Overview of the Lake Balaton catchment and the three sites: Forest Site (Fiad); Orchard Site (Keszthely); Grassland Site (Szalafő).

Overview of the Lake Balaton catchment and the three sites: Forest Site (Fiad); Orchard Site (Keszthely); Grassland Site (Szalafő).

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Novel soil datasets and the application of pedotransfer functions provide soil hydraulic input data for modelling hydrological processes at different scales. We aimed to evaluate the reliability of soil hydraulic parameters derived by indirect methods in simulation of soil moisture time series and water budgets at profile level of three sites (Fore...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... performed the analysis at three locations: at two hydrometeorological monitoring sites of the Forest Research Institute of the University of Sopron in Fiad and Szalafő and one monitoring site in Keszthely (Figure 1). Basic soil and climatic properties are highlighted in Table 1. ...
Context 2
... 17°49'48.6" E, 210 m a.s.l.) ( Figure A1). The site is located in zonal situation without the effect of slopes and surplus water. ...
Context 3
... model setups for the three sites were similar in many aspects, but there were also some major differences. We introduce these by going through model geometry, initial and boundary conditions, description of vegetation ( Figures A1-3). ...
Context 4
... RMSE values of the derived maps are comparable with the findings of Zhang et al. (2018), Gupta et al. (2021), and Gupta et al. (2022). Figure A9 and Figure A10 show the density plots of mapped values in the case of HUN-MAP_EU-PTF and EU-SHG model variants computed for the Balaton catchment. The density plots of the soil hydraulic parameters have multiple peaks within the same soil depth, because for HUN-MAP_EU-PTF, the parameters of MRC were computed with class PTF, which considers USDA texture classes and topsoil/subsoil distinction. ...
Context 5
... KS was computed with regression-tree-based PTF (PTF16) for both maps. For each site, the five soil profiles derived from (i) calibration, (ii) measurements of field samples, (iii) from measured basic soil properties with PTF and (iv-v) from using soil maps are presented in the Appendix (Figure A1-3). The horizontal characteristics of the gravitational, plant available, unavailable water content and solid part are similar for the measured soil hydraulic properties (MEAS_SHP) and predicted ones from measured basic soil properties (MEAS_EU-PTF). ...
Context 6
... absence of locally measured precipitation also meant a source of error as the water budget calculations showed significant sensitivity to the atmospheric boundary time series. Notable overestimations (0.1-0.2 cm 3 cm -3 in the spring of 2017, Figure A11) were present for the REF variant, which could not be eliminated with parameter adjustment. This indicates that the applied boundary conditions were biased. ...
Context 7
... percolation occurred, indicating that the infiltrated water remained in the upper ~100 cm domain. This is supported by the fact that the soil moisture sensor at 100 cm depth registered only an almost negligible soil water content change throughout the two years ( Figure A11). The PET exceeded precipitation sum only at the Orchard Site with more than 200 mm per year, indicating much drier climatic conditions at this location. ...

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