PCB with all components soldered.

PCB with all components soldered.

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This paper details the design and implementation of a photovoltaic current – voltage (I-V) tracer. The I-V tracer employs a capacitive load controlled by a raspberry pi model 4B. The complete measurement system includes protections, capacitor charging/discharging power electronics and current, voltage, irradiance and temperature sensors. Results, w...

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... second step is to populate the fabricated PCB (Fig. 6). Files iv_tracer.sch and iv_tracer.brd (Table 4) indicate the location of each component (Table 5) and the values of the resistors and capacitors. The time required to complete this step is about 6 h, and the necessary tools for soldering PCB are: a soldering iron, tin, flux, and isopropyl alcohol for PCB ...

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This paper shows a lightweight target image analysis device using Raspberry Pi as the master control, which contains the processing and data analysis of the whole target image, making it easier for the public to perform shooting analysis. System uses Raspberry Pi 4b as the main control, python as the core language, the whole target surface processi...


... Photovoltaic energy is a renewable energy source that converts sunlight directly into electricity using solar panels. Photovoltaic panels are becoming popular due to their environmental benefits and decreasing installation costs [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. Several curve tracers are available in the literature, each varying in cost, speed, and complexity [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. ...
... Photovoltaic panels are becoming popular due to their environmental benefits and decreasing installation costs [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. Several curve tracers are available in the literature, each varying in cost, speed, and complexity [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. ...
... The title Photovoltaic cells have been the subject of numerous studies [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. The photovoltaic cell displays a voltage V and a current I when it is connected to a load. ...
A photovoltaic (PV) module's efficiency is influenced by factors such as environmental conditions (Solar light intensity, temperature) and the load. These modules can encounter various problems that significantly impact their power output, leading to poor overall system performance. The Current-Voltage (I-V) curve is a graphical representation that illustrates the characteristics of a PV module (MPV). Measuring this curve in real-time is essential for diagnosing faults and analyzing PV installations. It offers a quick way to test modules and identify issues like shading, mismatching... This paper presents an experimental system designed to measure the I-V curve of a PV module under real operating conditions. The measurement process is automated and serves to assess the module’s health, degradation, and overall performance. An Arduino card is used to control the measurements, which are conducted in situ, in real time. The effectiveness of this method is validated through experimental data collected from a PV module. The developed system provides a visual display of the module's electrical characteristics and shows solar solar light intensity and temperature in real time on an LCD screen. All results are also displayed on PC. Experimental results are presented.
... Although numerous educators and researchers have successfully addressed the third issue mentioned above [7][8][9][10], those regarding location and weather conditions are, at times, insurmountable. For this reason, some educators have focused their efforts on constructing systems which can plot the I-V curve indoors, using an artificial light source with spectral characteristics closely approximating those of solar radiation (e.g., halogen lamp) to illuminate a module of reduced dimensions [11][12][13]. ...
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The renewable energy market, particularly the photovoltaic sector, has experienced significant growth over the past decade. Higher education institutions must play a vital role in the training of professionals, which the sector is currently demanding and will continue to require in the future. A pivotal resource for understanding the performance of PV modules is the experimental extraction of the characteristic I-V curve in laboratory practices. This paper presents an innovative and low-cost I-V curve tracer which can be used in indoor laboratories for teaching purposes. The described measurement system presents the novelty of helping form an energy-harvesting IC to force a sweep of the voltage from values close to zero to the open voltage circuit (Voc). An Arduino Micro board interfaces the implemented electronics and a LabVIEW-based monitoring and control program. The system proved its reliability and accuracy when it was compared to a calibrated commercial I-V tracer. The experimental results show that for a low-power PV module illuminated by a lamp, the proposed I-V tracer only deviated 1.3% from the commercial one in measurements of the maximum power.
... The challenge of developing I-V curve tracers is assumed by the necessity of offering portable and modern devices to improve the ways of evaluating PV performance. In (Casado et al., 2022) authors focused on the development and implementation of a novel I-V (current-voltage) curve tracer using Raspberry Pi, a versatile and affordable single-board computer. The main problem tackled is the need for a cost-effective and accessible method to trace I-V curves of PV modules, enabling a better understanding of their behavior under varying conditions. ...
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Photovoltaics (PV) utilize sunlight to generate electricity, thus playing a crucial role in generating clean energy and decreasing carbon emissions. Simultaneously, these systems encourage self-sufficiency in energy production. Consequently, it becomes imperative to monitor the performance of photovoltaic systems as an essential method for assessing and confirming these advantages. Precise measurement and analysis of performance data offer researchers and industry experts valuable insights into system effectiveness, power generation trends, as well as their overall ecological influence. The significance of PV monitoring in ensuring and enhancing system performance is emphasized by the research conducted. The ability to collect and analyze real-time data enables operators to identify inefficient modules, as well as shading or other obstacles that could hinder energy production. Furthermore, monitoring systems enable early identification of potential malfunctions, which allows for timely maintenance and repair actions. Ultimately, these practices enhance overall energy generation while extending the longevity of PV installations. This paper presents the design and implementation of a portable electronic device to measure the I-V and P-V curves of photovoltaic panels. This instrument acquires solar radiation, ambient temperature, electric current, and voltage signals from a PV panel via a cellphone through a mobile application. The device, capable of real-time characterization of PV panels up to 20 A and 500 V, features a 240 MHz Tensilica LX6 dual-core processor and 4 MB of storage memory. Experimental tests were carried out in two different geographical locations in Colombia: the city of Puerto Carreño and the city of Bogotá. Among the main results, an efficiency of 13.29 % was obtained for solar radiation of 755.47 W/m 2 and a temperature of 29.60 • C for a monocrystalline PV panel of 405 W.
... Since the capacitive load stores the energy produced by the PV module during the measurement, a massive discharging resistive net is employed, thus leading to a lack of portability. Other examples of I-V tracers based on capacitive load can be found in [15] and [16]. By contrast, the device presented in [17] embeds a MOSFET transistor working with pulse-width modulation (PWM) as a power conditioner, as well as control relays to disconnect the PV module from the string during the I-V curve. ...
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Identifying underperforming photovoltaic (PV) modules is crucial to ensure optimal energy production and financial returns, as well as preventing potential safety hazards in case of severe damage. To this aim, current–voltage (I-V) curve tracing can be employed as in situ monitoring technique for the early detection of faults. In this paper, we introduce a novel low-cost, microcontroller-based I-V tracer for the diagnosis of individual PV modules. The tool features a unique power conditioning circuit, facilitating accurate data acquisition under static conditions as well as the even distribution of the measured points along the I-V curve. A specific active disconnecting circuit enables in situ and on-line measurement without interrupting the string power generation. The designed prototype is used to characterize a set of PV modules under real operating conditions. The measured I-V curves exhibit expected trends, with the measured data closely matching theoretical values and an estimated mean relative error less than 3%.
... As the concern over the energy crisis and global warming has grown in recent years, the world is turning towards alternate energy sources [1]- [3]. Solar power is one of the accessible alternative energy resources that has been expanding quickly and gaining a lot of attention. ...
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Continuous monitoring of large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) installations is necessary to check the deterioration and monitor the performance of the PV plant. Fault diagnosis is crucial to ensure the PV plant operates safely and reliably. This paper presents a diagnosis methodology based on current-voltage (I-V) and PV characteristics to monitor and assess the behavior of solar PV. In this paper, I-V curve characterization using an I-V curve tracer is used to check the deterioration and diagnosis of the PV panels. The real-time performance of the 50.4 kWp rooftop solar grid interfaced PV plant is investigated and analyzed using I-V and PV curve tracers in real-time conditions. The overall performance of solar PV is assessed on a real-time test system in different scenarios such as variable climatic conditions, partial shading conditions, aging of solar panels, short circuit conditions, and dust decomposition. Furthermore, the performance assessment of solar PV is evaluated using performance indicators such as open circuit voltage index, short circuit current index, fill factor, and performance ratio.
... Indonesia pada tahun 2021 dapat menghasilkan sampah sebanyak 41,654,853.72 Ton/tahun dengan penanganan sampah sebesar 27.25% ( 11,350,479.19 Ton/tahun), membuat pengurangan sampah tiap tahunnya sebanyak 7.73% (3,217,959.65Ton/tahun) dengan rata-rata sampah terkelola sebesar 34.97% (14,568,438.85 Ton/tahun) dan sampah yang tidak terkelola sebesar 65.03%% (27,086,414.87 Ton/tahun). ...
... Tidak hanya itu saja, tempat sampah pintar yang dikembangkan juga dilengkapi dengan livestream sehingga petugas kebersihan dapat melihat keadaan disekitar tempat sampah apabila tempat sampah dipindahkan atau dicuri. Raspberry Pi dipilih dikarenakan memiliki dimensi yang kecil dan berupa komputer single board yang dapat [14] ditenagai oleh baterai sehingga robot dapat bergerak secara leluasa di lapangan. ...
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Standar hidup masyarakat semakin meningkat dengan adanya perkembangan ekonomi global, sehingga produksi sampah domestik menjadi semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Namun dalam pengolahan sampah masih terdapat masalah dimana masih tercampurnya sampah berbahaya sehingga dapat menyebabkan penyebaran covid saat ini. Saat ini tren mulai bergeser ke perangkat pintar yang menggunakan Internet of Things untuk mengatasi masalah umum seperti masalah pengolahan sampah. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan sebuah mobile smart trash bin yang dapat mengurangi interaksi secara langsung karena memiliki fitur buka tutup otomatis, dapat memilah sampah menjadi berbahaya dan tidak berbahaya, dapat mengirimkan data berat sampah, dan dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh dengan dilengkapi livestream video. Sistem yang dikembangkan diuji dengan metode pengujian fungsionalitas, pengujian performa, dan pengujian konektifitas. Pengujian fungsionalitas memberikan hasil bahwa keseluruhan sistem dapat bekerja. Pengujian performa pada sensor ultrasonik memberikan hasil tingkat keakurasian sebesar 97,18%, servo motor MG995 berada di angka 100%, sensor berat memiliki tingkat keakurasian 98,65%, dan penggunaan baterai dalam keadaan bersiap dapat bekerja selama 13 Jam 3 Menit 40 Detik dan dalam keadaan bekerja dapat bekerja selama 1 Jam 56 Menit 42 Detik. Pengujian konektivitas dari rata-rata delay kontrol robot ketika diberikan perintah adalah 103,4ms, dan delay pada pengiriman data berat sampah adalah 112,8ms.
... At the same time, the web application performs the management, monitoring and storage of measurements. [32], generated the necessary control signals for the measurement system [33]. Performed the processing and storage of information, control and monitoring of the measurement of fluids in tanks through the SAM web application. ...
... The custom development of the SAM web application used the Python programming language, with a MariaDB database manager, both open-source programs [42]. Python allowed the development of a friendly application with a graphical user interface (GUI), with execution libraries such as bootstrap, data tables, jquery moment [32,43]. Furthermore, python is a language compatible with the Raspberry Pi 4 computer; it allows internet connections through the ethernet port, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth [44,45]. ...
Refineries, fuel depots, airports and storage terminals commonly use fluid level measurement in storage tanks. Different fluid level measurement techniques and devices differ in the inaccuracy of measurement results, costs, and company needs. In addition, these measurements seek reliability of measurement data, immediate response times, control in operations, oil movement, custody transfer and inventory control. The objective is to develop a computer system for measuring fluid levels in oil storage tanks, using ultrasonic and temperature sensors, creating a web application for an automated measurement system (SAM) for managing volumes of Petroleum. The study methodology is i) Analysis of measurement reports. ii) Selection of physical components of the computer system. iii) SAM algorithm design and web application, and iv) Validate the system. The SAM application developed in open source proposes functional modules for administration, control, security, management and monitoring of storage tanks, the status of physical components and generation of dynamic reports in real-time. The results show the control characteristics of storage tanks such as maximum and minimum volume, temperature, time, precise data records in less time than certain current computer structures.