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Visitor management is a vital aspect of destination management, and several ways are used to balance conservation
goals and tourist satisfaction. In this regard, nature interpretation has been used to achieve this delicate balance of conservation
and tourist satisfaction. Various nature interpretation approaches have been used, with each strategy h...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... the attraction of wildlife (plants and animals) to the Masai Mara National Reserve, other asp ects of the suggested mobile Application were deemed more important to an enriching and memorable experience. Other features proposed by respondents for the smartphone Application include timely and regular weather reports to support animal viewing activities and timings ( Figure 10). These findings support previous research emphasising the value of regular weather updates for outdoor activities (Clark and Nyaupane, 2022;Mandi and Garbin Pranievi, 2019). ...
... For instance, stassa (2021) indicates that 97.6% of south african households have access to at least one mobile phone. Beyond data costs issues that likely limit internet use, there is still room to reach wider shoppers through the short messaging service (sms), mall advertising, tv/radio adverts, etc. that do not need internet connection. in kenya, Juma et al. (2022) describe that the country has favourable conditions for mobile application use. in their study aimed at establishing the potential for a mobile-phone-based application in nature interpretation amongst visitors and guides visiting kenyan national parks and reserves, Juma et al. (2022) show that there is adequate threshold of needed transportation and hospitality infrastructure, such as charging stations and internet access that are installed in transportation hubs and carriages, making tourists in kenya national parks and reserves more comfortable. ...
... For instance, stassa (2021) indicates that 97.6% of south african households have access to at least one mobile phone. Beyond data costs issues that likely limit internet use, there is still room to reach wider shoppers through the short messaging service (sms), mall advertising, tv/radio adverts, etc. that do not need internet connection. in kenya, Juma et al. (2022) describe that the country has favourable conditions for mobile application use. in their study aimed at establishing the potential for a mobile-phone-based application in nature interpretation amongst visitors and guides visiting kenyan national parks and reserves, Juma et al. (2022) show that there is adequate threshold of needed transportation and hospitality infrastructure, such as charging stations and internet access that are installed in transportation hubs and carriages, making tourists in kenya national parks and reserves more comfortable. ...
Geofence mobile technology can offer significant benefits to all stakeholders in the retail property sector ecosystem. This paper investigated the opportunities and challenges associated with the adoption of geofence mobile technology by retailers in South Africa. The paper adopted a qualitative research approach and interviewed property management professionals who have several years of work experiences in the retail sector in the country. As key stakeholders, retail property managers significantly contribute to the retail environment, especially with the integration of technology. Findings revealed that targeted marketing, shopper engagement and increased sales are opportunities presented by geofencing mobile technology to retailers. These opportunities potentially encourage retailers, and by implication property owners and property portfolio managers, to have management buy in and invest in employees’ skills for the adoption of geofence mobile technology. Additionally, the presence of vendor support and clear and assured data privacy and regulations are needed for the adoption of geofence mobile technology. These results represent a solid attempt to extend knowledge – in terms of research, policy, and practice – of the impact that new technologies have on the retail sector within a developing country, which is ripe for the adoption of geofence technology across its many economic sectors.
... The findings of this exploratory study align with and extend existing literature on the influence of mobile applications and online platforms on social connectivity within tourism contexts. Several key themes and insights emerge from the data analysis, shedding light on the complex dynamics between technology and social interactions among tourists (Juma et al., 2022). Firstly, the findings corroborate previous research indicating that mobile applications and online platforms play a significant role in facilitating communication and information exchange among tourists. ...
This paper presents findings from an exploratory study that investigates the influence of mobile
applications and online platforms on social connectivity within tourism contexts. Drawing on
qualitative secondary data and employing thematic data analysis, the research delves into the intricate
relationship between technology and social interactions among tourists. Through a purposive sampling
approach, diverse sources such as scholarly articles, reports, and online forums were analyzed to
capture a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Thematic data analysis revealed several
emergent themes regarding the impact of technology on tourist social connectivity. Firstly, the study
found that mobile applications and online platforms play a significant role in facilitating
communication among tourists, enabling them to connect with each other and share experiences in
real-time. These digital tools not only enhance convenience but also contribute to the formation of
social bonds within tourist groups and between travellers and locals. Furthermore, the research
uncovered how technology influences the nature of tourist experiences, shaping the way individuals
engage with destinations and interact with their surroundings. Mobile applications and online
platforms provide access to valuable information, recommendations, and reviews, empowering tourists
to make informed decisions and customize their itineraries based on personal preferences and peer
recommendations. However, the study also identified challenges associated with the integration of
technology in tourism settings. Concerns regarding overreliance on digital devices, privacy issues, and
digital divides among tourists were among the key considerations. Overall, this research contributes to
a deeper understanding of the evolving role of technology in enhancing social connectivity within
tourism. The insights gleaned from this study have practical implications for practitioners and
policymakers in the tourism industry, offering guidance on how to leverage technology effectively to
enrich the tourist experience while addressing potential challenges
... A közösségi média jelentős információforrás a leendő vendégek számára is az utazással kapcsolatos döntések előkészítésében. (Jadhav, et al., 2018) (Mariani, et al., 2019) (Juma, et al., 2022). Az online felületeken megjelenő tartalmak egy részét a szervezet hozza létre (firm generated content -FGC), de hasonló jelentőséggel bír a felhasználók által létrehozott tartalom (user generated contnet -UGC vagy tourist generated content -TCG) is. ...
A turizmus hosszú idő óta életünk szerves részét képezi, nagy jelentőségű gazdasági ágnak számít. A 2019-ben megjelent COVID-19 világjárvány hatására óriási veszteséget szenvedtek el az ágazat szereplői, a korlátozások egyes időszakaiban a forgalmuk szinte teljesen megszűnt. A tanulmányban néhány szálloda példáján keresztül azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a magánszemélyek és a vállalkozások által egyaránt élénken használt közösségi médiában hogyan jelent meg ez az időszak: Átalakult-e a vizsgált hotelek Facebookon megvalósuló kommunikációja (pl. az alkalmazott bejegyzéstípusok struktúrája, bejegyzésszám, a bejegyzések tartalma), mennyiben folytattak „válságkommunikációt”, valamint hogyan reagáltak erre a felhasználók.
Nowadays, health-conscious lifestyle is getting more and more attention, so the popularity of active sports tourism, including walking tourism, is constantly increasing. The aim of our research was to examine the health-promoting effects of hiking among hikers in general. In our primary research, we asked regular hikers what changes they experienced in their physical and mental state and social relationships as a result of regular hiking. An online questionnaire survey was conducted, the data of which were analyzed using SPSS statistical program (frequency, mean, standard deviation, chi-squared test). A total of 491 people filled out questionnaire, 35% of whom go hiking every week. Among respondents who do not do other sports besides it (39%), 38% hike on a weekly basis. Since regular hiking, some respondents reported weight loss, improved fitness and endurance, and a decrease in those with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Two-thirds of the respondents relaxed while hiking – and thanks to this and nature's calming environment – they felt relaxed while hiking, and this calmness was also felt after hiking. More people also experienced creativity during everyday life and more people began to live in conscious presence than before regular hiking. As a result of hiking, there were several positive changes in the social relationships of the respondents; half of the respondents reported that they made friends while hiking, and even more said hiking improved their relationship with the friend/family member who they hiked with.
Sustainability, renewable energy and environmental awareness have become an important part ofpeople's everyday lives. This is proven by the fact that it is no longer only in the news or in textbooks,but also in everyday places such as grocery stores, petrol stations, shopping centres, tobacconists andsalons. For these reasons, there are fewer and fewer people who have not heard about this issue in someform, whether it is climate change, the importance of the ecological footprint, the worsening conditionsof air and water pollution, the increased use of renewable energy, or the environmental problems ofoverpopulation. This also shows that this is a truly complex and wide-ranging area that affects us all,without exception. In the present study, we used hypotheses to investigate the opinions and attitudes ofuniversity students on when they were first introduced to the concept of environmental awareness, howimportant they consider environmental protection to be in today's world, whether they are more awareof buying organically grown products, and to what extent they consider themselves to beenvironmentally aware consumers.
Generation Z travellers, who typically do not yet have their own income, constitute the youngest group of tourism demand, who are often ignored by destination management organizations or tourism service providers. However, they play a key role in shaping consumer demand and act as drivers of developments in destinations. Generation Z is almost redefining what it means to travel - their unique needs and specific destination preferences can set the future direction of tourism development. All of these findings provide a basis for conducting primary data collection by involving the members of the generation in a questionnaire survey in order to learn about the relationship of the Hungarian respondents (N=212 people) with IT, their travel habits, the method of financing their trips, and their communication preferences. Based on the results obtained, the characteristics of the future demand for rural destinations, expectations and preferences for the range of expected services and experiences emerge. All of this helps in shaping the future direction of tourism development in rural destinations.