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We present and analyze a new hybrid stochastic finite element method for solving eigenmodes of structures with random geometry and random elastic modulus. The fundamental assumption is that the smallest eigenpair is well defined over the whole stochastic parameter space. The geometric uncertainty is resolved using collocation and random material...

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... Recent literature has considered examples of mechanical vibration problems, where a parametrization of the uncertainties in either the physical coefficients or the geometry of the system results in a multiparametric eigenvalue problem, see e.g. [12,13,15,19,25,26]. ...
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We consider computing eigenspaces of an elliptic self-adjoint operator depending on a countable number of parameters in an affine fashion. The eigenspaces of interest are assumed to be isolated in the sense that the corresponding eigenvalues are separated from the rest of the spectrum for all values of the parameters. We show that such eigenspaces can in fact be extended to complex-analytic functions of the parameters and quantify this analytic dependence in a way that leads to convergence of sparse polynomial approximations. A stochastic collocation method on an anisoptropic sparse grid in the parameter domain is proposed for computing a basis for the eigenspace of interest. The convergence of this method is verified in a series of numerical examples based on the eigenvalue problem of a stochastic diffusion operator.
... Recent literature has considered examples of mechanical vibration problems, where a parametrization of the uncertainties in either the physical coefficients or the geometry of the system results in a multiparametric eigenvalue problem, see e.g. [23], [16], [10], [22], [9], [12]. ...
We consider computing eigenspaces of an elliptic self-adjoint operator depending on a countable number of parameters in an affine fashion. The eigenspaces of interest are assumed to be isolated in the sense that the corresponding eigenvalues are separated from the rest of the spectrum for all values of the parameters. We show that such eigenspaces can in fact be extended to complex-analytic functions of the parameters and quantify this analytic dependence in way that leads to convergence of sparse polynomial approximations. A stochastic collocation method on an anisoptropic sparse grid in the parameter domain is proposed for computing a basis for the eigenspace of interest.