Figure 2 - uploaded by Paweł Czachura
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Morphology of Lophium arboricola (strain P98). A-B -general view and detailed view of upper side of colony on MEA after 1 month of growth at 15°C; C -hyphae; D -hyphae and conidia; E-F -hyphae with conidiogenous cells; G-J -hyphae with conidia arising from conidiogenous cells; K-N -conidia. Scale = 10 μm.

Morphology of Lophium arboricola (strain P98). A-B -general view and detailed view of upper side of colony on MEA after 1 month of growth at 15°C; C -hyphae; D -hyphae and conidia; E-F -hyphae with conidiogenous cells; G-J -hyphae with conidia arising from conidiogenous cells; K-N -conidia. Scale = 10 μm.

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Lophium arboricola is known as a saprotrophic fungus from different substrates, but it was mainly reported from conifers. In this study, two strains of fungi found growing on resin were molecularly identified as Lophium arboricola. The species was isolated from the resin of Picea abies and Abies alba in Poland. It is the first report of L. arborico...

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... the type specimen of closely related species -L. zalerioides. The latter formed conidia composed of cluster of cells similar to the strain P98 ( Hyde et al. 2017), but conidia of L. zalerioides are bigger (reaching 41.6 μm) and composed of more cells than conidia of the type of L. arobricola (Buczacki 1972) and the strain analyzed in this study (Fig. 2). Moreover, L. zalerioides has smaller conidiogenous cells (2.1-2.6 × 1.8-2.2 μm) than L. arboricola (6.5-8 × 3-3.5 ...

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