing the burden of crashes, considering the critical components identified in this study.