Number of records per species of armadillos, anteaters and sloths within NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS dataset. Species with unconfirmed identification are not represented. Each color refers to a xenarthran family.

Number of records per species of armadillos, anteaters and sloths within NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS dataset. Species with unconfirmed identification are not represented. Each color refers to a xenarthran family.

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Xenarthrans—anteaters, sloths, and armadillos—have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across...

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... two armadillo families appear most frequently in terms of both the number of records and species; Dasypodidae is responsible for the most records (n=14,790), followed by Chlamyphoridae (n=13,887), and they are represented by seven (two subspecies) and 13 species, respectively (Figures 3-5). Two of these species are the most common in the dataset (Figure 2): Dasypus novemcinctus (Dasypodidae, n=11,588) and Euphractus sexcinctus (Chlamyphoridae, n=7,325), both of which are species with wide distributions ( Figures 3 and 4, respectively). Only one species, Cyclopes sp., represents the family Cyclopedidae (Figure 9; see the recent taxonomic review above). ...

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Information on the distribution of the silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus) is scarce, especially in the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil, where the species is considered Data Deficient (DD) by the IUCN. We present the first georeferenced record of C. didactylus for the Atlantic Forest of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. A resident f...
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Xenarthrans—anteaters, sloths, and armadillos—have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across...


... No Brasil três espécies do gênero Prochilodus tem destaque Prochilodus argenteus (Spix; Agassiz, 1829), Prochilodus costatus (Valenciennes, 1850) e Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837). Em geral se alimentam de matéria orgânica degradada, seu período reprodutivo coincide com o período de chuvas e realizam migrações durante o período de reprodução (Santos et al., 2019). ...
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... A greater sampling effort could not only contribute to our knowledge of mammal species richness in the Cerrado but also clarify the role of climate or other variables in determining species distributions, as the influence of environmental variables varies depending on the scale analysed (Brun et al. 2019, Craven et al. 2020. Projects that aim to boost the compilation of unpublished data, such as the Atlantic Datasets, which compiles information on Atlantic Forest biodiversity (Gonçalves et al. 2018, Lima et al. 2017, Souza et al. 2019, are important to ensure that specialists can contribute with information for a wider range of taxa (Nagy-Reis et al. 2020, Souza et al. 2019, Santos et al. 2019. We call for a coordinated effort for the Cerrado biome to accurately assess mammal diversity and the real threat level the biome is facing. ...
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The Atlantic Forest and Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) contain a large number of endemic species and high species diversity, particularly for medium and large-bodied mammals. However, there is no large-scale assessment of these animals and their spatial distribution. Our study synthesises the literature on medium and large-bodied mammal surveys in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest to provide insights into their distributions across large spatial scales and identify knowledge gaps to guide future research. We synthesised papers published in three databases, focusing on mammals weighing more than 1kg. Of the 84 papers we found, the majority (57.14%) were on mammals in the Atlantic Forest, while 42.85% were on mammals found in the Cerrado. We gathered records for 116 species, the most common of which were Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798) and Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815) (Cerrado); Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) and Nasua nasua (Linnaeus, 1766; Atlantic Forest). Our study allowed us to access, for the first time in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, the information available about medium and large-bodied mammals. We also highlight important sampling gaps, especially concerning the northern parts of both biomes that we need to address, as well as the differences in density of sampling points that are caused by a smaller concentration of sampling efforts in the Atlantic Forest than what we found in Cerrado. As a consequence, larger extensions of Cerrado present knowledge gaps concerning mammal surveys that need to be investigated in future research.
... Occurrence data for the Carnivora, Chiroptera, and Xenarthra taxa were obtained from the following data papers: Nagy-Reis et al. (2020), Aguiar et al. (2020), and Santos et al. (2019). Marsupialia data were obtained from Bennet (2019), which gathered occurrence records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF 2018), speciesLink (speciesLink 2018-BIB), Instituto Chico Mendes Bioportal (ICMBio 2019), and Vertnet (Vertnet 2018)-additional records were included from Voss et al. (2018). ...
The distribution pattern of a taxon is a consequence of historical and contemporary processes—specifically ecological and evolutionary processes—which tend to result in distributional congruence among species that respond similarly to the same processes. This congruence leads to the establishment of areas of endemism that are important for delimiting biogeographic regions. In the Neotropical region, different definitions of area of endemism have been proposed based on the distributional patterns of mammal species, each according to different methods and assumptions. In this study, we aimed to identify areas of endemism of Neotropical mammals, represented by 361 species of Placentalia (Xenarthra, Chiroptera, and Carnivora) and Marsupialia (Didelphimorphia and Paucituberculata), using an endemicity analysis implemented by the software NDM (eNDeMism software) and a hierarchical cluster analysis based on Simpson’s beta dissimilarity metric (βsim). The results suggest alternative spatial configurations within northern and southern parts of the Neotropics along transition zones. Additionally, there are indications of more restricted areas of endemism throughout the Neotropical region and with more species supporting the areas, such 1 area located in the region corresponding to the Atlantic forest and 2 areas corresponding to Mexican transition zone. The study enhances our understanding of Neotropical mammal biogeography and underscores the importance of using primary distribution data. Previous studies found 82 endemic species based on range maps, whereas our analyses identified 172 endemic species, including 125 that are newly proposed as such, and also confirmed the existence of 47 previously reported endemic species.
... It is the armadillo species with the largest geographic distribution (Santos et al. 2019), being very diverse and not in danger of extinction like other armadillo species (Abba et al. 2014). Despite their resistance to environmental alterations, the six-banded armadillo population suffers from anthropological pressures, such as habitat degradation, hunting, and roadkill incidents (Barbosa and Oliveira 2022). ...
Establishing new somatic cell cultures has raised significant attention as an effective and convenient way to preserve genetic samples for different applications. Although many lines have been established in model animals, none derived from six-banded armadillo species is currently available. We report the successful isolation and characterization of fibroblasts from six‐banded armadillos, evaluating the cell quality after extended culture and cryopreservation. Initially, we collected ear skin from five captive adult individuals and identified fibroblast lines by morphology, karyotyping, and immunophenotyping assays. The isolated fibroblasts were evaluated after several passages (fourth, seventh, and tenth passages) and cryopreservation by slow freezing. Cell morphology, viability, metabolism, proliferative activity, mitochondrial membrane potential, and apoptosis levels were analyzed. The skin explants had great adhesion, and cell outgrowth could be seen after 3–6 d. The cells were verified as fibroblasts at the fourth passage by vimentin expression and normal karyotype (2n = 58). The viability remained high (> 87%) and constant from the fourth to the tenth passage (p > 0.05). The passages did not change the cell morphology and metabolic and growth rates. Moreover, cryopreservation did not affect most evaluated parameters; post-thawed cells maintained their viability, growth, metabolism, and apoptosis levels. Nevertheless, cryopreservation increased mitochondrial membrane permeability and cell population doubling time compared to non-cryopreserved cells (p < 0.05). In summary, viable fibroblasts can be obtained from six-banded armadillo skin while conserving their quality as the number of passages increases and featuring few changes after cryopreservation.
... Despite this marked richness, our overall knowledge of the Amazonian Xenarthra is somewhat limited . To explore the collection efforts on xenarthrans in the Brazilian Amazon, I used the Neotropical Xenarthrans dataset (Santos et al. 2019), which included 42,528 records derived from studies (published and unpublished) based on camera trapping, road-kill surveys, active searches, interviews, live trapping, and museum specimens. After excluding records outside of the Brazilian Amazon and records with a high level of uncertainty (greater than 20 km) in the geographic coordinates, the final dataset comprised 4335 individual records of Cingulata (n = 2240) and Pilosa (n = 2095). ...
... In addition to the sampling bias, there is a shortage of ecological studies on Amazonian xenarthran populations. For example, the Brazilian Amazon records retrieved from the Neotropical Xenarthrans dataset (Santos et al. 2019) were based on only 36 publications (other sources include museum specimens, online databases, and nonpublished data), of which only five had xenarthrans as the main focus of the study, including three short notes on geographic distribution. What we know about the life history attributes of Brazilian xenarthrans comes from studies mainly conducted in Cerrado and Pantanal (for armadillos and anteaters), and Atlantic Forest (for sloths) biomes. ...
... Important patterns have emerged when exploring research trends in the Brazilian Amazon using the largest dataset so far compiled for xenarthrans (Santos et al. 2019): (1) About 10% of the records were within the Brazilian Amazon, although this region covers 21% of the Neotropics; (2) In the Brazilian Amazon, three widely distributed species comprised 55% of the records: Tamandua tetradactyla (26.4%), Dasypus novemcinctus (16.8%), and Myrmecophaga tridactyla (11.7%); (3) Amazon endemic species had the least number of records; six species (Bradypus tridactylus, Cabassous unicinctus, Choloepus didactylus, D. kappleri, D. beniensis, and D. pastasae) accounted for only 11% of the records in this biome; (4) There was a strong spatial bias; the eastern and central portion of the Brazilian Amazon were better sampled, whereas the western, northern, and center-south had very few records; (5) Most of the surveyed areas were within 10 km from a road or navigable river; this bias toward access routes followed a general pattern for vertebrates in Brazil. ...
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Here, I summarize the recent changes in xenarthran taxonomy, analyze past collection efforts, and discuss knowledge gaps in Amazonian xenarthrans. Currently, there are 39 extant species of xenarthrans, represented by 22 armadillos, 10 anteaters, and 7 sloths: an increase in richness by 18% in the last 15 years. The majority of the new xenarthran species recently recognized have geographic ranges within Amazonia, highlighting the importance of this biome to the evolution of this autochthonous South American group. Nevertheless, studies on Brazilian xenarthrans have been conducted mainly in the Cerrado and Pantanal (for armadillos and anteaters), and Atlantic Forest (for sloths). In the Brazilian Amazon, where fully half of the xenarthran species occur, natural history information is based on few unquantified observations and short-term studies. Past research has concentrated on widely distributed species and in areas close to roads and rivers in the eastern and central portions of the biome. The knowledge gaps are even more alarming when we consider the accelerated deforestation rate in the eastern Amazon, where at least three xenarthran species are endemic. There is vast potential for future projects aiming to explore the taxonomy and ecology of xenarthrans, particularly those studies focusing on Amazonian populations.
... Overall, the central mountain region of Espírito Santo has high representativeness in terms of richness, being a critical stronghold for several threatened species of mammals. Lima et al. 2017;Culot et al. 2018;Santos et al. 2019;Nagy-Reis et al. 2020;Rosa et al. 2020 Como produto, criamos um banco de dados de registros de coleção e literatura para os mamíferos silvestres da região Central Serrana do Espírito Santo (Material Suplementar). O banco de dados é um documento no formato Excel, onde constam registros de ocorrência potencialmente seguros e registros potencialmente incertos ou controversos. ...
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Resumo Identificar e analisar as lacunas de biodiversidade é fundamental para elencar e priorizar áreas para pesquisa, manejo e conservação. A região Central Serrana do Espírito Santo possui uma inegável importância para a conservação da biodiversidade, porém ainda são necessárias pesquisas indicando a distribuição dos registros de espécies e a riqueza da região. Assim, este estudo visou iden-tificar áreas importantes para a conservação por meio da análise de lacunas. Compilamos registros de mamíferos para a região, provenientes de diferentes bases de dados e publicações. A partir desse conjunto atualizado de dados, realizamos análises espaciais de densidade de kernel e de riqueza. Também identificamos o avanço temporal dos registros, assim como verificamos os registros em áreas protegidas e fora delas. Ao todo, nossa base reuniu 2.798 registros considerados potencialmente seguros, englobando 121 espécies de mamíferos silvestres. O município de Santa Teresa concentra a maioria dos registros, localizados, principalmente, em suas áreas protegidas. Já o município de Itarana abrange um menor número de registros. Essa desproporcionalidade na distribuição dos registros certamente está relacionada a um viés amostral, mas também pode refletir uma maior riqueza nas áreas protegidas. De modo geral, a região Central Serrana do Espírito Santo apresenta uma alta represen-tatividade em termos de riqueza, sendo um importante refúgio para diversas espécies ameaçadas de mamíferos.
... Rio Grande do Sul is the Brazilian state with the greatest diversity of felids (Carnivora: Felidae), with eight of the ten Brazilian cats occurring in this area (Espinosa et al. 2018;Nagy-Reis et al. 2019;Tirelli et al. 2021). Other mammal taxa are also diverse: 42 species of bats (Chiroptera) occur in the state (Noronha 2016), including two with restricted ranges: Myotis pampa (Novaes et al. 2021) and Eumops patagonicus (Bernardi et al. 2009); and four armadillo species (Cingulata, Xenarthra) of the 11 found in Brazil: Cabassous tatouay, Dasypus novemcinctus, Dasypus septemcinctus, and Euphractus sexcinctus (Santos et al. 2019). ...
... To date, four armadillo species are recognized as occurring in southern Brazil and Uruguay: the greater naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous tatouay), the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), the seven-banded armadillo (D. septemcinctus), and the six-banded armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus) (Santos et al. 2019). As with all armadillos, there is a significant knowledge gap for these species (Superina et al. 2013). ...
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This chapter provides an integrative overview of the occupancy and density of Neotropical mammals on the southern boundary of the Atlantic Forest and the Brazilian–Uruguayan Savanna. We demonstrate the application of different hierarchical modeling approaches to assess the impact of anthropogenic land-use changes on the occupancy, abundance, and density of fossorial, flying, and terrestrial mammals, specifically armadillos, bats, and carnivorans, particularly small cats. These analytical methods allowed us to draw ecological and conservation conclusions for each of the groups studied. Our results show that land-use changes have different effects on the occupancy and density of the different species studied. Overall, our results provide valuable insights into the ecology and conservation of Neotropical mammals in human-dominated landscapes. In the future, several research directions can be pursued, including investigating the mechanisms underlying the differential impacts of anthropogenic landscape changes and disturbance, as well as the ecological and conservation requirements of different mammal species.
... In the kill sample, the absence of three-toed sloths (Bradypus spp.) is explained by the nonoccurrence of these sloths in the study area (Miranda et al., 2021;Santos et al., 2019). Likewise, the low frequency of howler monkeys (0.43% of the MNI) may be explained by the apparent low density of the taxon in the region (Miranda et al., 2011). ...
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The goal of this study is to provide a taphonomic analysis of bone fragments found in harpy eagle nests in the Brazilian Amazonia, utilizing the largest sample of prey remains collected to date. Harpy eagle kill samples were collected from nine nests, between June 2016 and December 2020 in Mato Grosso, Brazil. We identified the specimens, calculated the number of identified specimens (NISP) and minimum number of individuals (MNI). These metrics were used to estimate bone survivability and fragmentation. A total of 1661 specimens (NISP) were collected, representing a minimum number of 234 individuals (MNI). We identified at least nine species of primates, which represent 63.8% of the individuals in the kill sample. Harpy eagles preyed mostly on the medium-sized capuchin and bearded saki monkeys (28.2% of the MNI), and two-toed sloths (17.7% of the MNI). The large woolly monkeys also represented a significant portion of the sample (11.5% of the MNI). Three distinct patterns of bone survivability were found, one characterizing two-toed sloths, another characterizing medium-sized monkeys, and a third typical of woolly monkeys. We conclude that harpy eagle predation leaves an identifiable signature on the prey with a bone survivability pattern specific to each taxon. The intertaxon variations observed in the taphonomic signatures of harpy eagle kills should be taken into account when evaluating the potential influence of these raptors as accumulators of bone material in both paleontological and neontological assemblages.
... Unlike linear transections, camera traps operate 24 hours regardless of the presence of the researcher and can be set at strategic points of animal passage, ensuring a greater record of species. For certain groups, such as carnivores and armadillos, the camera trap method is the most appropriate (Santos et al. 2019;Nagy-Reis et al. 2020;Antunes et al. 2022). Fragoso et al. (2016) noted that the use of diverse methods favors a greater record of species due to sampling biases and focus groups. ...
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The state of Rondônia harbors 185 of the 399 species of mammals recorded from the Amazon biome, which corresponds to 46.4% of the total number of species. The state is also an important center of diversity and endemism, especially due to the presence of major biogeographical barriers such as the rio Madeira. We employed trap cameras and track surveys to assess the mammal community in the Base de Selva da Polícia Militar in Rondônia state, Brazil. During one year of survey, we recorded 40 species of medium-sized and large mammals, and, in our study, we recorded the highest mammal richness for a locality in Rondônia, which highlights the importance of private protected areas for mammal conservation in the state. Camera-trap records also showed the occurrence of threatened species. Finally, we provide recommendations for additional studies in this region that is threatened by deforestation and expansion of agriculture.
... Of this generalist species in the Amazon may be expanding following the conversion of the forest into pastures (Beisiegel et al. 2013). However, compilations of records from mammalian groups (Nagy-Reis et al. 2020;Rosa et al. 2020;Santos et al. 2019) show large sampling gaps within the Amazon. Accordingly, the objective here was to present new records of the distribution of C. thous in the state of Rondônia, within the Brazilian Amazon. ...
We report the first records of Cerdocyon thous on the left bank of the Madeira river, extending its distribution to more than 10 km to the N–W. We carried out a survey of official information present in scientific articles, technical reports, and management plans for conservation units in the state of Rondônia, and accessions to the iNaturalist. Our records show C. thous occurs widely in state, even in busy urban areas such as the area surrounding the international airport of Porto Velho. This highlights the importance of monitoring the fauna present in the urban fragments of Amazonian cities.