Fig 2 - uploaded by Dimitri Ognibene
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Perceived level of realistic and identity threat aggregated average values before and after the intervention.

Perceived level of realistic and identity threat aggregated average values before and after the intervention.

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Artificial intelligence's progress holds great promise in assisting society in addressing pressing societal issues. In particular Large Language Models (LLM) and the derived chatbots, like ChatGPT, have highly improved the natural language processing capabilities of AI systems allowing them to process an unprecedented amount of unstructured data. T...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... this measure a dependent t-test revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between the pre (mPre= 4.17, SD=1.39) and post (mPost=3.73, SD=1.42) questionnaires (Fig 2). This suggests that participants' realistic threat caused by AI decreased after the intervention. ...
Context 2
... dependent t-test revealed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the pre (mPre= 4.08, SD=1.39) and post (mPost=3.57, SD=1.54) questionnaires (Fig 2). This finding indicates that participants' AI identity threat significantly decreased after the intervention. ...
Context 3
... this measure a dependent t-test revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between the pre (mPre= 4.17, SD=1.39) and post (mPost=3.73, SD=1.42) questionnaires (Fig 2). This suggests that participants' realistic threat caused by AI decreased after the intervention. ...
Context 4
... dependent t-test revealed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the pre (mPre= 4.08, SD=1.39) and post (mPost=3.57, SD=1.54) questionnaires (Fig 2). This finding indicates that participants' AI identity threat significantly decreased after the intervention. ...

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