Figure 2 - uploaded by Stephan Puehringer
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Overall co-Authorship network among influential economists. Size of the nodes indicates the number of co-authorships. At least one common co-authorship.
Source publication
Building on recent work on the political and societal impact of economics and distinct economists, respectively, this chapter aims to examine individual, research and institutional characteristics as well as existing professional networks of what are considered to be "influential economists" in Germany. For the purpose of identifying the most influ...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... cluster is organized around the ETH Zurich and furthermore comprises the two economists (Ernst Fehr and Urs Fischbacher) leading the research ranking. Another densely connected cluster is an agrarian economists cluster located at the top left in figure 2 and institutionally based at the Thünen Institute and the University of Göttingen. Although this cluster only comprises four influential economists (of which only one is part of the research ranking, the other three of the politics ranking), it connects 29 co-authors, which points to a very close collaboration inside the cluster. ...
Context 2
... as the clustering shows particularly politically influential economists are either connected by their cooperation through economic research institutes or by joint expert opinions and policy briefs, such as the annual report of the GCEE. To sum up, figure 2 provides some empirical evidence that there exist close professional collaborations in form of research clusters among our sample of influential economists in Germany, especially among research economists. Of course, these clusters are often organized around institutions in German-speaking countries. ...