Overview of Interview Participants.

Overview of Interview Participants.

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This paper takes on the important concepts of inclusion and sustainability, in both their broad and discursive understandings, to map out the interrelations that teachers, who work within different areas of the Austrian school system, make between different, key aspects of their work and organization. The complex intersections of school organizatio...

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Context 1
... eight teachers participated in three different group interviews; at the time seven of them were actively working in different schools, and one of them was a teacher-in-training and had a job at a care facility (S1). Two of the participants (T2 and T3) were available twice and therefore took part in the group interviews twice (for an overview see Table 1). The interviews all lasted about one hour (Interview 1: 1:07 h, Interview 2: 1:03 h, and Interview 3: 1:11 h). ...


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This issue's In-Dialogue represents the intentional epitomization of many conversations the Editorial Team has been having since JASC’s inception around what we mean by 'transformative'. As convenors of the dialogue Oliver Koenig and Megan Seneque invited a small group of individuals who, in their ongoing work, have been deeply immersed in exploring research and praxis paradigms that respond ethically, critically, and creatively to the intersecting crises of our time. Together, the group set out to explore the integrity of 'research' and 'practice', their critical entanglement and co-dependence, and the nature of practices that enable worlds to be created in certain ways. Rather than attempting to arrive at a consensual understanding, the dialogue that unfolds can be seen as a mirror of the world-making practice(s) that are characteristic of transformative research