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Nonexhaustive main developments in self-healing polymer composites.

Nonexhaustive main developments in self-healing polymer composites.

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The development of self-healing materials is now being considered for real engineering applications. Over the past few decades, there has been a huge interest in materials that can self-heal, as this property can increase materials lifetime, reduce replacement costs, and improve product safety. Self-healing systems can be made from a variety of pol...

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... paper briefly describes the traditional methods of repairing damage in the polymeric materials during the last decade. Table 1 provides summary of some developments and achieved performances. It can be seen that both thermo- plastic and thermosetting materials were investigated for self healing, where the research interests have been more shifted to thermosetting-composite-based systems in recent years. ...


... Despite these advancements, the long-term protective efficacy of single-salt chemical conversion films on the surface of Mg alloys is still not on par with chromate conversion films, falling short of industrial standards. To address this limitation, Aïssa [14] has reviewed studies on composite films, demonstrating that these coatings exhibited greater stability and enhanced corrosion resistance when exposed to corrosive environment [15]. Dong et al. [16] prepared a vanadium/silane composite film on the surface of Mg alloy using sodium J Mater Sci metavanadate and silane. ...
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This study investigated the failure behavior and mechanism of conductive and corrosion-resistant film on magnesium alloy under “double 85” test conditions. The surface morphology, microstructure, and composition of ITO composite conversion film (ITO film) at different damp-heat test times were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and the corrosion resistance was investigated using an electrochemical workstation in contact with a 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. The electrical contact resistance (ECR) was measured using the four-wire Kelvin detection technique, and the bandgap was determined using an ultraviolet diffuse reflectance spectrometer. The results demonstrated that the ECR of the ITO film increased from 10⁻¹ Ω in⁻² to 10⁶ Ω in⁻², and the bandgap increased from 2.363 to 2.777 eV after the damp-heat test. In addition, the impedance arc radius of the film decreased to approximately one-fifth of its original value, and the impedance modulus value decreased to less than 10⁴. These findings indicated that exposure to a damp-heat environment resulted in an increase in the electrochemically active points within the film participating in the electrochemical reactions and expansion of the electrochemical reaction area. This exacerbated the corrosion of the magnesium substrate because it resulted in the destruction of the film, leading to an increase in the number of pores and defects, which heightened the exposure of the substrate to corrosive media. Furthermore, Cl⁻ ions could easily penetrate through cracks in the film, which promoted charge transfer processes and accelerated the electrochemical corrosion reactions. In summary, these factors collectively resulted in the failure of the film’s conductivity and corrosion resistance. Graphical abstract
... Studies conducted on elastomeric materials, such polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) have demonstrated remarkable healing efficacy, with a 70% return of initial tear strength. The goal of current research is to evaluate the self-healing performance of a special class of thermosets, known as vitrimers, to develop more durable and sustainable materials for a range of applications (Cordier, Tournilhac et al. 2008) (Burnworth, Tang et al. 2011) (Nakahata, Takashima et al. 2011) (Urban, Davydovich et al. 2018) (White, Sottos et al. 2002) (Kessler, Sottos et al. 2003) (Wool 2008) (Yang and Urban 2013) (Islam and Bhat 2021) (Aïssa, Therriault et al. 2012). In the following sections, we will briefly present the existing body of literature on self-healing performance of various classes of polymers, namely, thermoplastics and thermosets, and subset of thermosets, known as vitrimers. ...
... The primary cause of fracture healing in polymers is mainly due to the interdiffusion of polymer chains over the crack or weld contact. Several essential elements influencing this process are temperature, molecular weight of the polymer, and the time of contact above the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymers (Islam and Bhat 2021) (Aïssa, Therriault et al. 2012) (Yang and Pitchumani 2002). ...
The subject of this study is vitrimers, a class of thermoset polymers with exchangeable covalent bonds, with a focus on their ability to improve material durability in the aerospace, civil infrastructure, and elastomer technology industries while requiring minimal intervention. The material used in this study was procured from ATSP Innovations, provided as a bulk block with the specified dimensions to meet our testing requirements. The selected material, a variant of ATSP characterized as CBAB, was chosen strategically owing to its unique availability in bulk form from the manufacturer at this juncture. This characteristic of CBAB was pivotal for our study as it is allowed for a consistent and uniform sample preparation, an essential factor for the integrity of our fracture mechanics analysis. To evaluate the bulk fracture, compact tension (CT) tests were done on samples cut out of a panel. The samples were then mended by putting the two halves of the sample together and applying heat and mechanical pressures to study the kinetics of bond formation and their selfrepair mechanisms. Pre- and post-healing fracture toughness measurements were methodically performed, demonstrating a significant restoration of mechanical strength, confirming the effectiveness of the repair procedure. Furthermore, the study investigated the interplay between time and temperature influencing vitrimers ability to self-heal, offering light on the best circumstances for maximal healing efficiency. The time and temperature dependence of the healing mechanism was explained quantitatively by means of an Arrhenius relationship, and the activation energy of the bond reformation was assessed. Furthermore, by revealing the intricate link between stress levels and the healing process, this study sheds light on the fundamental mechanisms governing vitrimer self-repair, paving the path for improved material design and iii application. A comparison was made between the healing performance of bulk samples and ATSPcarbon fiber reinforced composites, obtained from other studies, to shed light on the effect of confinement (in the composite) on the healing performance of the vitrimers. Crucially, this study emphasizes the critical roles that temperature, time, and stress levels play in shaping the dynamics of self-healing, providing invaluable insights for both advancing our understanding of vitrimers and facilitating their wider adoption in the field of self-repairing materials.
... Farklı bileşenlerle gerçekleştirilen yöntemler, hasar moduna bağlı olarak seçilmelidir. Bir mod için geçerli olan yöntem, diğer bir hasar modu için işe yaramayabilir [16]. Polimerik bir malzemenin iyileşmesi; kırılma tokluğu, gerilme mukavemeti, yüzey düzgünlüğü, moleküler ağırlık gibi özelliklerin yeniden kazanılması anlamına gelir. ...
... Polimer kompozit yapılarda amorf, yarı kristal, blok kopolimerler ve elyaf takviyeli yapılar üzerine araştırmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aynı polimerin iki parçası camsı geçiş (Tg) sıcaklığının üzerinde bir sıcaklıkta temas ettirildiğinde ara yüzeyin kademeli olarak kaybolduğu ve ara yüzey boyunca moleküler difüzyon nedeniyle çatlak iyileştikçe polimer-polimer ara yüzeyindeki mekanik mukavemetin arttığı keşfedilmiştir [16]. ...
... Yapısal uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılan kendi kendine iyileşen termoset malzemeler, termal stabilitesi ve sert yapısıyla farklı onarım yaklaşımlarının izlenmesine yol açmıştır. Kendi kendine iyileşme yaklaşımı; hasarın niteliğine ve konumuna, kendi kendini onaran reçinenin türüne ve operasyonel ortamın etkisine bağlıdır [16]. ...
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Sevgili okuyucular, Hayatta kullandığımız her ürün bir malzemeden üretilmekte ve günümüz teknolojileri ile birlikte kompozit malzemeler hayatımızda önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu kitap, kompozit alanındaki bilimsel çalışmaları farklı mühendislik perspektiflerinden incelemektedir. Kompozit malzemeler üzerinde çeşitli malzemeler kullanarak yeni ürünler ve yenilikçi teknolojiler geliştirmek ve sürdürülebilir çözümler sağlamak için bu çalışmaları farklı mühendislik yaklaşımlarıyla incelemek önemlidir ve bu kitapta kompozit malzemeler bu bakış açısıyla incelenmiştir. Okuyucular, günümüzde kompozit alanında yapılan çeşitli çalışmalara erişebilecekler. Kitapta ayrıca farklı matris ve takviye elemanları kullanılarak polimer, seramik ve elastomer matrisli kompozit malzemeler üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgiler yer almaktadır. Bu kitap akademisyenler, mühendisler, araştırmacılar ve öğrenciler için bir kaynak olarak tasarlanmıştır. İleride kompozit malzemeler üzerine yapacağınız araştırma ve çalışmalara büyük fayda sağlayacağına inanıyorum. Saygılarımla.
... Farklı bileşenlerle gerçekleştirilen yöntemler, hasar moduna bağlı olarak seçilmelidir. Bir mod için geçerli olan yöntem, diğer bir hasar modu için işe yaramayabilir [16]. Polimerik bir malzemenin iyileşmesi; kırılma tokluğu, gerilme mukavemeti, yüzey düzgünlüğü, moleküler ağırlık gibi özelliklerin yeniden kazanılması anlamına gelir. ...
... Polimer kompozit yapılarda amorf, yarı kristal, blok kopolimerler ve elyaf takviyeli yapılar üzerine araştırmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aynı polimerin iki parçası camsı geçiş (Tg) sıcaklığının üzerinde bir sıcaklıkta temas ettirildiğinde ara yüzeyin kademeli olarak kaybolduğu ve ara yüzey boyunca moleküler difüzyon nedeniyle çatlak iyileştikçe polimer-polimer ara yüzeyindeki mekanik mukavemetin arttığı keşfedilmiştir [16]. ...
... Yapısal uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılan kendi kendine iyileşen termoset malzemeler, termal stabilitesi ve sert yapısıyla farklı onarım yaklaşımlarının izlenmesine yol açmıştır. Kendi kendine iyileşme yaklaşımı; hasarın niteliğine ve konumuna, kendi kendini onaran reçinenin türüne ve operasyonel ortamın etkisine bağlıdır [16]. ...
Sevgili okuyucular, Hayatta kullandığımız her ürün bir malzemeden üretilmekte ve günümüz teknolojileri ile birlikte kompozit malzemeler hayatımızda önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu kitap, kompozit alanındaki bilimsel çalışmaları farklı mühendislik perspektiflerinden incelemektedir. Kompozit malzemeler üzerinde çeşitli malzemeler kullanarak yeni ürünler ve yenilikçi teknolojiler geliştirmek ve sürdürülebilir çözümler sağlamak için bu çalışmaları farklı mühendislik yaklaşımlarıyla incelemek önemlidir ve bu kitapta kompozit malzemeler bu bakış açısıyla incelenmiştir. Okuyucular, günümüzde kompozit alanında yapılan çeşitli çalışmalara erişebilecekler. Kitapta ayrıca farklı matris ve takviye elemanları kullanılarak polimer, seramik ve elastomer matrisli kompozit malzemeler üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgiler yer almaktadır. Bu kitap akademisyenler, mühendisler, araştırmacılar ve öğrenciler için bir kaynak olarak tasarlanmıştır. İleride kompozit malzemeler üzerine yapacağınız araştırma ve çalışmalara büyük fayda sağlayacağına inanıyorum. Saygılarımla.
... Identification and mitigation of damage-tailored repair of composite components is a time-consuming and costly procedure. A significant advantage of thermoplastic composites is their capability to facilitate repairs of delamination or matrix cracking damage without removing the affected section [12,20,21]. As a result of these problems, there is an increasing demand for polymer composites with self-healing or damage-recovery functionality [12,[22][23][24][25]. ...
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The integrity of delaminated composite structures can be restored by introducing a thermally-based healing effect on continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites (CFRTPC). The phenomenon of thermoplastics retaining their properties after melting and consolidation has been applied by heating the delaminated composite plates above their glass transition temperature under pressure. In the current investigation, the composite is comprised of Methyl methacrylate (MMA)-based infusible lamination resin combined with benzoyl peroxide initiator, which polymerizes into a Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) matrix. For the reinforcement, unidirectional 220 gr/m2 glass filament fabric was used. Delamination damage is artificially induced during the fabrication of laminate plates. The distributed delamination region before and after thermally activated healing was determined by using non-destructive testing with active thermography. An experimental approach is employed to characterize the thermal healing effect on mechanical properties. Experimentally determined technological parameters for thermal healing have been successfully applied to repair delamination defects on composite plates. Based on the compression-after-impact (CAI) test methodology, the intact, damaged, and healed composite laminates were loaded cyclically to evaluate the healing effect on stiffness and strength. During the CAI test, the 3D digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used to measure the displacement and deformation fields. Experimental results reveal the difference between the behavior of healed and damaged specimens. Additionally, the numerical models of intact, damaged, and healed composite laminates were developed using the finite element code LS-Dyna. Numerical models with calibrated material properties and tie-break contact constants provide good correlation with experimental results and allow for the prediction of the mechanical behavior of intact, damaged, and healed laminated plates. The comparison analysis based on CAI test results and modal characteristics obtained by the 3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer (Polytec GmbH, Karlsbad, Germany) proved that thermal healing partially restores the mechanical properties of damaged laminate plates. In contrast, active thermography does not necessarily indicate a healing effect.
... The first TENG was developed in 2012, and since then various types of research have been conducted, which confirmed that the most common type of artificial SHM is polymer-based. Weighing their building process, they are of two categories, inherent self-healing polymers having reversible bonds that require several heating-cooling cycles to aid healing [77], and depletion of healing substances for selfhealing [62]. Some researchers have produced ionic conductors to improve elastic properties and conductivity in addition to the approach of doping conductive particles into polymers to fill the gaps, which are elastomer-based ultra-stretchable TENG (US-TENG) with inner-healing capacity and dual reversible bonds [72]. ...
A thorough analysis of triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) that make use of self-healable nanomaterials is presented in this review. These TENGs have shown promise as independent energy sources that do not require an external power source to function. TENGs are developing into a viable choice for powering numerous applications as low-power electronics technology advances. Despite having less power than conventional energy sources, TENGs do not directly compete with these. TENGs, on the other hand, provide unique opportunities for future self-powered systems and might encourage advancements in energy and sensor technologies. Examining the many approaches used to improve nanogenerators by employing materials with shape memory and self-healable characteristics is the main goal of this review. The findings of this comprehensive review provide valuable information on the advancements and possibilities of TENGs, which opens the way for further research and advancement in this field. The discussion of life cycle evaluations of TENGs provides details on how well they perform in terms of the environment and identifies potential improvement areas. Additionally, the cost-effectiveness, social acceptability, and regulatory implications of self-healing TENGs are examined, as well as their economic and societal ramifications.
... However, polymers and polymeric composite materials are susceptible to mechanical, thermal, chemical and radiation induced damages in the form of voids, cracks, breakages and tears during service time (Khalili et al., 2019;Yubin et al., 2022). There are a number of methods adopted by industries for the repair of visible or detectable damages in polymer structures examples is "Hot plate welding", in this process polymers are treated above its glass transition temperature long enough for interdiffusion process across the crack face to occur thereby restoring the material strength, but the welding site is the weakest point for future damages (Daniel and Haddad, 2012). However, damages incurred by materials during service time can be so deep in the material's matrix that detection and repairs at production stage are often not feasible, hence the need for smart materials (Guo et al., 2019). ...
... Self-healing composites have built-in capability to recover material's mechanical properties after damages (Idumah, 2020). Selfhealing is a 1980s' concept but publications by Dry and Sottos in 1993 and White and co in 2001 further inspired the world interest in extensive study of self-healing materials (Daniel and Haddad, 2012). Following White et al., (2001) publication, different healing mechanisms have been researched on and can be broadly categorized into intrinsic and extrinsic mechanism. ...
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In recent years, extensive research efforts have been dedicated to exploring materials with self-healing properties, both autonomously and non-autonomously. The ability of materials to autonomously repair damage offers significant advantages such as increased service life, enhanced product safety, and reduced replacement costs. This paper focuses on autonomous self-healing mechanisms achieved through the encapsulation of healing agents within polymer shells. Through an extensive review of the literature, this study presents findings on the incorporation of self-healing capsules into polymers, examining both mono and dual microcapsules. The paper also discusses the implementation of unidirectional and multidirectional vascular networks, which facilitate the distribution of healing agents throughout the material matrix. The results reported in this paper contribute to the advancement of self-healing fiber-polymer composites, with potential applications in diverse industries such as building and construction, packaging, military, and aerospace. The incorporation of self-healing mechanisms in these sectors has the potential to revolutionize material performance, leading to longer-lasting and more durable products. By harnessing the capabilities of autonomous self-healing mechanisms, materials can exhibit remarkable resilience and prolonged functionality, even in challenging environments. This paper not only highlights the promising outcomes achieved through the use of polymer-encapsulated healing agents but also provides valuable insights into the ongoing research efforts aimed at perfecting self-healing systems.
... Corrosion costs could be reduced by 15-35% by implementing effective corrosion mitigation strategies (Ref 8,9). Research has been done on self-healing coatings with nano-/microcapsules, which prevent corrosion of the substrate without further outside intervention (Ref [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. ...
In this work, electrodeposited Ni-Co self-healing nanostructure coatings have been synthesized by utilizing a novel polyureaformaldehyde/SiO2 (PUF/SiO2) hybrid shell with a core of linseed oil. The synthesis of the coating was accomplished by electrodeposition on a carbon steel substrate, using saccharin to refine the crystalline size in the coating. Ni-Co nanostructure coating with and without capsules was then characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). The anti-corrosion performance of the coating was evaluated by electrochemical testing methods such as open-circuit potential (OCP), linear polarization (LP), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and immersion testing per ASTM G31-72. SEM and XRD results confirm the presence of capsules in the coating and formation of nanocrystalline and single-phase solid solution of fcc crystalline structure. The corrosion analysis indicated that a Ni-Co coating with a higher amount of capsules in the plating bath resulted in enhanced corrosion resistance and better performance in the immersion test. This may be due to the presence of capsules on the surface of the coating and release of linseed oil during the corrosion test.
... Self-healing polymers can help negate this inconvenience. [53] Self-healing polymers also need less maintenance, are more likely to fulfil their service life and therefore minimize the cost of replacement. ...
... The piezoelectric effect has also been observed in different soft tissues, such as the skin, callus, cartilage and tendons. [53] ...
In response to the increasing amount of global plastic waste, biodegradable polymers have been brought into the spotlight. Recently, extraordinary progress has been made in the development of smart biodegradable polymers by researchers around the globe. Shape memory polymers, self-healing polymers, piezoelectric polymers, chromogenic polymers and magneto rheological elastomers are the known classifications of smart biodegradable polymers. Among all, piezoelectric polymers have the highest demand in the market. This review provides a brief look at the examples of smart biodegradable polymer, methods of modification, derived properties and suitable applications. Polylactic acid (PLA) was found to be the most common polymer matrix employed in creating smart biodegradable polymers. Used modification techniques include copolymerization, blending and composite forming. Shape memory polymers (SMPs) showed dominance in the former two methods of modification while the latter was suitable for all of the smart materials. This review aims to provide a summary on the state of biodegradable smart polymer research and showcase the overall progress. The authors hope to help in identifying research gaps for potential novelty and inspire new breakthroughs.
... The ASED-Fictitious Material Concept (FMC) criterion was used and assessed on three different raster orientations. Several approaches have been introduced to retard crack propagation, including microencapsulation, 19 nanoparticles, 20 photo-induced, 21 patching, 22 welding, 23 and hollow fibers. 24 One non-intrinsic method for controlling crack growth is using shape memory alloys (SMAs). ...
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Intelligent composite structures are designed to retard crack initiation and growth in a controlled manner using shape memory alloys (SMAs). The crack closure under mixed-mode I/II conditions in the 3D-printed specimens reinforced with pre-strained SMAs is investigated using numerical, analytical, and experimental procedures. The stress intensity factors (SIFs) of the semicircular bending (SCB) samples are theoretically estimated based on the micromechanical model where the wires are entirely perpendicular to the crack planes, and findings are verified with those data obtained using numerical and experimental methods. Stable crack growth, interlayer adhesion, and fracture toughness improvement are obtained in the modified test samples. In terms of strength and fracture toughness, SMA with 1% pre-strain is introduced as an optimal value in both pure mode I and mixed-mode I/II conditions.