Figure 2 - uploaded by Manuel Malaquias
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Molecular phylogeny of the family Aglajidae obtained by Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses based on the combined genes cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S rRNA, 28S rRNA and Histone-3. Geographical localities of samples are shown in parentheses after voucher numbers. Sequences of Navanax and Mariaglaja sandrana from the same locality were removed because of size restrictions. Figures on branches are posterior probabilities and bootstrap values (PP/BS).
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Aglajidae is a family of predominantly colourful shallow water marine slugs widely distributed in coral, rocky and sandy habitats of tropical and temperate waters worldwide. The monophyly of the group is supported by morphological traits, but recent molecular phylogenetic studies questioned not only the monophyletic status of the family but also th...
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... Specimens were identified to the lowest possible taxon primarily using the field guide by Valdés et al. (2006) and the papers by Collin et al. (2005) and Goodheart et al. (2016) as well as taxonomically specialized literature for nomenclatural and taxonomic updates (e.g., Bazzicalupo et al., 2020;Camacho-García and Gosliner, 2008;Carmona et al. 2014;Ghanimi et al., 2020;Goodheart et al., 2015;Krug et al., 2016;Padula et al., 2016;Turani et al., 2024;Zamora-Silva and Malaquias, 2018). The species documented were organized into five different clades (orders): Anaspidea, Cephalaspidea, Nudibranchia, Pleurobranchomorpha, and Sacoglossa. ...
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... Есть структуры, обнаруженные только у некоторых представителей этого семейства -желтая железа у изученных гистологически экземпляров (Rudman, 1972) и чувствительные щетинки (bristles) у живых, однако, это признаки сложно использовать в практической систематике. Последние опубликованные диагнозы (Zamora-Silva, Malaquias, 2018;Chaban et al., 2022) требуют дальнейшего уточнения в связи с новыми данными по морфологии представителей этого семейства . На сегодняшний день единственной, но не уникальной синапоморфией аглаид остается отсутствие пластинок гиззарда. ...
... Melanochlamys diomedea (Bergh, 1894) is an intertidal and subtidal species occurring in muddy sand bays (Strathmann, 1987), where it is known to feed on nematodes, polychaetes, and crustaceans (Behrens and Hermosillo, 2005;Zamora-Silva and Malaquias, 2018). The species exhibits great phenotypic plasticity in colouration, shell, and external morphology. ...
... The species is widespread on the Pacific coast of North America from California to Alaska (Cooke et al., 2014). The species was also reported as a new addition to the Russian fauna in the Sea of Japan to south Kurile Island (Chaban and Martynov, 1998) but it was later confirmed as Melanochlamys enzoensis (Baba, 1957) (Cooke et al., 2014;Zamora-Silva and Malaquias, 2018). One specimen was reported in 1951 in the Gulf of Mexico; however, this was never confirmed as a true recording of M. diomedea, with available sample, and no further records of the species have ever been reported from Gulf of Mexico. ...
Egg masses from an unknown mollusc have been found in South-West Iceland since 2020, but it was not until September 2023 that the adult organism was collected. Morphological analysis of both adults and egg masses pointed towards the identification of the species as Melanochlamys diomedea . This was further confirmed through DNA analyses using COI, H3, and 16S rRNA markers, which established the presence of a new non-indigenous species in the North Atlantic. Members of the genus Melanochlamys have predominantly been found in the Indo-Pacific basin and the Pacific Ocean, with only one species known to exist across the Madeira Islands, Canary Islands, and Cape Verde in the Atlantic. The known distribution range of M. diomedea extends from Alaska to California on the Pacific side of North America, where it typically inhabits sandy-muddy areas of the littoral in the tidal zone and below. It is not known how the species arrived in Iceland. However, maritime transport through either ballast water or biofouling is being considered as the most likely mode of dispersal.
... For instance, molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Melanochlamys Cheeseman, 1881 identified new cryptic species (Cooke et al., 2014). Currently, the family Aglajidae comprises 17 genera (Zamora-Silva, Malaquias, 2018;Chaban et al., 2022Chaban et al., , 2023 and most of them are still pending a modern integrative revision. Among the most problematic taxa, the genus Philinopsis Pease, 1860 includes 15 species (Zamora-Silva, Malaquias, 2018), most of which are distributed in tropical and subtropical waters. ...
... At the same time, the species identity of P. gigliolii has been questioned recently. It was considered a subjective synonym of P. speciosa Pease, 1860 due to similarities in molecular data (Zamora-Silva, Malaquias, 2018), although these two species demonstrate several differences in copulatory organs (Rudman, 1972b). This conflict of molecular and morphological data needs further clarification. ...
... For the phylogenetic reconstruction, sequences of the genus Philinopsis available in the public database (GenBank) were added to the dataset (Table 1). Two species of the genus Tubulophilinopsis Zamora-Silva et Malaquias, 2017, Ossiania quadrata (S.V. Wood, 1839), and Diaphana globosa (Lovén, 1846) were chosen as the closest and distant outgroups accordingly (Zamora-Silva, Malaquias, 2018). Original data and publicly available sequences were aligned with the MUSCLE Edgar, 2004) algorithm in MEGA 7 (Kumar et al., 2016). ...
Philinopsis gigliolii (Tapparone Canefri, 1874) was described under the name Aglaja gigliolii based on preserved material from the Pacific coast of Japan, collected during an expedition of the Italian warship Magenta in 1864-1868. Currently, this species is considered a subjective synonym of P. speciosa Pease, 1860, described from Hawaii, despite their morphological differences. To clarify the species status of P. gigliolii we have conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Philinopsis using COI, 16S, and histone H3 molecular markers, which included a specimen of P. gigliolii from Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan. Our results confirm that P. gigliolii represents a distinct valid species, which shows both morphological and molecular differences with P. speciosa. The latter species is recovered paraphyletic and clearly needs further taxonomical revision. At the same time, the molecular analysis indicates that Australian species P. taronga (Allan, 1933) is conspecific to P. gigliolii (only two molecular substitutions were identified in 16S), and these species show many similarities in both external and internal morphology. We consider P. taronga a junior subjective synonym of P. gigliolii. Formally Chelidonura aureopunctata Rudman, 1968, described from New Zealand, is considered a junior subjective synonym of P. gigliolii as well. Philinopsis gigliolii has an antitropical distribution, its range includes subtropical and temperate areas of the Pacific Ocean in both hemispheres (the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea, the Pacific coast of Japan; SouthEast Australia and the northern coast of New Zealand). Three hypotheses may explain this distribution pattern. (1) The antitropical distribution results from the historical disjunction across tropical latitudes following the abiotic or biotic factors. (2) Philinopsis gigliolii may be widely distributed in temperate and tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean but be overlooked in the central part of its geographic range due to external similarities to other species of the genus. (3) The last hypothesis suggests the anthropogenic transportation of P. gigliolii. Further sampling activity and comparative genetic analyses may contribute to a better understanding of this very interesting biogeographic pattern. How to cite this article: Chaban E.M., Ekimova I.A., Chernyshev A.V. 2024. Philinopsis gigliolii (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Aglajidae) from the Sea of Japan: validity, synonymy and biogeography // Invert. РЕЗЮМЕ: Philinopsis gigliolii (Tapparone Canefri, 1874) был описан как Aglaja gigliolii по фиксированному материалу, собранному у тихоокеанского побережья Японии во время экспедиции на итальянском военном корабле «Маджента» в 1864-1868 гг. В настоящее время этот вид считается младшим субъективным синонимом P. speciosa Pease, 1860, описанного с Гавайских островов, несмотря на их морфологические различия. Для уточнения таксономического статуса P. gigliolii мы провели молекулярно-филогенетический анализ рода Philinopsis, включая экземпляр P. gigliolii из залива Петра Великого Японского моря, с использованием трех молекулярных маркеров, представляющих частичные фрагменты цитохром с оксидазы субъединицы I (COI), 16S rRNA и гистона H3 (H3). Наши результаты подтверждают, что P. gigliolii представляет собой валидный вид, который имеет молекулярные и морфологические отличия от P. speciosa. Последний вид признан парафилетическим и явно нуждается в дальнейшей таксономической ревизии. В то же время молекулярный анализ показывает, что австралийский вид P. taronga (Allan, 1933) конспецифичен P. gigliolii (в 16S выявлены всего 2 молекулярные замены), и эти виды обнаруживают большое сходство как во внешней, так и во внутренней морфологии. Мы считаем P. taronga младшим субъективным синонимом P. gigliolii. Формально, Chelidonura aureopunctata Rudman, 1968, описанную из прибрежья Но-вой Зеландии, также следует считать младшим субъективным синонимом P. gigliolii. Philinopsis gigliolii имеет антитропическое распространение: его ареал включает субтропические и умеренные районы Тихого океана в обоих полушариях (Японское и Желтое моря, тихоокеанское побережье Японии; юго-восточная Австралия и северное побережье Новой Зеландии). Три гипотезы могут объяснить такую картину распре-деления: 1) антитропическое распределение является результатом исторического разделения ареала через тропические широты как следствие действия абиотических или биотических факторов; 2) Philinopsis gigliolii может быть широко распространен в тропических и умеренных водах Тихого океана, но не отмечен в центральной части ареала из-за внешнего сходства с другими видами рода; 3) последняя гипотеза предполагает антропогенный перенос P. gigliolii. Дополнительный сбор образцов и дальнейший генетический анализ могут способствовать лучшему пониманию этой очень интересной биогеографической модели. Как цитировать эту статью: Chaban E.M., Ekimova I.A., Chernyshev A.V. 2024. Philinopsis gigliolii (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Aglajidae) from the Sea of Japan: validity, synonymy and biogeography // Invert.
... The buccal bulb lacks jaws and radular teeth; it acts as a pump to suck the prey in whole. The conical penial papilla is larger than the single prostate gland, and the mucous gland is bilobed (Rudman 1972;Zamora-Silva and Malaquias 2017;Tudu et al. 2022). ...
A new species of the head-shield sea slug is described herein from an examination of the morphological and anatomical characters. A molecular analysis supported the novel status of the species. This species is named Melanochlamys droupadi n. sp. in the honour of the Hon'ble president of India, Shrimati (Mrs) Droupadi Murmu. It is the second species from the Indian region and the third true tropical species. All the specimens were collected from the Digha coast of West Bengal and the Udaipur coast of Odisha state, along the northwestern Bay of Bengal.
... No se incluye una subclasificación por órdenes, ya que existe cierta controversia para diversos grupos, que no quedan englobados en ningún orden en la base de datos de referencia Molluscabase. Malaquias et al., 2009;Zamora-Silva & Malaquias, 2017), y también conocida de la zona de cabo de Gata y del estrecho de Gibraltar (García-Gómez, 1984;Gofas et al., 2011). − Caño de la Mojarra, Punta del Moral (Ayamonte) [29SPB49501669]; 17/07/2020, 31/07/2020, 16/08/2020, JFMA leg. ...
In the present article, a total of 34 Heterobranchia molluscan species are described for the first time for the coast of Huelva province (SW Iberian Peninsula), which highlights the high biodiversity of this stretch of the Andalusian coastline
... In cephalaspideans with external shell, the protoconch of the larvae preserved at the shell apex is often coiled in a different direction from the postlarval teleoconch (Figure 2c,d). In others, the shell is substantially reduced and internal (Figure 2a−f ), being completely enveloped in the mantle, as in the families Aglajidae and Philinidae (Malaquias et al., 2017;Zamora-Silva and Malaquias, 2018), or partially enveloped by the mantle as in the genus Phanerophthalmus (Austin et al., 2018). In the order Runcinida, some species have an external veliger-like shell or internal plate-like vestigial shell, but in many the shell has been completely lost (Kress, 1977;Chernyshev, 2021). ...
In euopisthobranchs, the shell can be external, covering the whole body or just part of it, but in many species, the shell is internal and greatly reduced or completely absent. External shells are morphologically diverse, being limpet‐like in umbraculids, bubble‐shaped in several cephalaspideans, coiled, globular, triangular, or needle‐shaped in Euthecosomata. In euopisthobranchs, the evolutionary tendency to reduce, internalize and lose the shell probably allowed species to become more mobile and explore new habitats and food sources, enhancing adaptive radiation of several groups. Shell internalization and reduction are typically associated with a decrease in calcification and a rise in protein and chitin content, rendering the thinner shells more flexible and less brittle.
... Thus, most of the specimens observed were identified in the field through previous training based on patterns of coloration and of external morphological structures such as cerata, gill position, rhinophores, oral tentacles and surface of the notum, following the existing literature for the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean (Carmona et al., 2011;Zamora-Silva & Ortigosa, 2012;Camacho-García et al., 2014;Caballer-Gutiérrez et al., 2015;Ortigosa et al., 2015;Goodheart et al., 2016). Likewise, specialized literature was used to distinguish complexes of species (Ornelas-Gatdula et al., 2012;Goodheart et al., 2015;Krug et al., 2016;2018;Valdés et al., 2017;Zamora-Silva & Malaquias 2017;Golestani et al., 2019;Bazzicalupo et al., 2020). Additionally, photographic evidence of the species observed in their natural habitat was obtained using a Canon PowerShot D30 camera. ...
In the Lobos-Tuxpan Reef System Protected Natural Area (LTRS), Mexico, the presence of sea slugs has been documented in several scientific investigations, but the information is limited, scattered and out of date.
To elaborate an updated list of species with new field data and the compilation of species previously reported in the literature for LTRS.
Samplings were carried out in the Lobos reef (during November 2014 and 2017), Enmedio reef (September 2016, April 2017, June 2018, July and November 2019) and the Tuxpan reef (June and October 2016, and April 2017). The list of species was complemented with records of species previously reported for LTRS.
The updated list comprises up to 27 species of sea slugs. The most representative groups are: Order Cephalaspidea with nine species, Aplysiida with seven species and Superorder Sacoglossa with seven species. The distribution of Cyerce habanensis and Elysia cornigera extends to the north of Veracruz and Lobiger souverbii constitutes a new record for the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico Reef Corridor.
Our study favorably increases the knowledge of sea slugs for the LTRS. This information could support strategies of conservation and protection for the management plans of this protect natural area.
... However, as this is a second case of an unexpected positioning of a cephalaspid at the basal position inside Aglajidae, it may be an indication of overlooked diversity. Additionally, low node supports within Aglajidae in contrast to previous studies [50] also indicate an unstable position of both Aglaona and Philinissima on the tree, which is likely to be reconsidered in further studies of Philinoidea. ...
... The exotic "Philine" retifera (for which the internal morphology is not known, see Table 3) has an openwork deep reticulated sculpture [16] (see Figure 8A-D in the referred paper). Laona zonata (data on its internal morphology are also absent) has an internal bulloid shell with a brown band and reticulate sculpture [50] and differs significantly from Philinissima denticulata. "Philine" hemphilli (Table 3) from the Northeast Pacific has a globose shell ("presumably internal"-see Valdés et al. [15]) and the radula with 5 marginal teeth [15] (see Figure 12I in the referred paper). ...
... Its gizzard bears chitinous ridges similarly to Philinissima denticulata. Moreover, its body is brightly colored [50,60], which is one of the typical aglajid features. Another interesting pair of species is "Philine" bakeri (Dall, 1919) and "Philine" baxteri Valdés, Cadien & Gosliner, 2016. ...
The biodiversity of Cephalaspidea (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) is poorly studied, and novel findings often lead to revisions at different taxonomic levels. The family Philinidae has a distinct set of defining characters in the shell, copulatory apparatus, and gizzard morphology, but several species, considered part of the family, deviate from it significantly. Philine denticulata (J. Adams, 1800) was considered to be a Philinidae despite the species morphology not fitting well with the family diagnosis. This species has an oval cylindrical external shell, jaws, and a gizzard lined with a chitinous layer with three thickened ridges. We studied Philine denticulata morphology on samples from the White and Barents Seas using the light and scanning electron microscopy methods in addition to computer microtomography. We also reconstructed its phylogenetic position using COI, 16S, 28S, and H3 genetic markers. Our integrative analysis revealed close relationships of this species to the family Aglajidae. Thus, we describe a new genus Philinissima gen. nov., including a single species Philinissima denticulata (J. Adams, 1800) comb. nov. which is the first aglajid registered from the Arctic waters. Our findings highlight possible problems in the Aglajidae taxonomical composition and an overall need for a dedicated integrative revision of the Cephalaspidea.
... Aglajidae are nudibranch Heterobranchia, in which the shell is inside the body, in a special cavity. In some species, the shell does not develop; in others, it is most often represented by a spiral helicoid protoconch supplemented with a more or less developed, circularly coiled postlarval hook (Ortea et al., 2014;Zamora-Silva and Malaquias, 2018). Finally, an oval convex plate with a spiral apex, sometimes with apical spines and often with a rostrum located laterally from the apex, is formed at the maximum development of the shell. ...
The Sarmatian Paleaglaja jolkii V. Anistratenko from the family Aglajidae is transferred to the genus Chelidonura A. Adams. Additional morphological characteristics and data on the stratigraphic range are given for this species. It is proposed assumption the Sarmatian Ch. jolkii derived from the Badenian Ch. radwanskii Bałuk, 2018.