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Outcome after one month of discharge of patients from the hospitals

Outcome after one month of discharge of patients from the hospitals

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Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread worldwide and poses a serious public health-threat. High IL-6 levels were associated with the severity of COVID-19 and del to the use of anti-IL-6 Tocilizumab during the pandemic. Therefore, this case- control study was conducted to evaluate the role of Tocilizumab on the mortality rate...

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... the control group, 26 (26.0%) were cured and 74 (74.0%) died. Table 5 describes the outcome after one month of patient discharge from the hospital. ...

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... health system in Palestine generally and in the GS in particular, the governmental hospitals suffer from weak logistical capabilities and a severe shortage of health staff, which makes such a COVID-19 a heavy burden crisis on the HCS, as it requires a variety of advanced medical services compared to the routine capabilities of the health system, with its Governmental and Non-Governmental components, especially in light of this unjust siege imposed on the GS for nearly 15 years (Alser et al. 2020, Elhabil et al., 2023. ...
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Background: The main aim of this study was to describe the main challenges and obstacles faced by the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH) during the management of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis from a health policymakers' perspective in the Gaza Strip (GS). Methods: The researcher used a descriptive, exploratory qualitative design, targeting health policy-makers, with a sample size of 25, using a purposeful sampling technique. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were used to collect data, whereas the directed qualitative content analysis approach was adopted for the analysis of the interview data. Results: The study stated 26 challenges and obstacles faced by the Palestinian MoH and the health care system (HCS) and ways and measures taken by the MoH to deal with them. The study stated a set of challenges and obstacles faced by Palestinian MoH and HCS during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis management and ways and measures taken by MoH to deal with the following: 8 Challenges related to Shortage of oxygen and resources, as "The Shortage of produced amounts of oxygen, N=16”. 7 Challenges related to the nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, such as “Spreading of Covid-19 infection between medical personnel and Infection of the medical staff, N=6). 4 Challenges related to situational reality and community, as “Siege and closure of crossings and Impeding the entry of medical devices and equipment and vaccinations, N=11” 4 Challenges related to the health system and health services, as” the fragility of the health system as a result of repeated crises and attacks by the Israeli occupation, especially under the blockade, N=4”. 3 Challenges related to lack of information and knowledge, as “Lack of information and Knowledge about this new pandemic, N=15”. Conclusion: All of the participants agreed that MoH has done well since the beginning of the pandemic and over 3 despite the extreme shortage of resources and these challenges and obstacles. The study recommended activating and enhancing the role of the Palestinian PuHealth Emergency Operation Center (PHEOC) ].