Fig 1 - uploaded by Irina Patina
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Paleotectonic map of the Permian stage of development of Pangea (Torsvik and Cocks, 2017), combined with the lithological-climatic map (Boucot et al., 2013) (modified after Trapeznikov, 2019).
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... few and are confined to the arches of individual salt anticlines complicating the western slope of the Ural orogen and the northeastern slope of the Donbass-Tuarkyr folded system, as well as to the arches of several salt domes of the Pricaspian Depression. In the Early Permian, the Pricaspian basin was located in the arid climate zone of Pangea (Fig. 1). The evaporite formation along the periphery of the salt-producing province overlies over the eroded surface of various Carboniferous and Lower Permian horizons represented by marine terrigenous and carbonate rocks. In the deep parts of the Pricaspian Basin, there is no gap in sedimentation before the formation of a salt-bearing ...
Context 2
... noteworthy feature of the "recycled" lithostratigraphic complex (studied in boreholes in the Chernaya Padina, Solnechnaya, Timofeevskaya, Araltyubesor, Mukhor, Koksozdy fields, etc.) is the interbedding of salt beds with Middle and Upper-Permian redbedded terrigenous deposits (Pisarenko et al., 2011(Pisarenko et al., , 2017(Pisarenko et al., , 2021a(Pisarenko et al., , 2021bAntipov and Volozh, 2012). In addition to the Kungur sediments, the evaporite formation includes both the Middle and Upper and Permian series of the "recycled" salts accumulated at the synkinematic stage due to the erosion of the Kungurian deposits during the growth of the dome and their exposure on the land surface or the bottom of the sea (Pisarenko et al., 2021a, 2021b). ...