Figure 3 - uploaded by Cicero Moraes
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This article offers a novel and original facial reconstruction of pharaoh Tutankhamun based on data published in the biomedical and Egyptological literature. The reconstruction adopts the Blender 3D software, running the add-on OrtogOnBlender, which allows for a refined presentation of the soft tissues. The present reconstruction is also compared t...
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Context 1
... collected from CT scans and measurements of living individuals and a compatible population, it was possible to generate an anatomically coherent image. In addition, to reduce the incompatibility in the region of the orbit, images were generated with closed eyes, as well as to avoid speculations about skin tone, the color chosen was the gray scale (Figs. ...
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... In the present study, following the lines of previous research by our group featuring other Ancient Egyptian characters (Moraes et al., 2023;Moraes, Beaini, et al., 2024;, we offer a novel facial approximation of this distinguished ruler of Ancient Egypt, together with a review and discussion of the bioarcheological aspects of his embalmed body. images were aligned so that the anatomical structures corresponded ( Figure 1A). ...
This article offers for the first time a facial approximation of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III (reigned ca. 1388–1351 BC) based on photographic material of his mortal remains and anthropometric data collected at the time, and by adopting a novel technique previously used in similar research by our team. A comprehensive discussion of the mummy attributed to Pharaoh Amenhotep III is also annexed to the study, focusing on the bioarcheological and embalming aspects.
... 2023, the FAPAB Research Center has introduced a new forensic facial reconstruction [52]. It is digital and thus more technically advanced than previous reconstructions with plasticine, wax and plaster. ...
Over 100 years of the discovery of Tutankhamun, a library full of specialist literature covering the topic? And you don't have the time or motivation to read dozens of books and even more specialised articles, some of which are difficult to research? This introductory book offers you the necessary basic information on the important aspects of Tutankhamun and his family and gives you the literature references for citations and a possible deepening of a topic.
The book is aimed at students, journalists and interested parties who are looking for the really important basic knowledge about Tutankhamun's life, his death, the discovery and the excavation team. In the book everything important is summarised briefly and to the point. In addition, there are the most important illustrations of the excavation, which one should know and the stories connected with them. A selected, updated bibliography of English, French and German specialist literature rounds off the book.
English, illustrations in black and white.
... ○ A er: The author tried to talk directly to Dr. Petr Kvetina, who despite the author being polite decided to block him on Facebook, in addition to not accepting invitations for a public debate on the topic. The author help to refuted the points in a letter available on the Archbishopric of Prague 4 website, mainly the issue related to the publication of material in an academic journal and later published an article in the journal Digital Applications in Archeology and Cultural Heritage [Moraes et al. 2023] detailing the issue with updated techniques. Later, articles appeared in the Czech media showing the result of the debate and how the tools used were robust, being used in the medical field 5 6 . ...
... ○ A er: The author composed a technical response 7 showing that footage of the remains is made by tourists freely and widely available on YouTube and that, even without data from the captures made by the other author of the material, it would be possible to reconstruct the skull just with the data present in the studies cited in the chapter composed by the author [Moraes & Santos, 2023] and which the Ministry had clearly not accessed, even though it was available in a significant part of the materials addressing the approximation. Some websites published the author's response to the Ministry 8 and some time later the author published another study [Moraes et al., 2023b], proving that it is possible to reconstruct a skull just with data contained in articles, some media (like Arab News 9 10 ) that had replicated the Ministry's notes, published the results of the new study that told with technical praise from one of the greatest (if not the greatest) Egyptologists today 11 . ...
... This has led to differing opinions and sometimes multiple interpretations and depictions of the same individual. For example, there are approximately eight published facial depictions of Tutankhamun produced by a range of practitioners using different materials and methods, including three depictions produced simultaneously by teams from Egypt, USA and France (Hawass, 2005a), a BBC documentary version depicting pathological conditions (Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered, 2014), a 3D clay model based on the CT scan by a team from Egypt and Canada featured in PBS documentary (Allies and Enemies, 2022), and a recent digital 3D facial depiction (Moraes et al., 2023). The differences between these facial depictions may be a result of variation in methodology, clinical imaging, diagnostic interpretation and potential confirmation bias (Wilkinson, 2020). ...
... This has led to differing opinions and sometimes multiple interpretations and depictions of the same individual. For example, there are approximately eight published facial depictions of Tutankhamun produced by a range of practitioners using different materials and methods, including three depictions produced simultaneously by teams from Egypt, USA and France (Hawass, 2005a), a BBC documentary version depicting pathological conditions (Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered, 2014), a 3D clay model based on the CT scan by a team from Egypt and Canada featured in PBS documentary (Allies and Enemies, 2022), and a recent digital 3D facial depiction (Moraes et al., 2023). The differences between these facial depictions may be a result of variation in methodology, clinical imaging, diagnostic interpretation and potential confirmation bias (Wilkinson, 2020). ...
Sic semper tyrannis. Charlotte Corday ersticht Jean Paul Marat. Die tödlichen Attentate auf Präsidenten der USA. Das Politische Attentat in der Kunst (Band 4) Der vierte Band befasst sich mit berühmten Attentaten der Neuzeit. Die Tötung des französischen Revolutionärs Jean Paul Marat durch Charlotte Corday hat eine bis ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein dauernde Verarbeitung in der Kunst ausgelöst. Je nach vorherrschender politischer Stimmung und persönlicher Präferenz wird Marat als Opfer oder Corday als Heldin stilisiert, nur um kurz danach erneut neu bewertet zu werden. Die tödlichen Attentate auf bislang vier amerikanische Präsidenten beleuchten den Umgang der Neuzeit mit diesen einschneidenden Ereignissen. Sie schufen neue Bilder, welche in die Kunst der Gesellschaft eingegangen sind: So die berühmte Phrase Sic semper tyrannis, die erst beim Mord an Lincoln ausgerufen wurde, und das Entstehen einer ganzen Verschwörungstheorie-Industrie nach dem Attentat auf Präsident John F. Kennedy. Dies, weil die offiziellen Erklärungen krass unglaubwürdig erscheinen. Trigger-Warnung: Das Buch enthält forensische Photographien, welche Leser/innen verstören können
ISBN: 978-3818784614
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791) is considered as one of the greatest composers of the Classical Period of music (ca. 1750–1820). Gifted with an unparalleled precocity, which allowed him to play and compose at the highest levels from a very young age, he continued his studies until the end of his life. Despite his prominent status, he was buried in a collective grave and years later his skull was supposedly recovered, reaching the present day surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery and controversy. This study, using a free, open-source, multiplatform software and the available published material, independently seeks to approximate the face of this skull and compare it with previous publications and portraits painted during the composer’s lifetime.
Entdecken Sie die aufregende Seite der Archäologie und Geschichte – jenseits der akademischen Langeweile! In diesem fesselnden, neu überarbeiteten zweiten Band werden Sie in die faszinierenden Geschichten und Legenden eintauchen, die auf realen Fakten basieren. Erleben Sie die legendäre Schatzsuche auf Oak Island mit, wo seit 200 Jahren unzählige Abenteurer dem Geheimnis eines verborgenen Schatzes nachjagen – oder ist es nur ein gigantischer Betrug? Lernen sie die mysteriösen Beale-Chiffren kennen, die angeblich zu einem sagenhaften Reichtum führen sollen. Neu in dieser Neuauflage: Eine umfassende Studie und Neuübersetzung des rätselhaften Papyrus Tulli. Was verbirgt sich hinter diesem einzigartigen Dokument, das nur in einer Abschrift existiert? Ist es ein authentisches Relikt oder eine Fälschung? Und was ist mit den „Scheiben aus Feuer“ gemeint? – sind sie ein meteorologisches Phänomen oder vielleicht sogar die Beschreibung von UFOs? Doch nicht nur die Vergangenheit birgt Geheimnisse! Tauchen Sie ein in das moderne Rätsel Cicada 3301, dessen wahre Absichten bis heute unbekannt sind, wenngleich vor kurzem eine Erklärung präsentiert wurde. Und lassen Sie sich von dem legendären, bis heute ungelösten Kriminalfall D.B. Cooper fesseln. Wer war DB Cooper und hat er den Sprung aus dem Flugzeug überlebt? Dieses Buch ist eine Einladung, die Grenzen des Bekannten zu überschreiten und sich auf eine spannende Reise durch Mysterien und Legenden zu begeben. Sind Sie bereit für das Abenteuer?
Rechtshinweis: Eine Nutzung der Daten und Texte für Training einer Künstlichen Intelligenz verstößt gegen das Urheberrecht der Autoren und ebenso gegen dasjenige der zitierten Werke und ist daher nicht gestattet bzw. benötigt der expliziten schriftlichen Genehmigung. Auch das Data Mining ist explizit verboten ohne schriftliche Genehmigung seitens der Autoren.
The present communication explores the anthropological aspects of the Ancient Egyptian Queen Ankhesenamun (reigned 1332-22 BC), belonging to the 18th dynasty, in relation to the mummies attributed to her and in light of the historical, archaeological and genetic evidence. A historical perspective on the explorer Belzoni's role in identification of potential candidate mummies is offered. Article Details