Table 1 - uploaded by Işıl Erduyan
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Participant demographics

Participant demographics

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Learners moving and learning languages across contexts have always been natural subjects of applied linguistics research. In recent years, however, teachers' mobility across contexts and their temporary work and stay due to internationalization in education has been an equally important development. While research on language teacher identity is no...

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Context 1
... not planned as such, only female teachers participated in the study. The demographic information about the participants is summarized in Table 1. ...

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... Research on the impact of teaching abroad programs on language teachers indicate that it has remarkable benefits on teachers' professional and personal growth as evidenced in their improvements in linguistic and cultural competency, teaching skills, social networking, and self-efficacy (Allen, 2010;Barfield, 1994;Çiftçi & Karaman, 2019;Hauerwas, Skawinski, & Ryan, 2017;Jochum, Rawlings, & Tejada, 2017;Mutlu & Ortaçtepe, 2016;Marx & Moss, 2011;Rissel, 1995;Smolcic, 2013;Wernicke, 2010). Existing literature on language teacher study abroad programs generally addressed the pre-service teachers' perspective, whereas only a small percentage of existing studies have considered differentiating teachers from students (Allen, 2010;Cook, 2009;Erduyan, Werbińska, Yakıșık, Guerra, & Ekiert, 2018;Ortaçtepe, 2015;Mutlu & Ortaçtepe, 2016;Plews, Breckenridge, & Cambre, 2010;Wang, 2009;Wernicke, 2010Wernicke, , 2016Wernicke, , 2017Zhao & Mantero, 2018). ...
... However, there are only a limited number of studies that specifically focus on investigating the effects of teaching abroad programs on teachers' professional identity development rather than on their cultural and linguistic gains (Erduyan et al., 2018;Ortaçtepe, 2015;Mutlu & Ortaçtepe, 2016;Plews et al., 2010;Mora, Trejo, & Roux, 2016;Wernicke, 2016Wernicke, , 2017Wernicke, , 2020Zhao & Mantero, 2018). Existing studies generally focus on identity related constructs separately, such as professional growth (Allen, 2010;Barfield, 1994;Baecher & Chung, 2020;Biraimah & Jotia, 2013;Jochum, Rawlings, & Tejada, 2015;Jochum et al., 2017;Okken, Jansen, Hofman, & Coelen, 2019;Rissel, 1995), intercultural knowledge (Allen, 2010;Biraimah & Jotia, 2013;Göbel & Helmke, 2010;de Felix & Pena, 1992;Wernicke, 2010;Thompson, 2002), language proficiency (Allen, 2010;de Felix & Pena, 1992;Gleeson & Tait, 2012;Jochum et al., 2017;Rissel, 1995;Roskvist, Harvey, Corder, & Stacey, 2015;Thompson, 2002;Wernicke, 2010), self-confidence (Okken et al., 2019;Shiveley & Misco, 2015) and confidence in speaking the target language (Allen, 2010;Barfield, 1994;Rissel, 1995;de Felix & Pena, 1992). ...
... However, personal differences can affect how participants interpret their experience (Erduyan et al., 2018) and the way sojourner teachers experience the teaching abroad program (Romero & Vasilopoulos, 2020). The differences in teachers' initial motivations and purposes for joining the program are critical factors shaping their learning experience. ...
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This article explores the impact of a traineeship abroad on the personal and the professional identities of prospective Spanish 90 Sintagma 36, 89-103. Vasilica Mocanu, Inelissa Suárez Quevedo teachers whose L1 is English and its implications for language educators. We examine data from a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with two teacher trainees from Ireland and the United Kingdom undergoing a traineeship abroad as language assistants at a Spanish university. The results show a positive correlation between a traineeship abroad and: 1) the restructuration of personal identities and 2) the further development of emerging language teacher identities. In relation to personal identities, confrontation with cultural and linguistic difference increases a sense of belonging to the nation state while in relation to professional identity development, a reinforcement of the willingness to become a language teacher is positively impacted by the experience abroad.
This study aims to examine the studies on teacher identity in Türkiye as a systematic review. The research was carried out using descriptive model. In this review, firstly, inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined, then search terms and databases to be searched were decided. Studies obtained from HEC Thesis, HEC Academic, TANIC and ERIC databases were evaluated in terms of research method quality. PRISMA flowchart was used to clearly show the search strategy. The studies included in the study were recorded in Research Information Form developed by the researchers. Descriptive content analysis was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, it is concluded that 104 studies on teacher identity are published between 2005 and 2022, 30 of which are master’s thesis, 18 are doctoral dissertations, and 56 are articles. It is concluded that most of the studies aimed to examine the formation, nature and development of teacher identity, qualitative research method, case study design and interview forms as data collection tools were used the most frequently. Also, the sample/research group of the studies mostly consist of teacher candidates. When the findings of the studies are examined, it is determined that the professional identity sub-theme of teacher candidates included identity development and perception of professional identity, and the professional identity sub-theme included the findings related to identity development and characteristics, identity perception and correlated factors.