Figure 4 - uploaded by Narin Sadıkoğlu
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O. syriacum ssp. bevanii (ISTE 81703). A. general view, B. stems, C. bracts, D. flower, E. leaves

O. syriacum ssp. bevanii (ISTE 81703). A. general view, B. stems, C. bracts, D. flower, E. leaves

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Oregano is a collective name of a group of taxa have been used as spice and known as Turkish "Kekik". Different genera and species of the family Labiatae containing timol and carvacrol are being used as Oregano. It is determined that 9 taxa are being exported as Oregano. They are: Origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz & RH. Davis, O. majorana L., O. oni...

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... or greyish, hairy, obovate or ± elliptic, 2-5x1.5-3.5 mm, acute or obtuse, entire or denticulate. Verticillasters 2-flowered; flowers hermaphrodite, very small. Calyx 1-lipped, flattened, bractlike, 2.5 mm. Corolla white, 4.5-7.5 mm, flattened. Stamens unequal, shortly exserted from corolla. Styles up to 9 mm long. Nutlets small, brownish, ovoid (Fig. 4). Perenial herbs to 100 cm, adpressed-pilose, densely hirsute. Branches to 12 pairs per stem, to 25 cm. Leaves petiolate or subsessile (petiole to 20 mm), ovate, elliptic or rıundish, 6-40x5-30 mm, acute or obtuse, conspicuously glandular-punctate. Spicules ovoid, 3-30x2-8 mm. Bracts obovate or elliptic, 2-10x1-7 mm, acute or ± ...

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... [4][5][6] Estimated plant height 30-90 cm, leaves ovate, acute or obtuse, the veins are visible at the bottom surface of the leaf, the leaves are covered with glandular popper, Corolla white, the plant blooms in spring. [7] O. syriacum is used in alternative medicine for processing respiratory diseases: a cough remedy, antispasmodic, carminative, painkiller, anthelmintic, treat respiratory infections, and other bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases. [8,9] Recent studies have also proven its antioxidant effect, anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-acetylcholine oxidant. ...
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Origanum syriacum (O. syriacum) (L.) belongs to Group B of the genus Origanum from (Lamiaceae), which is rich in essential oils that exhibit antimicrobial efficacy, anti-inflammatory efficacy, antioxidant activity, and antitumor efficacy. These processing activities are because of its richness in carvacrol and Thymol. In this article, we will focus on O. syriacum, discussing the antimicrobial efficacy for its essential oil and extracts, in addition, cast light on mechanism of essential oil antimicrobial action. This study was conducted from March 2019 to February 2021. We have analyzed the results of studies on antimicrobial efficacy of a plant O. syriacum in the PubMed, Google Scholar, Elsevier over the past 15 years using keywords. O. syriacum essential oil and its extracts have an extensive antimicrobial efficacy give it a great importance in pharmaceutical and medical purposes.
... Glands have one celled head and stalk. ( Sadıkoğlu and Özhatay, 2015) Another feature that strongly dierentiated common oregano and Greek oregano leaves was the density of glandular trichomes situated on the upper and down leaf surface. In Origanum subspecies (as well as in other Lamiaceae), glandular trichomes are multicellular epidermal glands responsible for storage of essential oil. ...
Conference Paper
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Chemical components act in plant defense and protection, but many of them are extracted and used medicinally. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare throw a histochemical test the structure and chemical secretions of the glandular trichomes of two different species from Lamiaceae family. These two plants are the well-known medicinal plants of Ocimum basilicum L. and Origanum vulgare L. cultivated in vivo and in vitro in different locations and conditions in Albania. As samples we have used fresh leaves which have been prepared for investigation throw these techniques: a) fresh hand-cut sections, b) epidermis peel off technique and c) fixing sections. The prepared samples have been stained with chemical dye for the detection of specific chemicals produced by the leaves of these plants. Tests were conducted for lipids, terpenoids, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, and tannins. For both species O. basilicum L. and O. vulgare L. we noted the presence of three types of trichomes: nonglandular trichomes and glandular trichomes (capitate and peltate) which are present both on the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces. In the the glandular hairs of both species we noted the presence of various chemicals in different quantity (the evaluation is done based on the intensity of the staining). Between these two species we could note that there are significant differences in the type of glandular trichomes and also the most common secondary metabolites present on these glands are phenols and alkaloids. Keywords: capitate, chemical components, glandular trichomes, peltate.
... Turkish oregano populations fall into eight of the ten Origanum sections found worldwide: Amaracus, Anatolicon, Brevifilamentum, Longitubus, Chilocalyx, Majorana, Origanum, and Prolaticorolla. The world plant checklist records 25 taxa (23 species) and 5 hybrids as the current extent of Turkish Origanum L. genetic resources (World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, 2017;Sadikoglu and Ozhatay, 2015). ...