Figure 6 - uploaded by Manuel Fähndrich
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Paddle game example. (left) First part of game code in action editor (middle) Editing assignment in expression editor (right) Game while executing 

Paddle game example. (left) First part of game code in action editor (middle) Editing assignment in expression editor (right) Game while executing 

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The world is experiencing a technology shift. In 2011, more touchscreen-based mobile devices like smartphones and tablets will be sold than desktops, laptops, and netbooks combined. In fact, in many cases incredibly powerful and easy-to-use smart phones are going to be the first and, in less developed countries, possibly the only computing devices...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the expression editor, we can easily add the right-hand side of the assignment by tapping on media in the quick-selection list that shows available services in the current context. Now we see the middle screen of Figure 6 in the expression editor. Then we tap on create picture in the quick-selection list which has now adjusted to show everything we can do with media. ...
Context 2
... screenshot of the beginning of the paddle game code in the action editor is shown on the left screen in Figure 6. Listing 1 shows the full game source code. ...
Context 3
... right screen in Figure 6 shows the game while executing: The canvas pic, which changes over time, is visible on the wall. On the left, the user's paddle is visible; in the middle is the flying ball, and on the right is the computer's paddle. ...

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... Generic programming: This category applies to many types of programmers including students, hobbyists, mobile application (app for short) developers, end users, and people who program for fun or as a small part of their work. Mobile devices, which are present with users at almost all times, are seen as good candidates to support self-contained programming anywhere and for simple program entry and editing tasks [19,61,67]. Auxiliary support, e.g., programming tasks; collaborative programming Self-contained programming for end-users, students, mobile app developers ...
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... Structured editing: The syntax-directed or structured editing enabled by adaptive keypads and templates for program constructs in TouchDevelop [7,67] and the custom Java keyboard [2] provide a middle ground between the spaceinefficient VP [44] and editing of "raw text" as done on desktops. They also leverage selection using finger taps, which is the most familiar touchscreen interaction known to users and also considered as a unitary act [72]. ...
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... C 4 is a back end that can be used by various front ends. We implemented two such analyses, one for TouchDevelop [16,34] and one for Cassandra/Java [28] (discussed later). ...
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Many distributed databases provide only weak consistency guarantees to reduce synchronization overhead and remain available under network partitions. However, this leads to behaviors not possible under stronger guarantees. Such behaviors can easily defy programmer intuition and lead to errors that are notoriously hard to detect. In this paper, we propose a static analysis for detecting non-serializable behaviors of applications running on top of causally-consistent databases. Our technique is based on a novel, local serializability criterion and combines a generalization of graph-based techniques from the database literature with another, complementary analysis technique that encodes our serializability criterion into first-order logic formulas to be checked by an SMT solver. This analysis is more expensive yet more precise and produces concrete counter-examples. We implemented our methods and evaluated them on a number of applications from two different domains: cloud-backed mobile applications and clients of a distributed database. Our experiments demonstrate that our analysis is able to detect harmful serializability violations while producing only a small number of false alarms.
... C 4 is a back end that can be used by various front ends. We implemented two such analyses, one for TouchDevelop [16,34] and one for Cassandra/Java [28] (discussed later). ...
Many distributed databases provide only weak consistency guarantees to reduce synchronization overhead and remain available under network partitions. However, this leads to behaviors not possible under stronger guarantees. Such behaviors can easily defy programmer intuition and lead to errors that are notoriously hard to detect. In this paper, we propose a static analysis for detecting non-serializable behaviors of applications running on top of causally-consistent databases. Our technique is based on a novel, local serializability criterion and combines a generalization of graph-based techniques from the database literature with another, complementary analysis technique that encodes our serializability criterion into first-order logic formulas to be checked by an SMT solver. This analysis is more expensive yet more precise and produces concrete counter-examples. We implemented our methods and evaluated them on a number of applications from two different domains: cloud-backed mobile applications and clients of a distributed database. Our experiments demonstrate that our analysis is able to detect harmful serializability violations while producing only a small number of false alarms.
... [8] have shown the feasibility of creating programming environments designed around the interfaces that the modern developer community is used to. Touch Develop [15], for example, was designed with the idea of using only touchscreen input rather than the traditional keyboard. A visual programming environment specifically designed for the creation of Android applications, App Inventor [17], has had significant uptake, and has been used to, e.g., introduce computing science concepts [6], and study how developers' general and domain-specific skill progresses as they develop more apps [18]. ...
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... To substantiate the usefulness of our criterion, we built a dynamic analyzer that checks whether the criterion holds on program executions , and evaluated our analyzer on two application domains. First, we analyzed 33 small mobile apps written in TOUCHDEVELOP [35], a framework that uses weakly consistent cloud types [9] . The experimental results indicate that our serializability criterion is able to detect violations that lead to some difficult-to-catch errors. ...
... In this section, we describe and evaluate a dynamic analysis tool for checking serializability violations in TOUCHDEVELOP [35] applications and show that our criterion is precise enough such that violations are likely to indicate actual bugs. TOUCHDEVELOP is a platform for mobile device applications providing direct integration of replicated cloud-backed storage. ...
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Developing and reasoning about systems using eventually consistent data stores is a difficult challenge due to the presence of unexpected behaviors that do not occur under sequential consistency. A fundamental problem in this setting is to identify a correctness criterion that precisely captures intended application behaviors yet is generic enough to be applicable to a wide range of applications. In this paper, we present such a criterion. More precisely, we generalize conflict serializability to the setting of eventual consistency. Our generalization is based on a novel dependency model that incorporates two powerful algebraic properties: commutativity and absorption. These properties enable precise reasoning about programs that employ high-level replicated data types, common in modern systems. To apply our criterion in practice, we also developed a dynamic analysis algorithm and a tool that checks whether a given program execution is serializable. We performed a thorough experimental evaluation on two real-world use cases: debugging cloud-backed mobile applications and implementing clients of a popular eventually consistent key-value store. Our experimental results indicate that our criterion reveals harmful synchronization problems in applications, is more effective at finding them than prior approaches, and can be used for the development of practical, eventually consistent applications.
... Researchers have also designed syntactic structure editors for more sophisticated languages with non-trivial static type systems. Contemporary examples include mbeddr, a structure editor for a C-like language [63], TouchDevelop, a structure editor for an object-oriented language [60], and Lamdu, a structure editor for a functional language similar to Haskell [33]. Each of these editors presents an innovative user interface, but the non-trivial type and binding structure of the underlying language complicates its design. ...
... Alice [12] is a 3-D programming language with an integrated structure editor for teaching novice CS undergraduate students. Scratch [51] is a structure editor targeted at children ages 8 to 16. TouchDevelop [60] incorporates a structure editor for programming on touch-based devices, and is used to teach high school students. An implementation of Hazelnut might be useful in teaching students about the typed lambda calculus, though that has not been our explicit aim with this work. ...
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Structure editors allow programmers to edit the tree structure of a program directly. This can have cognitive benefits, particularly for novice and end-user programmers. It also simplifies matters for tool designers, because they do not need to contend with malformed program text. This paper introduces Hazelnut, a structure editor based on a small bidirectionally typed lambda calculus extended with holes and a cursor. Hazelnut goes one step beyond syntactic well-formedness: its edit actions operate over statically meaningful incomplete terms. Naïvely, this would force the programmer to construct terms in a rigid “outside-in” manner. To avoid this problem, the action semantics automatically places terms assigned a type that is inconsistent with the expected type inside a hole. This meaningfully defers the type consistency check until the term inside the hole is finished. Hazelnut is not intended as an end-user tool itself. Instead, it serves as a foundational account of typed structure editing. To that end, we describe how Hazelnut’s rich metatheory, which we have mechanized using the Agda proof assistant, serves as a guide when we extend the calculus to include binary sum types. We also discuss various interpretations of holes, and in so doing reveal connections with gradual typing and contextual modal type theory, the Curry-Howard interpretation of contextual modal logic. Finally, we discuss how Hazelnut’s semantics lends itself to implementation as an event-based functional reactive program. Our simple reference implementation is written using js_of_ocaml.