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The oil palm in Malaysia has seen significant progress. Started as an ornamental plant in Malaysia, it has turned into a huge industry. It is the fastest growing global demand as an input for food products, cosmetics, animal feed, bio-energy etc. Nonetheless, currently it is encountering a period of slow or less growing in terms of contributing to...
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Context 1
... palm trees potentially produce economically viable volumes of FFB. With a lifespan of more than 30 years, palm trees are likely to yield an amount FFB which is capable of incurring profit when cultivated commercially. Peak yielding period for a palm tree is between the age of 9-18, and in the subsequent period, yielding capacity gradually decline (Fig. 2). It is estimated that currently a majority of Malaysia's total oil palm area is occupied by trees aged between 9-28+, while a significant 26 percent has crossed the pick yielding age. Government report shows that about 8 percent of the national crop area or palm trees in 365,000 hectares is currently 25-37 years old which is about 8 ...
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... B. There are several challenges in developing oil palm preharvest machinery, such as the varying topography and land conditions of plantations, making it difficult to develop machines that are effective in all conditions (Alam et al., 2015;Descals et al., 2019;Syahza, 2019;Khiabani & Takeuchi, 2020). The limited availability of skilled human resources to operate and maintain advanced machinery is a further constraint, especially in developing countries (Chan et al., 2005;Rival & Levang, 2014;Parvand & Rasiah, 2021). ...
This bibliometric study aimed to explore research on oil palm pre-harvest machinery from 2000 to 2022 by reviewing a total of 557 articles, published in 195 selected journals, with 2989 citations, involving 142 authors. Malaysia was the most productive country in terms of published articles, and Biosystems Engineering the most prolific journal. The main themes identified were biodiesel, pre-harvest machinery, and energy efficiency. The analysis underscored the critical role of pre-harvest machinery in improving the efficiency and sustainability of the palm oil industry and revealed key trends towards developing more efficient and sustainable machinery and technologies to boost biodiesel production. This study also identified significant research trends and frequent topics, suggesting new avenues for future research.
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... The region's oil palm faces a severe threat from basal stem rot (BSR), also called Ganoderma disease, which is primarily caused by Ganoderma boninense, a destructive disease caused by the phytopathogenic basidiomycete fungus (Rees et al., 2012;Rakib et al., 2014). Oil palm trees that are infected usually experience decay at the base of the stem, leading to a collapse, and eventual death (Hushiarian et al., 2013;Alam et al., 2015). The disease is estimated to cause economic losses as high as 68% due to the loss of productive oil palm trees and the expenses associated with controlling the disease (Assis et al., 2021). ...
Trichoderma species are well-known biological control agents (BCAs) that have significant antagonistic activity against various fungal phytopathogens. On the other hand, Ganoderma boninense has been identified as the phytopathogen causing basal stem rot (BSR), a devastating disease in oil palm crop (Elaeis guineensis). In this study, the in vitro and in planta inhibition of G. boninense using Trichoderma isolates were evaluated. A total of 20 Trichoderma isolates were collected. Among the isolates, T4RH and T8R were selected for further in planta experiments as they showed significant inhibitory activity against G. boninense via in vitro dual-culture and dual-plate assays. Isolates T4RH and T8R were identified as Trichoderma virens and Trichoderma asperellum by the internal transcribed spacer gene sequences. The in-planta experiment was conducted by inoculation of 3-month-old oil palm seedlings with rubber wood block inoculum. Single and mixture conidial suspensions 1×10 6 of T4RH and T8R were applied to the Ganoderma-inoculated plants. It was found that T4RH, T8R, and mixed Trichoderma treatments have significantly lower disease incidence, disease severity index, area under disease progress curve, and percentage of necrotic primary roots as compared to the positive control. The disease reduction was up to 57.70% and 43.86% when plants were treated with T4RH and T8R, respectively. Additionally, the Trichoderma treatment recorded significantly higher chlorophyll content, plant height, bole diameter, and number of fronds as compared to the positive control.
... In this study, we investigated the effects of local or field management (understorey vegetation diversity) and landscape management (the presence of natural habitat and planting in a block system) on the diversity and species composition of natural enemies in oil palm plantations. Oil palm plantations were characterised by grouping oil palm fields based on tree age, which is associated with vegetation diversity such as epiphytes (Suzanti et al., 2016) and yield production, which is optimal between 9 and18 years (Alam et al., 2015). Interspecific interactions among natural enemies were also studied to understand the link between community ecology theory and biological control, to develop better agro-ecological methods for conservation biological control in oil palm plantations. ...
Oil palm plantations are typically managed in a monoculture system over large areas. This system contributes to biodiversity loss and promotes pest outbreaks by reducing natural enemies. However, ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations vary spatially and temporally and can still support biodiversity under certain conditions.
We conducted a study on the species richness, abundance and species composition of natural enemies in oil palm plantations and investigated the factors influencing natural enemy communities in oil palm plantations at both local and landscape scales. We selected 12 sites in an oil palm plantation in Central Borneo, Indonesia, which were grouped into 4 sub‐areas based on the presence of natural habitats, which varied in local and landscape characteristics. Arthropods were sampled using canopy knockdown fogging with a pyrethroid insecticide.
Different taxa of natural enemies responded differently to changes in habitat characteristics within oil palm plantations. Species richness of spiders was not affected by either local or landscape scale, but their species composition was affected by oil palm tree age (local scale) and the total edge of dominant oil palm tree age (landscape scale). Ant species richness was influenced by the class area of natural habitat (landscape scale), whereas their species composition was not influenced by either local or landscape scale. On the other hand, species richness of parasitoid wasps was influenced by light intensity (local scale) and the variation of oil palm tree age within a landscape (landscape scale). However, their species composition was only affected by light intensity.
The results suggest that oil palm management practices need to consider both local and landscape scales to maintain biodiversity and biological control and to achieve sustainable management of oil palm plantations.
... Additionally, tropical fruits and rice are also important agricultural products in the economy. The Malaysian palm oil industry is a prominent player on the global stage, ranking second in both production and export of palm oil worldwide, with Indonesia being the only country ahead [4]. The palm industry in Malaysia is a significant economic force, with an annual production of over 13 million metric tonnes and approximately 11% of the country's land dedicated to palm plantations [5]. ...
This research paper studies the life cycle assessment of palm oil production and the impact on the environment due to palm oil production. A life cycle assessment includes a life cycle inventory and a life cycle impact assessment. The life cycle inventory accounts for all the parameters of the milling process of palm oil production, such as kernels, shells, etc. The life cycle impact assessment includes all the impacts on the environment and human health, such as global warming, ecotoxicity, radiation, the ozone layer, and more. This research paper will also include the opportunity to overcome the impacts due to palm oil production.
... Identifying the age of the palm tree is significant since oil palm yield is closely associated with its growth throughout its lifespan. The optimal yield period for a palm tree is between nine to eighteen years of age, following which the yield capacity gradually decreases over time [10]. Past research studies have proven that remote sensing technology has the potential to estimate and map the age of oil palm in plantations [11][12][13]. ...
In the past, the monitoring of crops in the agriculture sector was done manually. However, this approach is inconvenient as it consumes time, energy, and money. Various vegetation indices obtained through remote sensing data are utilized to monitor vegetation development. One main factor affecting the oil palm's production and health is its age. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relationship between vegetation indices (VIs) and the age of oil palm using polynomial regression and to predict the oil palm age by generating the spatial distribution map. The data used were raw data that consisted of the oil palm age and its boundaries and the satellite data, Sentinel-2 imagery. There were four VIs used in this study: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Red Edge (NDRE), Chlorophyll Content Index (CCI), and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI). Among these VIs, CCI achieved the best overall accuracy with R 2 = 0.94, and the age of oil palm can be predicted using the equation y =-4.6062x 2 +27.864x+14.169. The findings demonstrate that the narrow-band vegetation index can effectively identify the spatial variation in the ages of oil palm trees and serve as an inventory for decision-making.
... Presently, Malaysia ranks second in palm oil production worldwide, contributing to 39% of the total global production. Moreover, Malaysia's palm oil exports make up approximately 44% of the global share [13]. In 2020, Malaysia, holding the position of the world's second-largest palm oil producer and exporter, produced and exported a total of 19.14 million tons of crude palm oil (CPO) and 16.22 million tons of palm oil from a source of 96.09 million tons of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) [14]. ...
The study investigated the feasibility of utilizing crushed palm oil clinker, a byproduct of the palm oil industry, as a partial substitute for fine aggregate in mortar. This initiative aimed to mitigate the environmental issues arising from sand mining and excessive disposal of palm oil clinker in landfills. Five different replacement percentages (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) were tested, with all specimens undergoing water curing. The research outcomes revealed significant effects on mortar properties. As the proportion of crushed palm oil clinker increased, the flowability of the mortar diminished. Nevertheless, incorporating 10% crushed palm oil clinker resulted in improved compressive strength. Conversely, higher replacement percentages (20%, 30%, and 40%) led to a diminishing trend in compressive strength due to an increased porous structure and weaker bonding. Additionally, when higher replacement percentages (20%, 30%, and 40%) were employed, the water absorption of the mortar increased. In summary, employing crushed palm oil clinker as a partial substitute for fine aggregate can help reduce waste disposal while conserving natural river sand resources. This approach offers a potential solution to address both environmental concerns and the need for sustainable construction materials.
... Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is a native crop cultivated in West Africa which provides major vegetable oil produced worldwide [1]. It constitutes about 60% of the vegetable oil trading internationally and 25% of global consumption. ...
... Hence, it is crucial to assess the oil palm age in order to obtain high production of yield. The peak yield profile of mature oil palm is when the oil palm is at the age of 9 years and above [1]. As for young oil palm, their age is in the range of 3 to 8 years. ...
Currently, remote sensing has been used extensively in the agriculture industry for oil palm monitoring due to their large plantation area. Oil palm monitoring can be done by performing land cover classification using various classification methods and machine learning algorithms. This study was conducted to perform oil palm mapping using WorldView-2 satellite imagery and classify land cover features using machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest (RF) and Linear Support Vector Classifier (LSVC). A total of 58609 sampling points were classified into six classes which are water, built-up, bare soil, forest, mature oil palm (≥9 years) and young oil palm (3-8 years). The training and testing samples were split using 3-fold cross-validation. 67% of the total sampling points were used for training samples whereas the other 33% were used for testing samples. The methods used to validate the data in this study is by using spectral reflectance and Google Earth Pro. Accuracy assessment was conducted after obtaining the classification output such as Overall Accuracy (OA), Kappa Accuracy (KA), Precision, Recall and F1-score. As a result, the oil palm mapping using RF has a higher accuracy than LSVC which is 72.49% for OA and 62.98% for KA. The p -value obtained from the McNemar’s test conducted in this study is 0.683 (>0.05) which concludes that the predictive performance of the two models are equal.
... Palm oil is a widely traded agricultural product made from the pulp of oil palm fruits, which were originally native to Africa but are now grown in Latin America, West Africa, and Southeast Asia (USDA 2017; Choong and Mckay 2014). Furthermore, over the last decade, global demand for crude palm oil (CPO) has increased by 128%, reaching 58 million metric tonnes per year (Oil World Annual 2020; Begum et al. 2019a;FAO 2018;Alam et al. 2015Alam et al. , 2016. Indonesia and Malaysia exported about 42.9 million tonnes of oil together in 2020, and its use is increasingly expanding across the world, with China and India being the primary consuming countries, alongside the EU (USDA 2016;MPOB 2012). ...
... Though inadequate, the current labor pool for POI was largely made up of foreign workers, which provided a labor market vacuum that paved the way for the future recruiting of foreign laborers. There is a recent issue created that shortages of labor exist continuously in the palm oil industry due to low labor costs and stringent acts (Sime Darby Plantation Sustainability Report 2019; Alam et al. 2015). ...
... Focusing on employee well-being benefits individual employees and positively impacts the organization's performance and bottom line. The labor-intensive nature of the palm oil industry has led to contentious issues such as labor shortages, forced labor, and inadequate working conditions [8,9]. To prepare for its future, Malaysia requires a sustainable approach to well-being. ...
This paper examines the relationship between social and environmental sustainability and workers’ well-being as well as the mediation role of affective organizational commitment for those relationships through social exchange and stakeholder theories. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 112 workers employed in palm oil plantations in Malaysia. Structural equation modeling was then applied to examine the hypotheses. Findings show that social and environmental sustainability positively relates to workers’ well-being. We also found that affective commitment positively mediates social and environmental sustainability relationships with workers’ well-being. Our research findings have practical implications for various stakeholders, such as investors, policymakers, and managers in the palm oil industry. Our results highlight the importance of addressing the well-being of workers and the sustainability factors in palm oil plantations. This study suggests a widened perspective on sustainability factors and well-being which allows professionals to evaluate and enhance sustainability across their operations in a more comprehensive manner.
... In addition to the focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, the rise of Islamic finance has also created new opportunities for commodity trade (Foglie & Keshminder, 2022;Langly & Giugale, 2000). This has further emphasized the significance of agricultural commodities as underlying assets, as exemplified by the Malaysian palm oil contracts, which have demonstrated their substantial economic impact and global relevance in the international market (Alam, Er, & Bagum, 2015;Carter, Finley, Fry, Jackson & Willis, 2007;Arouri, Ameur, & Nabila, 2013). Furthermore, the rise of Islamic finance has also created new opportunities for commodity trade. ...
... Furthermore, the rise of Islamic finance has also created new opportunities for commodity trade. The significance of agricultural trade can be exemplified by the Malaysian palm oil contracts, which demonstrate agricultural commodities' substantial economic impact and global relevance in the international market (Alam, et al., 2015;Carter et al., 2007). Investigating palm oil futures and derivatives in Malaysia and Indonesia underscores the profound significance of agricultural commodities as underlying assets, highlighting their pivotal role in shaping and influencing financial markets. ...
Traditional methods dominate agricultural commodity trade, leading to occasional supply surpluses due to inherent periodicity. The lack of adequate storage systems further compounds the challenge, resulting in price volatility and market instability. To address these issues, introducing licensed Warehousing and a Specialized Commodity Exchange system offers an opportunity to integrate agricultural commodity trade with global markets and establish a robust market structure. This integration involves transforming standardized agricultural products held in licensed warehouses into Electronic Warehouse Receipts (e-WhR), which can serve as essential tools for production, consumption, and investment instruments. Moreover, the innovative concept of "Yellow Sukuk" is introduced, representing a groundbreaking financial instrument that can be utilized within the framework of Islamic Capital Markets alongside conventional bank loan transactions. This study examines the evolution of agricultural commodity trade, spot transactions conducted in Commodity Exchanges, and the fundamental aspects of transactions. By embracing these advancements, the agricultural sector can enhance its efficiency, liquidity, and overall market depth while embracing the groundbreaking potential of Yellow Sukuk.