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Percentage of payment calculation criteria used in machine operators' wage in sugarcane AIC of the São Paulo state, according to management type.
Source publication
The sugarcane agro-industry complex of São Paulo State, Brazil, has undergone significant technical and organizational changes over the last two decades. The harvest mechanization process increased the work productivity and reduced drastically the workforce employed in the sector, requiring modern human resources practices to manage work in this ne...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... indicators used for calculating the operators' payment are efficiency (Labour productivity and Overcoming production goals), non-compliance with the requirement (Stops and equipment breakdown, Cane losses, Diesel expenses, Straw excess) and indiscipline (Absenteeism, Medical certificate and Others − Errors of note and Managers' Warnings) ( Table 4). The indicators related with efficiency are used to reward the machine operator if they have a good productivity, and the other two types do not necessarily increase their wage, but can reduce it if they are not meeting the minimum level. ...Context 2
... indicators related with efficiency are used to reward the machine operator if they have a good productivity, and the other two types do not necessarily increase their wage, but can reduce it if they are not meeting the minimum level. The importance given to reward and punishment criteria differ with the company type, but one characteristic is undoubtedly a priority for all types of company: 'Labour productivity' (Table 4). This is the major indicator for the wage calculation in any company, accounting for 26% of the answers for all of them. ...Context 3
... the wage punishment based on this element not only restricts this type of resources waste, but it also lets the companies share the cost of equipment breakdown with the workers as it is charged on salary. Family-run companies value 'Stops and equipment breakdowns' more than the professional management ones, what can be explained by their smaller capital availability as they cannot afford all the required structural changes in sugarcane plantation, machines and operator control technologies as easily as the more capitalized companies (Table 4). The professional management firms use more technical and organizational innovations in the agricultural work process and have a more efficient preventive maintenance programme, reducing equipment from stopping and breaking down. ...Context 4
... analysing the criteria of punishment related to the quality of work (Stops and equipment breakdowns, Cane losses, Diesel expenses and Straw excess), and those related to workforce control (Absenteeism, Medical certificate, Other), it is possible to evaluate the companies' heterogeneity in variable portion terms that influences machine operators' wages (Table 4). The accumulated data indicate that modern companies (professional management) are more concerned with work quality (36%) than with workforce control (23%). ...Similar publications
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