Figure - uploaded by Emanuele Gabriel Margherita
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There is an increasing interest in Industry 4.0 (I40) applications for organizations to act sustainable. Indeed literature agrees the adoption of I40 technologies promises various organizational benefits which lead to the achievement of an enduring sustainability and competitive advantage for organizations. However, there is a lack of a study which...
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... to advance our research regarding I40 organizational impacts, researchers should also consider lean production as a driver for those impacts studying also the interplay with I40 and sustainability. Table 3 photographed the state of the arts regarding the I40 organizational impacts on sustainability. The economic dimension is well accomplished since I40 technology functionalities mainly impact this dimension through cost reduction and a higher process efficiency. ...Citations
... If multiple authors are cited together in a document, they are considered co-cited. It has been demonstrated that the documents more frequently cited in conjunction with other documents are more likely to be related and, therefore, belong to a similar field of study [40]. Using the VOSviewer software, it was possible to easily develop the citation network shown in Fig. 14. ...
As society becomes more aware of environmental and social issues, supply chain stakeholders increasingly consider these factors alongside efficiency, cost, and time. The logistics industry must adapt by integrating Industry 4.0 technologies and sustainability practices. Sustainable Logistics 4.0, though nascent, is gaining traction for enhancing sustainability through digital interventions. This study conducted a comprehensive literature review and bibliometric network analysis using data extracted from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases, covering the period from 2013 to 2023, focusing on the integration of sustainability, Industry 4.0, and logistics. Noting a gap in conceptual frameworks, the paper performs a SWOT analysis to identify key factors and proposes a framework for digitalizing sustainable logistics and addressing emerging challenges.
... Moreover, I4.0 brings myriads of disruptive technological systems that can create a robust foundation for firms to survive under fluctuating market conditions and concurrently contribute to the sustainable development of society (Schulz & Flanigan, 2016). The TBL perspective indicates that the economic aspects of sustainability decrease setup and labor costs, optimize lead times, and raise organizational profits (Khan, Johl, & Akhtar, 2021;Margherita & Braccini, 2020). Furthermore, I4.0 technologies can optimize energy consumption (Khan et al., 2023;Sharma et al., 2021) and aid energy conservation (Urban et al., 2020). ...
Emerging economies, at the vanguard of extensive resource depletion and limited environmental stewardship, are worst‐hit by climate change events, necessitating an extensive investigation of the relevance of I4.0 in attaining sustainable consumption and production patterns. This study focuses on Sustainable Production and Consumption (SDG12) and investigates how the implementation of I4.0 can contribute to the adoption of circular economy practices (CEPs) to incorporate elements of sustainable consumption and procurement into supply chains. Based on dynamic capabilities theory, institutional pressure, and the triple‐bottom‐line perspective, this study proposes an overarching research framework that presents the synergistic convergence of dynamic capabilities, I4.0, and the circular economy to achieve SDG12. This framework is empirically validated through a survey‐based, cross‐sectional research design by utilizing conditional process modeling. This study employed purposive sampling where respondents constituted 480 industry practitioners and professionals in digital supply chain and operations management from manufacturing firms based in the Baddi and Alwar districts in India. The findings demonstrate that I4.0 and CEPs sequentially mediate the impact of dynamic capabilities on SDG12, while mimetic pressure strengthens the impact of exploitation‐oriented strategy on SDG12.
... We proceeded by E.G. Margherita et al. qualitatively analysing (step 3) all topics and the associated documents. We examined the four topics using the three dimensions of urban sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) (Ahvenniemi et al., 2017) as a sensitising device (Margherita & Braccini, 2020). Thus, we were able to discern the associated impact of SUTs on urban sustainability (Margherita & Braccini, 2020). ...
... We examined the four topics using the three dimensions of urban sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) (Ahvenniemi et al., 2017) as a sensitising device (Margherita & Braccini, 2020). Thus, we were able to discern the associated impact of SUTs on urban sustainability (Margherita & Braccini, 2020). When further information was needed to understand the SUT impact on urban sustainability, we read the entire SC project beyond the answer to question 46. ...
... Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be applied to manufacturing processes for monitoring and controlling the production process through real-time communication with the productive machines [21], [22]. Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial IoT (IIoT) refers to networked devices (such as sensors, control or processing devices) that can be applied to manufacturing, communicating in real-time with remaining IoT devices, machines and ICTs [23], [24]. ...
... Additive Manufacturing (might also be referred to as 3D printing in the industrial context) consists of producing products by adding material layers rather than by using traditional material removal mechanical processes such as milling or turning [23], [25]. ...
... Augmented Reality (AR) refers to a technology where digital information and representations are embedded in the field of view of the user through AR devices (headsets or mobile devices). Might support manufacturing or logistics operations by providing real-time and on sight instructions [23], [25], [27]. ...
Industrial companies live in a context of dynamic technological innovation, in which new technologies are adopted with a high impact internally and externally, leveraging their competitive advantages. A usual situation is managers deciding to adopt technologies, often without realising the impacts on the company but mainly supported by a strategic vision and the pursuit of differentiation factors. This article aims to present the results of a literature review on the impacts of Industry 4.0 technologies adoption in sustainability dimensions by industrial companies. These impacts were presented according to the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, environmental and social. The results of this study can be used by practitioners and researchers for an overview of the I4.0 technologies adoption by manufacturing companies and their impacts on sustainability dimensions, summarising the knowledge concerning this topic.
... Onu and Mbohwa [62] seek to assist organizational effectiveness practitioners and policy tacticians in personal and public parastatals in developing industrial alternatives that will encourage the assimilation of evolving technologies and sustainable value chain businesses. Margherita and Braccini [52] intend to fill this gap by conducting a standardized literature review and analyzing industry 4.0 empirical case studies to identify the originated industry 4.0 organizational impacts on sustainability. Haseeb et al. [36] recognizes the function of Industry 4.0 in promoting long-term business achievement in Thai SMEs. ...
Given that the previous industrial revolution brought about significant and occasionally unanticipated changes in the “economy,” “the environment,” and “society,” industry 4.0’s sustainability effects deserve all of academia's attention. The study of the start-up operations 4.0 sustainability effects is in its infancy, and more research is needed to fully understand the sustainability implication of start-up operation 4.0 in terms of the influence of digitization on the economy, the environment, and society. Though research on sustainability in industry 4.0 has been performed, a study on the factors influencing start-up operations 4.0 to achieve sustainability has not received the necessary attention. To address this issue and gap, the current study models the factors influencing start-up operations 4.0 to achieve sustainability. Through review of literatures and experts’ opinion, ten factors have been identified. To identify how the factors interact, the “Modified-Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (M-TISM)” technique is employed, and the “MICMAC method” is used to “rank and categorize” the factors. The findings shows that the key importance should be given to the “management support for sustainability adoption,” “decentralized system,” “green design,” and “machine learning system.” The developed hierarchical link between variables provides a comprehensive understanding of how sustainability helps start-ups competitiveness and what elements are responsible for this impact. The management of the start-ups can utilize this framework to enhance start-up operations 4.0 since our study uses factors often studied separately but not combined. This study will help academics, and key stakeholders understand the aspects that lead to sustainability in start-up operations 4.0.
... Instead of flat lines, the logo or image will use 3D curves to provide the impression of depth [10] [11]. Flexible holographic training scenarios let workers train in a real-world environment without the risks or costs associated with many conventional industrial training circumstances [12] [13]. However, the useful applications of holographic technology have transcended the realm of entertainment and are now integrated our daily life [14]. ...
... However, collaboration around sustainability, including the way in which digital technologies are used and sustainability-related data are gathered, assessed, and exchanged by firms in supply chains deserves more research attention. A recent review of empirical case studies on the organisational effects of Industry 4.0 for sustainability, for instance, indicates that only a minority of studies have looked at the organisational implications of Industry 4.0 for environmental sustainability (Margherita and Braccini, 2020). Often, environmental sustainability data, e.g., lifecycle data, are not collected on the organisational level or are not integrated in firms' existing internal information systems (Gandomi and Haider, 2015). ...
... In our interviews, we gained the impression that especially large firms have achieved maturity in using digital technologies for businessrelated functions in SCC, such as order transmission between companies. However, little collaboration on environmental sustainability-related topics using the companies' digital technologies in the supply chain was reported by our interview partners -an observation that is supported by the focus of applying Industry 4.0 technologies for economic rather than environmental benefits (Margherita and Braccini, 2020). The use of Industry 4.0 technologies for sustainable SCC in the interviewed firms did not appear to be widespread, as showcased by the low adoption of BDA and AI solutions for sustainable SCC. ...
With the proclaimed advent of Industry 4.0 in supply chains, digitalisation is expected to restructure the ways in which buying firms and suppliers in supply chains collaborate, including on sustainability issues. Digital technologies are expected to foster information exchange and facilitate collaboration on sustainability issues between firms. Yet, there is limited empirical evidence explaining the role of Industry 4.0 in the context of sustainable supply chain management. This qualitative, exploratory study examines digitalisation in the electronics supply chain and its implications for sustainable supply chain collaboration (SCC). We focus on environmental sustainability aspects, such as environmental data analysis and energy use in the supply chain. We conducted 18 interviews with representatives from international electronics buying firms and Chinese suppliers to explore a) how digital technologies are currently used in SCC, and b) which opportunities, risks, and obstacles are associated with digitalisation in sustainable SCC. Our results indicate that a broad range of digital technologies on different digital maturity levels (including Industry 4.0 technologies) are used in SCC, but their use for sustainability purposes is still underdeveloped. Digitalisation is expected by most firms to improve sustainability, e.g., using big data analytics for energy management or easing the transfer of sustainability knowledge in the chain (what we call "digital environmental upgrading"). We argue, however, that if firms do not prioritise addressing sustainability through digitalisation in collaboration, digitalisation-related sustainability potentials will either not materialise on the firm-level, e.g., due to data sharing concerns, or will tend to be overshadowed by the negative indirect effects of digitalisation, such as rebound effects. We propose three political and managerial levers to enhance the overall socio-ecological performance of the supply chain.
... Automation contributes to the company's environmental friendliness by lowering the number of component rejections through increased uniformity. Reduced garbage creation helps more than only the environment; it may also benefit the community since fewer pollutants are produced, posing a health risk to inhabitants [36][37][38]. Sustainability 4.0 helps the environment and the people who work and do business with the "green" firm. With the COVID-19 crisis, sustainability and resource productivity have risen to the top of the priority list for investors and customers. ...
Sustainability 4.0 is being enabled through the effective adoption of modern technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Machine Vision (MV), Data Analytics (DA), Additive Manufacturing (AM) and other modern technologies. These technologies enable services at significantly lower prices due to the effective use of energy and resources with lesser wastage. Manufacturers are constantly looking for methods to lower the operating expenses associated with production processes. Manufacturers might optimise their value chain's production and associated processes by adopting sustainability 4.0 technologies. Such technologies will help manufacturers select their optimal facilities and employees, lower operational costs, enhance productivity and resource utilisation and provide a picture of process gaps that can be addressed. Sustainability is based on the effective use and reuse of resources across the product life cycle, from materials and processes to equipment and skills. Sustainable manufacturing produces manufactured goods using economically viable procedures that reduce negative environmental consequences while preserving energy and natural resources. This paper briefs Sustainability 4.0 and its significant needs. Various fundamental technologies and futuristic research aspects for Sustainability 4.0 are discussed diagrammatically. Finally, we identified and discussed significant applications of Sustainability 4.0 in manufacturing. Sustainability 4.0 refers to a long-term vision for enterprises that allows them to continue perpetually without depleting resources faster than they can be replaced. Sustainability 4.0 entails empowering prosumers to co-create to reshape the economy and society toward social inclusion and environmental sustainability. The use of sustainability and digitization to solve environmental, social, and economic problems appears hopeful and exhausting.
... There are other techniques of projecting and reflecting pictures that have an optical presence, spatial quality, or iridescent hues [40,41]. Flexible holographic training scenarios enable employees to learn in a simulated real-world setting without the hazards or expenses of many traditional industrial training situations [42][43][44][45]. ...
... Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 2 (2022) [42][43][44][45][46][47][48] ...
Industry 4.0 is a new stage in the organisation and control of the industrial value chain, interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution. It has a broad vision with well-defined frameworks and reference designs, focusing on bridging physical infrastructure and digital technology in so-called cyber-physical systems. Apart from the other essential technologies, Holography is considered a new innovative technology that can completely transform the vision of Industry 4.0. In industrial applications, holographic technology is used for quality control in manufacturing and fracture testing, such as holographic nondestructive testing. Holography has a wide range of applications in medicine, the military, weather forecasting, virtual reality, digital art, and security. The fourth industrial revolution aims to provide automated asset monitoring, decision-making for corporate operations, and real-time network connectivity. This paper explores holography and its significant benefits through various development processes, features, and applications, where the focus is on ‘holography for Industry 4.0'. Hologram technology is a new industry trend and can impact multiple domains of Industry 4.0. Furthermore, the adoption of holographic technologies may improve the efficiency of existing products and services in other technology sectors such as architecture, 3D modelling, mechatronics, robotics, and healthcare and medical engineering.
... Using a mix of robotics and sensors, manufacturers will have complete control over their plants' content and data flow. This regulation level is crucial for consistency and productivity in the digital world, where consumer needs and the working climate rapidly evolve [32][33][34] . ...
Industry 4.0 technologies provide critical perspectives for future innovation and business growth. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Big data, Machine Learning, and other advanced upcoming technologies are being used to implement Industry 4.0. This paper explores how Industry 4.0 technologies help create a sustainable environment in manufacturing and other industries. Industry 4.0 technologies and the crucial interrelationships through advanced technologies should impact the environment positively. In the age of Industry 4.0, manufacturing is tightly interlinked with information and communication systems, making it more scalable, competitive, and knowledgeable. Industry 4.0 provides a range of principles, instructions, and technology for constructing new and existing factories, enabling consumers to choose different models at production rates with scalable robotics, information, and communications technology. This paper aims to study the significant benefits of Industry 4.0 for sustainable manufacturing and identifies tools and elements of Industry 4.0 for developing environmental sustainability. This literature review-based research is undertaken to identify how Industry 4.0 technologies can help to improve environmental sustainability. It also details the capabilities of Industry 4.0 in dealing with environmental aspects. Twenty major applications of Industry 4.0 to create a sustainable environment are identified and discussed. Thus, it gives a better understanding of the production environment, the supply chains, the delivery chains, and market results. Overall, Industry 4.0 technology seems environmentally sustainable while manufacturing goods with better efficiency and reducing resource consumption.