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Attitudinal interventions are commonly implemented to nudge pro-environmental actions. However, the relative roles and sequences of cognitive and affective attitudes on tourists’ pro-environmental behavioral intention (PEBI) and how PEBI variants impact the attitude-intention relationships require further investigation. Based on the theory of plann...
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Context 1
... data were normally distributed since the absolute value of skewness and kurtosis for each indicator was less than 3 and 10 (Kline, 2010), respectively (Table 3). Common method bias was assessed using Harman's single-factor test. ...Context 2
... AVE values were all above 0.50, and their factor loadings were all greater than 0.4, thus supporting convergent validity (Chen et al., 2014). The square root of AVE for each variable exceeded its correlation with other variables (Table 3), thus supporting discriminant validity ( Lee et al., 2013). ...Similar publications
In order to verify the criteria that affect the identification and use of plants of interest to tourism, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted in the 10 parishes of the Jipijapa canton, Manabí, Ecuador. The initial hypothesis stated that factors such as age, gender and level of education influence the pattern of knowledge about plants. We worked w...
... In accordance with this view, Smith-Sebasto and D'costa proposed a six-dimensional measurement scale for pro-environmental behavior [32], which was widely used as a reference in subsequent studies [33]. Some studies divide tourists according to their different degrees of pro-environmental behavior investment [34,35]. ...
Environmental education is one of the main functions of China’s national parks, and it also plays a crucial role in the construction of an ecological civilization. Compared with the rest of Asia, the inception of national parks in China occurred relatively late, and fostering tourists’ pro-environmental behavior is a challenging endeavor. According to the theoretical paradigm of stimulus–organism–response (SOR), in this study, we selected place attachment, environmental attitude, and environmental quality to construct a theoretical model of the relationship between the perception of environmental education and pro-environmental behavior. We conducted a sample survey of 728 tourists who had been to Wuyishan National Park and constructed a structural equation model. Our findings indicate the following: (1) pro-environmental behavior is directly and significantly promoted by one’s perception of environmental education, place attachment, and environmental attitude; (2) place attachment and environmental attitude play an intermediary role between one’s perception of environmental education and pro-environmental behavior; and (3) the quality of the external environment positively influences the correlation between one’s perception of environmental education and place attachment. This study provides solutions and suggestions for Wuyishan National Park to improve the effectiveness of environmental education regarding tourists’ pro-environmental behavior.
... Some studies found a link between personal norms and affective dimensions [25,26]. Examining consumers' pro-environmental decision-making depending on affective triggers, in addition to cognitive triggers, has become increasingly common [13,27,28]. Affective dimensions are also regarded as vital factors in regards to forming an individual's behavioral intentions from the perspectives of the model of goal-directed behavior [29]. ...
The current study examined consumers’ sustainable behavior in the context of eco-friendly drone food delivery services. It thus focused on the cognitive triggers, normative factors, and affective triggers in forming pro-environmental intentions. This study more specifically developed a comprehensive framework that included cognitive triggers, which included environmental awareness, ascribed responsibility, biospheric value, environmental concern, and perceived effectiveness, personal norm, and affective triggers, which included positive anticipated emotion and negative anticipated emotion, subjective norm, and pro-environmental intentions. The 312 samples were randomly extracted through an online survey company in Korea, which targeted individuals who have dined out within the last six months. A theoretical model that included mediation and causal hypotheses was proposed and tested by conducting structural equation modeling. The data analysis results indicated that the four dimensions of the cognitive triggers, such as ascribed responsibility, biospheric value, environmental concern, and perceived effectiveness, positively affect personal norm, and consequently have a positive effect on positive anticipated emotion. In addition, subjective norm aids in regards to enhancing personal norm and pro-environmental intentions. The study consequently contributes knowledge that addresses the acknowledged research gap and provides practical suggestions for green marketing strategies in regards to promoting the services.
... Some people may have biases or tendencies that influence their willingness to adopt more ecologically friendly purchasing practices (Dragolea et al., 2023). The emotional, behavioural and cognitive components of ATT impact an individual's willingness to engage in environmentally friendly behaviour (Wang et al., 2020). ...
Objectives: This study investigates the factors that affect the intention of using a recycled shopping bags at hypermarkets and convenience stores among Penang residents. Theoretical Framework: This study applied the Theory of Value-Belief-Norm using the three stated variables: Awareness of Consequences, Personal Norm, and Intention to Use Recycled Shopping Bags. In addition, this study combines aspects from the Theory of Planned Behaviour and includes three additional variables: Subjective Norms, Attitude, and Perceived Behaviour Control. Method: An online questionnaire was used to gather data from 384 residents of Penang. The SmartPLS 4 program was utilized to perform structural analysis in order to examine the correlation between the research variables. Results and Discussions: The results show that all hypothesized variables explain the intention to use recycled shopping bags. Specifically, it has been shown that higher awareness of the environment, more intense personal norms, positive attitude towards the use of recycled bags, support for subjective norms, and higher perceived behavioural control are the most significant factors contributing to a greater intention to use recycled shopping bags. Research Implications: Research The findings of this study provide important recommendations for researchers, governments and retailers to promote the use of recycled shopping bags. Practitioners should emphasize personal responsibility and conduct educational campaigns to increase awareness of personal impacts on the environment. Governments should educate community leaders through education programs and provide resources and incentives for environmental initiatives. Retailers want to create environmentally friendly brand identities, use narrative to promote the benefits of recycled materials, and engage consumers with interactive campaigns. Overall, a multi-faceted approach involving an awareness campaign about plastic bag pollution may improve positive attitudes, social norms, and perceived behavioural control. Ultimately, it increases the use of recycled shopping bags among Penang residents.
... No turismo, o estudo do comportamento pró-ambiental ganha relevância. De acordo com Wang et al. (2020), o comportamento dos turistas, tanto em casa quanto durante suas viagens, desempenha um papel crítico na promoção do turismo sustentável. As atitudes cognitivas e afetivas dos turistas desempenham um papel fundamental na determinação de seu comportamento pró-ambiental (Wang et al., 2020). ...
... De acordo com Wang et al. (2020), o comportamento dos turistas, tanto em casa quanto durante suas viagens, desempenha um papel crítico na promoção do turismo sustentável. As atitudes cognitivas e afetivas dos turistas desempenham um papel fundamental na determinação de seu comportamento pró-ambiental (Wang et al., 2020). Dados demográficos também influenciam o comportamento pró-ambiental. ...
... Com relação à idade, pesquisas sugerem que as gerações mais jovens tendem a demonstrar maior conscientização e engajamento em comportamentos pró-ambientais (Kassin et al., 2011;Wang et al., 2020). Essa tendência pode ser atribuída a uma maior exposição a informações e discussões sobre questões ambientais, bem como a uma maior sensibilidade em relação às consequências futuras das ações atuais. ...
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento pró-ambiental dos turistas que visitam a praia de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro, e sua disposição em pagar e se deslocar mais para consumir em estabelecimentos com práticas sustentáveis. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários aplicados nos Postos 3 e 4 em Copacabana com 399 turistas que apresentaram um comportamento pró-ambiental. Posteriormente foi analisada a disposição desses turistas em pagar e se deslocar mais para consumir em estabelecimentos com práticas sustentáveis. Para o estudo, foi utilizado o método de análise descritiva. Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos turistas apresentam um comportamento pró-ambiental e que em média estão dispostos a andar até 200 metros e a pagar aumentos máximos de até 10% naqueles estabelecimentos com práticas sustentáveis. Além disso, foi identificado que as variáveis sociodemográficas influenciam no comportamento pró-ambiental dos turistas.
... Ecotourists increasingly seek authentic and immersive experiences at destinations that prioritize the preservation and vibrant presentation of cultural heritage. This trend aligns with the concept of "experiential consumption," where tourists seek experiences that go beyond passive observation (Wang et al., 2020). Experiential consumption emphasizes the significance of experiences over material goods in consumer behavior, indicating that experiences play a central role in shaping consumer preferences and satisfaction. ...
... These intentions are influenced by factors such as individuals' attitudes and values toward the environment, perceived social norms, control when engaging in sustainable actions, personal experiences, environmental knowledge, and the presence of environmental cues (e.g. Han & Yoon, 2015;Stern, 2000;Wang et al., 2020). The goal of the Expo was to inspire visitors' dedication to environmental responsibility, and so it provided opportunities to participate in sustainable activities such as recycling, waste reduction, and adopting sustainable lifestyles, with the aim of reinforcing behavioural intentions (Pourhossein et al., 2023). ...
... Previous research has identified a link between environmental behavioural intention and environmentally sustainable actions (e.g. Kaiser & Fuhrer, 2003;Wang et al., 2020), and one study found that visitors' environmental attitudes and perceived behavioural control were positively related to their intentions to participate in eco-friendly activities at a Chinese heritage site (Lee & Jan, 2018). Value -belief -norm (VBN) theory emphasizes the role of personal values, beliefs, and norms and suggests that individuals' pro-environmental intentions and actions are determined by their value orientation, ecological worldview, and attitudes, which leads to norm activation (Pourhossein et al., 2023;Stern, 2000). ...
Although many scholars have aimed to develop and implement natural environmental sustainability solutions because of their tangible results (e.g., Feroz et al., 2021; Seddon et al., 2020), psychology researchers have acknowledged their limits and have focused on solutions that aim to change human attitudes and behaviors and establish the root cause of environmental problems, such as changes in fundamental cognitive processes through social means (e.g., Nathaniel et al., 2021; Nielsen et al., 2021; Palomo et al., 2016). Environmental attitudes, mindfulness, intention, and destination loyalty have all been studied in terms of cognitive performance and well-being (e.g., Tasci et al., 2022; Weinstein, Brown, et al., 2009; Weinstein, Przybylski, et al., 2009). However, the investigation of these factors in event settings, where they exert a broad and rapid influence, has been infrequently explored. Additionally, in support of interdisciplinary studies, this research delved into the cognitive connections concerning visitor management and sustainability, thereby bridging the domains of environmental psychology and cognitive psychology.
... In tourism research, there is an emphasis on the role of the external environment as a motivator of people's behaviors [15], such as on how the perceptions of destination image trigger behaviors [16]. However, the cognitive aspects of destinations often evoke people's emotions [17]. ...
Despite the lengthy history of the research on destination image from various perspectives, how pro-environmental destination image promotes resident environmental citizenship behavior remains underexplored. Grounded in the cognition–affect–behavior (CAB) model, this research investigated the translation of pro-environmental destination image into resident environmental citizenship behavior via satisfaction and pride. Data were collected using an intercept survey approach from a tourism village recognized as one of the best in the world by UNWTO. The results indicated that a pro-environmental destination image has a positive impact on resident environmental citizenship behavior in the private and public domains. Furthermore, resident satisfaction and pride serve as mediators between pro-environmental destination image and resident environmental citizenship behavior. This research contributes to the literature on resident environmental citizenship behavior by considering the role of pro-environmental destination image. The findings provide practical implications for fostering environmental citizenship behavior through the presentation of pro-environmental images to residents and eliciting their positive emotions.
... t al., 2023), there is still a lack of research specifically investigating the comprehensive dimensions of cultural values in pro-environmental behavior. Second, previous studies have made a call for research regarding the testing of mediating mechanisms that explain the relationship between values and proenvironmental behavior (Fauzi et al., 2023;X. Wang et al., 2020). Third, the literature has demonstrated that environmental concern indirectly influences behavioral intention and pro-environmental behavior (Han & Hyun, 2017;. However, in general, there is little investigation of the preference -behavior relationship for pro-environmental behavior Kothe et al., 2019;Verplanken & Holland, 2002;Wall, 20 ...
... ., 2020). Third, the literature has demonstrated that environmental concern indirectly influences behavioral intention and pro-environmental behavior (Han & Hyun, 2017;. However, in general, there is little investigation of the preference -behavior relationship for pro-environmental behavior Kothe et al., 2019;Verplanken & Holland, 2002;Wall, 2016;X. Wang et al., 2020). Meanwhile, within the context of tourism, prior studies neglected to examine whether environmental concerns can moderate the influence of individual and cultural values on preference for sustainable behaviors. ...
... 002) examined the value-behavior relation, focused on the motivational properties of values, the self, and value activation, and demonstrated the importance of the self in the valuebehavior relation. Convergent with the existing debate over the gap between preferences and behaviors Han, 2015;Kothe et al., 2019;Verplanken & Holland, 2002;Wall, 2016;X. Wang et al., 2020), the following hypotheses are suggested to investigate the mediating effect of preference for sustainable tourism within the impact of each of the five dimensions of cultural values on pro-environmental behavior (H16-H20). As for the individual values integrated with hedonism or utilitarianism, H21 and H22 are suggested to investigate t ...
... The hedonistic nature of tourism often leads tourists to prioritize relaxation and enjoyment, which contrasts with engaging in responsible behaviors that may require additional time, effort, or even sacrificing comfort (Li & Wu, 2020;Miller et al., 2010). Therefore, the formative mechanism of RTB involves a complex process (Rao et al., 2022;X. Wang et al., 2019;Zhang & Zhang, 2019). Stern (2000) argued that a single variable alone is rarely sufficient to explain responsible behavior among tourists; instead, tourists' behavior change is "determined by multiple variables, sometimes in interaction" (p.419). However, much of the previous research on responsible behaviors has relied on linear and sy ...
... Based on the level of commitment and involvement, tourists' environmentally responsible behavior has been classified in a be-directional way as low-and high-effort dimensions (Li & Wu, 2020;X. Wang et al., 2019). In the same vein, this study suggests two dimensions of RTB, namely low-effort and higheffort RTB. Low-effort RTB represents the relatively relaxed and less costly responsible actions of tourists to safeguard a destination, such as respecting local culture and refraining from improper behavior. On the other hand, high-effort RTB featur ...
... Previous studies have demonstrated that tourists' environmentally responsible behavior involves a complex process of cognitive and affective sequences (Rao et al., 2022;X. Wang et al., 2019;Zhang & Zhang, 2019). Rather than relying on a single factor, understanding the formulation of expected behavioral intentions requires considering the interplay and combined effects of various indicators (Mehran & Olya, 2020;Mohamed et al., 2020;Valaei et al., 2017). This study argues that the complexity theory provides a theoretical fou ...
Cultivating responsible tourist behavior (RTB) is critical for promoting sustainable development in tourism destinations. This study explored the symmetric and asymmetric effects of causal antecedents on RTB through the lens of the cognitive–affective model and complexity theory. Survey data from 566 Chinese tourists were analyzed using PLS-SEM (symmetric method) and fsQCA (asymmetric method). The PLS-SEM results indicated that perceived DSR enhanced tourists’ destination attachment, thus facilitating low-effort and high-effort RTB. The fsQCA results substantiated and refined these findings by providing particular antecedent configurations for the outcomes. This study concluded by discussing the theoretical and practical implications arising from these findings.
... The existing literature presents inconsistent findings regarding the relative strength of the three predictors of behavioral intention within the Theory of Planned Behavior framework. Some studies suggest that attitude is the strongest predictor [25]. Meanwhile, others highlight subjective norms as the most influential factor [26]. Perceived behavioral control is often reported as having the least or no significant influence on turnover intention [27]. ...
Examining turnover as a noteworthy concern for businesses irrespective of their scale, this research delves into the factors influencing the inclination of employees in small and medium-sized enterprises to depart from their current workplaces. Additionally, the study explores how organizational commitment moderates the connections between attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions to leave. Methodology: Six hypotheses were formulated regarding the links between the components of the initial Theory of Planned Behavior and organizational commitment. Results: The outcomes from the partial least squares structural equation modeling indicated that the three primary predictors of the Theory of Planned Behavior have a substantial impact on turnover intention, with perceived behavioral control exerting the strongest influence. Additionally, the findings highlighted that the relationship between the Theory of Planned Behavior constructs and turnover intention is moderated by organizational commitment. Practical Implications and Originality: In this research, an expanded rendition of the Theory of Planned Behavior was employed to bring novel insights into the realm of organizational commitment among workers in small and medium-sized enterprises.