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Demand on eco-friendly products is burgeoning, as a form adaptation to climate change mitigation strategy. Hence, environmental issues are still considered as an emerging topic that concerns the tourism sector. Planned Behavior Theory (TPB) describes the formation of environmentally friendly behavior intentions in green purchase intentions of natur...
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... findings indicate different results from the research conducted by Patel et al. (2020) on the relationship between ATT and GPI. The hypothesis is unsupported, where ATT had no significant effect (0.082) on the purchase intention of natural dyes batik products moderated by INELOC (Figure 3). It is caused by the different attitudes that each consumer has depending on the green environment's morality and awareness. ...
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Implementing eco-efficiency in the batik industry is important considering the currently developing environmental problems. In order to realize a sustainable batik industry with green performance, an analysis was carried out on the level of acceptance of applicable government regulations in order to change towards an independent green industry. In line with the research objective, it is to analyze the level of income of the batik industry regarding the implementation of government regulations relating to the green industry through the application of eco-efficiency in order to measure green performance in the batik industry. Through a survey method carried out on all batik industries by taking random samples from 500 batik industries in Pekalongan City. The research results show that for all respondents' answers to each question item, the results obtained were an average of 66.25% of batik industry players who had accepted the existence of a green industrial policy for the batik industry in accordance with the regulations stipulated in PERMENPERIN No. 10 of 2023. It appears as supporting data that results show that 60% of batik business actors also received training for the batik industry which has not received the title as a green industry.
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Human concern for health has been increasing and requires business people to provide solutions to health problems through the marketing of green products. Gender and occupation are demographic factors that are thought to influence the purchase of green products. This study aims to examine the model that presents the influence of lifestyle, green products, and social media marketing on purchase intention in career women. The research method used is a survey. The quantitative approach is done by using a multiple regression model. Questionnaires were used to collect data on samples of consumers of green products in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta with 252 respondents, namely career women. The measurement scale uses a Likert scale. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis with questionnaires distributed online using google forms. The results of the study confirm that lifestyle, green products, and social media marketing are predictors of purchase intention on green products. The results show that social media marketing has a greater influence on purchase intention compared to a healthy lifestyle and the power of green products themselves. In addition, this study also discusses the implications of the findings and identifies areas for future research.
... These studies aim to reduce reliance on non-renewable resources and promote sustainable development. Moreover, studies have shown that consumers' knowledge and attitudes toward green products positively correlate with their purchase intention for eco-friendly batik [34]. ...
In China's vigorous development and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, the sustainability and acceptability of intangible cultural heritage products have become a controversial subject. This study aims to explore the relationship between batik product qualia factors and the purchase intention for batik products and exammine the mediating role of consumer attitude in the relationship. We adopted quantitative research methods and used SPSS 26 and Process 2.15 software to test our hypotheses. We conducted extensive surveys of consumers of different ages, genders, income levels, and educational backgrounds, and finally, a total of 381 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that batik products' creativity, delicacy, beauty, and eco-friendliness were significantly and positively related to consumers' attitudes. In addition, creativity, beauty, and eco-friendliness, but not delicacy, were significantly and positively associated with consumers' purchase intention. Consumer attitude plays an intermediary role between qualia factors and purchase intention. This study analyzes Gejia batik from the perspective of qualia factors, breaking through the limitations of previous studies on the aspects of heritage protection and environmental protection. The study's results can inspire batik manufacturers or designers to enhance the competitiveness of batik design products in the tourism market.
... Pengetahuan IKM batik yang baik dapat mendorong para produsen untuk mencari berbagai cara yang lebih ramah lingkungan dalam proses produksi. Beberapa hal tersebut seperti penggunaan pewarna alami, pemilihan bahan baku yang berkelanjutan, dan pengelolaan limbah yang lebih baik (Sunarjo et al., 2021). ...
One of the impacts following the inauguration of Indonesian Batik as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2009 was that many batik businesses emerged in various regions. This can increase the amount of production and at the same time have an impact on the environment. The presence of government regulations regarding the green industry for batik SMEs has allegedly not been a concern for batik entrepreneurs, especially in Pekalongan City. Most of the batik industry still implements production processes without paying attention to construction occupational health and safety management system, so the aim of this research is to measure the level of knowledge of the Pekalongan City batik SMEs regarding the existence of government regulations relating to green industry standards for the batik industry. The method used is a survey method using a quantitative approach. Furthermore, the impact of this research can be a reference for the government to provide stimulus and treatment for batik SMEs in increasing knowledge about Permenperin No. 10 of 2023 for the batik industry towards a more focused green industry through green industry certification for batik SMEs. ABSTRAK Salah satu dampak paska pengukuhan Batik Indonesia sebagai warisan budaya tak benda oleh UNESCO tahun 2009 yaitu banyak bermunculan usaha batik di berbagai daerah. Peningkatan ini dapat menambah jumlah produksi dan sekaligus berpengaruh kepada lingkungannya. Hadirnya peraturan pemerintah tentang industri hijau untuk industri batik disinyalir belum menjadi perhatian bagi pengusaha batik khususnya di Kota Pekalongan. Sebagian besar IKM batik masih menerapkan proses produksi tanpa mempedulikan aspek sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan industri batik Kota Pekalongan berkaitan dengan adanya peraturan pemerintah yang berkaitan dengan standar industri hijau untuk industri batik. Metode yang digunakan metode survei melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Selanjutnya implikasi penelitain ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi pemerintah untuk melakukan stimulus dan treatment bagi IKM batik dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang Permenperin No. 10 Tahun 2023 bagi industri batik menuju industri hijau yang lebih terarah melalui sertifikasi industri hijau bagi IKM batik. Kata Kunci : tingkat pengetahuan, Industri hijau, tanggungjawab sosial, keberlanjutan lingkungan