Monthly averaged O3 concentration (first row) and zero-out contribution from U.S.A. (second row) and East Asia (third row) at bottom of free troposphere (750 hPa; left column), middle of free troposphere (500 hPa; center column), and top of free troposphere (250 hPa; right column).

Monthly averaged O3 concentration (first row) and zero-out contribution from U.S.A. (second row) and East Asia (third row) at bottom of free troposphere (750 hPa; left column), middle of free troposphere (500 hPa; center column), and top of free troposphere (250 hPa; right column).

Source publication
Full-text available
The state-of-the-science Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System which has recently been extended for hemispheric-scale modeling applications (referred to as H-CMAQ), is applied to study the trans-Pacific transport, a phenomenon recognized as a potential source of air pollution in the U.S.A., during April 2010. The results of this a...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... this section we focus on the impacts of U.S.A. and East Asian emissions on O3 distributions through the troposphere over the U.S.A. Monthly averaged O3 mixing ratios and ZOC of emissions from the U.S.A. and East Asia at different altitudes in the free troposphere are shown in Fig. 6. Throughout this study, we define the free troposphere to range from 750 to 250 hPa and refer to pressure levels of 750 hPa, 500 hPa, and 250 hPa as the bottom, middle, and top of the free troposphere, ...
Context 2
... The results of this analysis are also summarized in Table 2. O3 mixing ratios are larger over continents from the surface to 750 hPa (i.e., boundary layer), but are more dispersed over mid to high latitudes at 500 and 250 hPa (Fig. 6). O3 mixing ratios at the surface exhibit a longitudinal gradient with lower values over the western U.S.A. and higher values over the eastern U.S.A., and the same gradient is seen at 750 hPa. However, there are no longitudinal gradients at 500 hPa with 54 ppbv over the entire U.S.A., and a reversed longitudinal gradient with western ...
Context 3
... with increasing altitude are found over the PST zone, whereas decreasing impacts are found over the MST, CST, and EST zones. From the middle to the top of the free troposphere, the impacts of U.S.A. emissions on U.S.A. are around 2-3 ppbv (Table 2). For ZOC of East Asian emissions, extended impacts on U.S.A. when increasing altitude are shown (Fig. 6). At 750 hPa, the impacts are found over the entire Pacific Ocean with more 20 than 10 ppbv around Hawaii and contribution as high as 4-8 ppbv over the entire U.S.A. At 500 hPa, its impacts are smaller over the Pacific Ocean with less than 8 ppbv; however, the impacts are above 6 ppbv almost across the entire U.S.A., surpassing the ...
Context 4
... over the entire U.S.A. At 500 hPa, its impacts are smaller over the Pacific Ocean with less than 8 ppbv; however, the impacts are above 6 ppbv almost across the entire U.S.A., surpassing the impacts found at 750 hPa. At 250 hPa, the impacts are slightly decreased beyond the U.S.A., but stretched across a broader range to Europe and western Russia (Fig. 6). It is shown that the impacts of East Asian emissions are around 5 ppbv or more over the entire free troposphere over U.S.A. (Table 2). From the middle to the top of the free troposphere, the impacts of 25 emissions from East Asia are twice or more those of U.S.A. emissions over the eastern and western U.S.A., ...

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