Figure 1 - uploaded by Trung Hieu Tran
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Machine learning and data mining are research areas of computer science whose quick development is due to the advances in data analysis research, growth in the database industry and the resulting market needs for methods that are capable of extracting valuable knowledge from large data stores. A vast amount of research work has been done in the mul...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... mining refers to analysis of large amount of multimedia information in order to extract patterns based on their statistical relationships. Figure 1 shows the categories of multimedia data mining ...
Context 2
... will talk about random forest in classification, since classification is sometimes considered the building block of machine learning. Below you can see how a random forest would look like as Figure 10. Random Forest is also considered as a very handy and easy to use algorithm, because it is default hyperparameters often produce a good prediction result. ...
Context 3
... a training set has to select a learning model to learn from it and make multimedia mining model more iterative [36]. The Figure 11 below shows the multimedia mining processing: Data collection is the very first step in multimedia mining process. It acts as a raw data which are further input to the data preprocessing stage, which includes several task such as data cleaning and feature selection. ...
Context 4
... consist of a huge, widely, distributed, advertisements, consumer information, education, government, e commerce, and many other services. The main task of web mining includes mining of web contents, web access patterns and web linkage structures as shown in Figure 12. This involves mining the web page layout structure, mining the web's link structures to identify authorize web pages, mining multimedia data on the web, automatic classification of web documents, and web usage mining [36]. ...
Context 5
... this the mining is performed on the collected data and then after Interpretation and evaluation the Knowledge is generated. The entire process is described as the Figure 13 below. ...
Context 6
... two important issues in Video mining are to develop a representational scheme for the content and a Human friendly query/interface [90]. Figure 14 shows general framework for video data mining. There are many video mining approaches and they are roughly classified into five categories. ...
Context 7
... Phoneme based indexing does not deals with conversion from speech to text, but instead works only with sound. Figure 15 shows the process of Audio mining. The main objective of audio mining technology is to search through speech for identifying specific characteristics. ...
Context 8
... main use of this technology in the field of security hence it can be utilized by military, police and private companies since they provide security services. Figure 16 shows present architecture which includes the types of multimedia mining process [107]. Data Collection is the initial stage of the learning system; Pre-processing is to extract significant features from raw data, it includes data cleaning, transformation, normalization, feature extraction, etc. Learning can be direct, if informative types can be recognized at pre-processing stage. ...
Context 9
... difference between unstructured data and structured data mining is the sequence or time element. The architecture of converting unstructured data to structured data and it is used for extracting information from unstructured database is shown in Figure 17. Then data mining tools are applied to the stored structured databases. ...
Context 10
... mining architecture is given in Figure 18. The architecture has several components. ...
Context 11
... mining refers to analysis of large amount of multimedia information in order to extract patterns based on their statistical relationships. Figure 1 shows the categories of multimedia data mining ...
Context 12
... will talk about random forest in classification, since classification is sometimes considered the building block of machine learning. Below you can see how a random forest would look like as Figure 10. Random Forest is also considered as a very handy and easy to use algorithm, because it is default hyperparameters often produce a good prediction result. ...
Context 13
... a training set has to select a learning model to learn from it and make multimedia mining model more iterative [38]. The Figure 11 below shows the multimedia mining processing: Data collection is the very first step in multimedia mining process. It acts as a raw data which are further input to the data preprocessing stage, which includes several task such as data cleaning and feature selection. ...
Context 14
... consist of a huge, widely, distributed, advertisements, consumer information, education, government, e commerce, and many other services. The main task of web mining includes mining of web contents, web access patterns and web linkage structures as shown in Figure 12. This involves mining the web page layout structure, mining the web's link structures to identify authorize web pages, mining multimedia data on the web, automatic classification of web documents, and web usage mining [38]. ...
Context 15
... this the mining is performed on the collected data and then after Interpretation and evaluation the Knowledge is generated. The entire process is described as the Figure 13 below. ...
Context 16
... two important issues in Video mining are to develop a representational scheme for the content and a Human friendly query/interface [92]. Figure 14 shows general framework for video data mining. There are many video mining approaches and they are roughly classified into five categories. ...
Context 17
... Phoneme based indexing does not deals with conversion from speech to text, but instead works only with sound. Figure 15 shows the process of Audio mining. The main objective of audio mining technology is to search through speech for identifying specific characteristics. ...
Context 18
... main use of this technology in the field of security hence it can be utilized by military, police and private companies since they provide security services. Figure 16 shows present architecture which includes the types of multimedia mining process [109]. Data Collection is the initial stage of the learning system; Pre-processing is to extract significant features from raw data, it includes data cleaning, transformation, normalization, feature extraction, etc. Learning can be direct, if informative types can be recognized at pre-processing stage. ...
Context 19
... difference between unstructured data and structured data mining is the sequence or time element. The architecture of converting unstructured data to structured data and it is used for extracting information from unstructured database is shown in Figure 17. Then data mining tools are applied to the stored structured databases. ...
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Breast Cancer, with an expected 42,780 deaths in the US alone in 2024, is one of the most prevalent types of cancer. The death toll due to breast cancer would be very high if it were to be totaled up globally. Early detection of breast cancer is the only way to decrease the mortality caused by it. In order to diagnose breast cancer, even the most competent and qualified pathologists and radiologists have to examine hundreds of high-resolution images, which is a massive burden on them. Compared to the number of cases, very few experts are available to manage this burden. Additionally, as humans are more prone to mistakes, the likelihood of finding false positive cases is also high. Numerous AI techniques, including machine learning and deep learning, are ideally suited to address these issues, inspiring many researchers to introduce novel computer-aided detection systems.
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