FIGURE 3 - uploaded by Weipeng Liu
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| Moderating role of job control in the relationship between W_ICTs and workplace anxiety.

| Moderating role of job control in the relationship between W_ICTs and workplace anxiety.

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The pervasiveness of the work-related use of information and communication technologies after hours (W_ICTs) has raised concerns about its impact on employees. However, research on the relationship between W_ICTs and employee outcomes presented inconsistent findings. To address this issue, this study draws on the cognitive appraisal theory of stres...

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... < 0.01) for predicting workplace anxiety. In Figure 3, the simple slope tests confirmed that the relationship between W_ICTs and workplace anxiety was significant and positive when job control was low (b = 0.247, p < 0.01) but not significant when job control was high (b = −0.016, ns). ...