Figure 3 - uploaded by Ki Beom Kim
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- Model of palatal expander. 

- Model of palatal expander. 

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With the advent of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), it is now possible to quantitatively evaluate the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on the entire maxillary complex in growing patients. The purpose of this study is to use three-dimensional images to evaluate the displacement that occurs at the circummaxillary sutures (frontonasal,...

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... mean age at the time of the first imaging ap- pointment in this study was 12.3 ± 2.6 (8.3 to 17.8 years). The second CBCT image was taken on an average of 22.8 ± 5 days after the first image (14 to 37 days). Each patient was treated with a tooth-borne rapid maxillary expander (Hyrax). The expansion appliance consisted of a 7-millimeter Dentaurum expansion screw (Dentaurum, Ispringen, Germany) with 0.051-inch diameter stainless steel arms welded to orthodontic bands on the maxillary first molars, and a 0.051-inch diameter supporting wire placed palatal to the dentition and bands so as to increase the rigidity of the appliance and extend the force of the expander to the canines as well as first and second premolars, if they were present ( Fig 3). The expander was activated two-quarter turns of the expansion screw (0.2 mm each turn) at the time of delivery, followed by a one-quarter turn twice a day. Activation of the screw continued until the transverse discrepancy was overcorrected to the point in which the palatal cusps of the maxillary molars were in edge-to-edge contact with the buccal cusps of the opposing mandibular teeth. Cone beam computed tomography scans were taken using the Classic i-CAT ® (Imaging Sciences International, Inc., Hatfield, USA) cone beam CT scanner. All scans were taken by the same technician using either the 16 x 13 or the 16 x 22 centimeter field of view with a voxel size of 0.4 millimeters. Patients were positioned in a vertical seat with their head stabilized in the headrest to prevent any unwanted movement during the 20-second scan, teeth together in centric occlusion, and the Frankfort Horizontal plane parallel to the floor, as determined by the external auditory meatus and soft-tissue orbitale. Each patient was scanned at two different time points: T and T . The first image (T ) was obtained 0 1 0 prior to the delivery of the expander and represented the subject’s baseline condition prior to expansion. The second time point (T ) was taken at the ap- 1 pointment immediately following the last activation of the expansion appliance. The analysis measured changes of the alveolar bone and maxillary sutures following rapid maxillary expansion with consistent landmark identification using the Dolphin 3-D software (Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions, Chatsworth, USA). Each scan had a number randomly assigned and loaded into the three-dimensional software so that each scan was analyzed without the operator identifying the patient. First, each scan was oriented by locating the midpoint between both foramina spino- sum (ELSA), and assigning to it x = 0, y = 0, and z = 0 coordinates (Fig 4). The following points were then located: 1) the superior-lateral border of the external auditory meatus (SLEAM) on both right and left sides, and 2) the mid-dorsum of the foramen mag- num (MDFM). An axial-horizontal plane (x-y plane) was determined by using the right and left SLEAM points and ELSA. A sagittal-vertical plane (z-y plane) was determined perpendicular to the x-y plane and passing through points ELSA and MDFM. These points have shown a high intra-reliability when located with 3D images, which makes the x-y and z-y planes formed by these points an adequate way to standardize the orientation of 3D images. Two-dimensional axial images were created perpendicular to the coronal plane and used to measure the amount of midpalatal and transpalatal suture separation on the external surface of each suture. The midpalatal suture was measured adjacent to four locations: the first molar, the contact area between the first and second premolars, the canine, and the most anterior point of the maxillary dental arch. The central groove of each first molar was identified by locating the crown of the molar on an axial image and marking the central groove. An axial section through the hard palate was then created, and the mesial edge of the midpalatal suture was marked on both right and left sides. The same procedure was followed for the other areas of the midpalatal suture, as described above (Fig 5). To verify if the external surface of the suture was being marked, coronal slices were viewed for the places where the suture edges were marked and corrected if necessary. The transpalatal suture was measured at five areas along the suture. The first area identified was in the midline, established by the junction of the midpalatal and transpalatal sutures. The proximal and distal edges of the transpalatal suture were marked at the midline, as well as at 6, 12, and 18 millimeters to the left (Fig 6). The mil- limetric grid on the axial image was used to determine the landmarks to the left of the midline. To verify if the external surface of the suture was being marked, coronal slices were viewed for the places where the suture edges were marked and corrected if necessary. The displacement of the frontonasal suture was determined by locating and marking the superior and inferior edges of the frontonasal suture on the external surface in the midline on a sagittal section (Fig 7). Axial sections were used in the appropriate locations to locate and measure the mesial edges of the intermaxillary suture at ANS (Fig 8) as well as the proximal and distal edges of the zygomaticomaxillary sutures which were located and marked on both inferior (Fig 9) and superior (Fig 10) borders of the zygomaticomaxillary suture on both right and left sides. To determine the amount of appliance expansion, the outer edges of an unactivated 7-mm Dentaurum expansion screw (Dentaurum, Ispringen, Germany) were measured with digital calipers. In the post-ex- pansion scans, the outer edges of the expansion screw were marked in the coronal slice at the maxillary first ...

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This study used finite element (FE) analysis to investigate the stability of miniscrews (screws) placed at the median palate. FE models with variable suture maturity and screw-suture distances were used to examine the relationship with screw stability. Four groups were classified by extent of maturation of the midpalatal suture (0%, 60%, 75%, and 1...


... Therefore, there was a significant increase in the widths between the molars, maxillaries, palatal, and nasal concerning the control group. Woller et al. (2014) [20] evaluated by computer tomography the changes that occur in the maxillary sutures in children submitted to the rapid expansion of the maxilla treated with a Hyrax-type device, carried out a study in 25 patients (10 men, 15 women) who presented discrepancies of the maxilla. The exclusion criteria selected were patients with craniofacial anomalies, including cleft lip and palate, and patients using orthodontic appliances before initiation of treatment with rapid maxillary expansion. ...
... Therefore, there was a significant increase in the widths between the molars, maxillaries, palatal, and nasal concerning the control group. Woller et al. (2014) [20] evaluated by computer tomography the changes that occur in the maxillary sutures in children submitted to the rapid expansion of the maxilla treated with a Hyrax-type device, carried out a study in 25 patients (10 men, 15 women) who presented discrepancies of the maxilla. The exclusion criteria selected were patients with craniofacial anomalies, including cleft lip and palate, and patients using orthodontic appliances before initiation of treatment with rapid maxillary expansion. ...
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Introduction: The techniques of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) and non-surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (NSARME) are used to correct maxillary development through palatal disjunction. Objective: It was analyzed using a systematic review of the literature on the main considerations of the rapid expansion of the maxilla, evidencing its main indications, contraindications, types of expanders, as well as the main dental and skeletal alterations by them produced. Methods: The PRISMA Platform systematic review rules were followed. The search was carried out from February to April 2024 in the Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: 110 articles were found, 34 articles were evaluated in full and 22 were included and developed in the present systematic review study. Considering the Cochrane tool for risk of bias, the overall assessment resulted in 18 studies with a high risk of bias and 23 studies that did not meet GRADE and AMSTAR-2. Most studies did not show homogeneity in their results, with X2=73.8%>50%. It was concluded there is still no consensus on which is the best jaw-breaker, and it is necessary to increase the number of clinical and randomized studies, with eligibility criteria that can homogenize the participants. In addition, the literature has clearly shown that bucomaxillofacial surgeons must have the knowledge and clinical experience to be able to indicate the best procedure for each patient, that is, the rapid expansion of the non-surgical or surgical maxilla.
... На сьогоднішній день дослідження RME, SRME, MARPE зосереджені на визначенні результатів лікування, а не на користі КПКТ у діагностиці та плануванні лікування поперечних розбіжностей. Зокрема, КПКТ використовується для вирішення двох питань, пов'язаних з лікуванням RME, SRME, MARPE, а саме: 1) як сили розширення впливають на різні ділянки верхньої щелепи та 2) вплив віку пацієнта на досягнення максимального розширення кісток, а не нахилу зубів [29][30][31][32]. Ці дослідження показують, що лікування RME у зростаючих дітей призводить до роз'єднання кількох навколощелепних швів, що сприяє збільшен- ню не лише трансверзального, а також й сагітального та вертикального розмірів [31,32]. ...
... Зокрема, КПКТ використовується для вирішення двох питань, пов'язаних з лікуванням RME, SRME, MARPE, а саме: 1) як сили розширення впливають на різні ділянки верхньої щелепи та 2) вплив віку пацієнта на досягнення максимального розширення кісток, а не нахилу зубів [29][30][31][32]. Ці дослідження показують, що лікування RME у зростаючих дітей призводить до роз'єднання кількох навколощелепних швів, що сприяє збільшен- ню не лише трансверзального, а також й сагітального та вертикального розмірів [31,32]. Не дивно, що діти молодшого віку (6-8 років) демонструють більше скелетне розширення, ніж діти старшого віку (9-11 років), які демонструють більший нахил зубів після лікування RME [33][34][35]. ...
Actuality. Diagnostics in orthodontics is one of the most important stages, because the establishment of the final diagnosis and the choice of treatment methods directly depend on it. According to the diagnostic protocols of orthodontic patients, CBCT is currently not the gold standard, and is the method of choice. The goal is to analyze the available publications on the study of indications for CBCT and the impact of the information obtained on the choice of treatment method and/or control of the treatment. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of available publications on the resources https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/ and and and the formation of categories of indications for conducting CBCT in orthodontic practice and possible development trends in diagnostics based on CBCT The results. More than 200 publications were analyzed and 82 published in scientific publications in the period from 1998 to 2023 were selected, and the obtained data were systematized into the main groups of indications for conducting CBCT, namely: (1) assessment of the volume of the alveolar process for planning the possibility of tooth movement; (2) accurate determination of the localization of retained and overcomplete teeth; (3) assessment of the degree of ossification of the palatine suture for choosing a method of maxillary expansion; (4) study of angulation, morphology or root resorption; (5) quantification of nonunion defects of the lip and palate; (6) evaluation of the selection of TADs sizes and optimal areas for their installation; (7) help in determining the possible etiological factors of the occurrence of a pathological bite, for example, anomalies of the TMJ. Conclusions. The development of technologies and diagnostics of patients does not stand still, including 3D technologies in orthodontics as well, and the information that the doctor receives from CBCT influences the choice of treatment method and the evaluation of the conducted, which helps to improve the provision of orthodontic care and treatment, and we hope that in soon CBCT as a diagnostic method will take its place in diagnostic protocols and replace the gold standard, which is currently OPTG and TRG (cephalometry). Key words: cone-beam computed tomography, CBCT, orthodontics, diagnosis, canine retention, repid palatal expiation (RME), temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ), occlusion, articulator, treatment planning, treatment outcames.
... Traditionally, studies about changes after RME have been based on occlusal radiographs and frontal cephalometry, as these are the means commonly used in diagnosis and during orthodontic treatment [22][23][24][25][26]. However, with the advent of CBCT, a more accurate and replicable assessment of anatomical structures in all three planes of space has been achieved [12][13][14][15][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. On the other hand, there is an increasing interest in the evaluation of dental and skeletal changes as well as changes in the nasal cavity after RME with CBCT in growing patients [12,[27][28][29][30]32,[36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44]. ...
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The skeletal and dental effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) have been extensively studied, but high-quality research is still needed to determine the three-dimensional (3D) effects of RME. The aim of this study was to compare skeletal and dentoalveolar parameters through cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) pre- (T1) and post-treatment (T2) with respect to RME. Twenty growing patients (mean age 10.7 years) were treated with a Hyrax-type expander. A 3D CBCT was performed at T1 and T2, measuring nasal width, maxillary width, palatal height, maxillary arch perimeter, angulation of the upper first molar, and intermolar width. The mean palatal suture opening was 2.85 ± 0.62 mm (p < 0.0001). Nasal width increased 1.28 ± 0.64 mm and maxillary width 2.79 ± 1.48 mm (p < 0.0001). In contrast, palatal height was reduced 0.65 ± 0.64 mm (p < 0.0001). Regarding arch perimeter, the radicular perimeter increased 2.89 ± 1.80 mm, while the coronal perimeter increased 3.42 ± 2.09 mm (p < 0.0001). Molar angulation increased 5.62 ± 3.20° for the right molar and 4.74 ± 2.22° for the left molar (p < 0.0001). Intermolar width increased 5.21 ± 1.55 mm (p < 0.0001). Treatment with Hyrax produced a significant opening in the mean palatal suture. Also, a significant increase in nasal width, maxillary width, arch perimeter, molar angulation, and intermolar width, and a decrease in palatal height, were observed.
... The difference in genes and the timing of closure of sutures of skull base and circummaxillary sutures play a role in causing a different growth pattern of the midface in children with syndromic craniosynostosis [30,31]. FGFR2-related syndromes display more severe craniofacial dysmorphology compared with the children without FGFR2 mutation [7,8]; besides, middle and posterior skull base sutural patterns and facial sutures contribute to change biomechanical forces acting on growth and development of facial skeleton [7]. ...
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Purpose: To assess the role of FGFR2 mutations and sutural synostotic patterns on facial skeleton dysmorphology in children with syndromic craniosynostosis. Methods: Preoperative high-resolution CT images in 39 infants with syndromic craniosynostosis were evaluated. Patients were divided into infants with and without FGFR2 mutations; each group was split according to synostotic involvement of minor sutures/synchondroses: isolated or combined involvement of middle (MCF) and posterior cranial fossae (PCF). Quantitative analysis of the midface and mandible measures was performed. Each subgroup was compared with a group of age-matched healthy subjects. Results: Twenty-four patients with FGFR2 related syndromes were clustered in 3 subgroups: MCF + PCF (8 patients, 5.4 ± 1.75 months), MCF (8 patients, 3.62 ± 1.68 months), and PCF (8 patients, 2.75 ± 0.46 months). Fifteen no-FGFR2 patients were clustered in 2 subgroups: MCF + PCF (7 patients, 9.42 ± 0.78 months) and PCF (8 patients, 7.37 ± 2.92 months). Both FGFR2 and no-FGFR2 groups with involvement of minor sutures coursing in MCF showed more facial sutural synostoses. Children with minor suture/synchondrosis synostosis of MCF (MCF-PCF and MCF subgroups) showed altered position of glenoid fossa and mandibular inclination ([Formula: see text]), but children in the FGFR2 group had also reduced midfacial depth and maxillary length ([Formula: see text]). Children with minor suture/synchondrosis synostosis of PCF (PCF subgroups) had reduced posterior mandibular height, but those children in the FGFR2 group also showed reduced intergonion distance ([Formula: see text]). Conclusions: In children with syndromic craniosynostosis, both skull base and facial suture synostosis affect facial dysmorphology/hypoplasia. FGFR2 mutations may worsen facial hypoplasia both acting on bone development and causing an earlier premature closure of facial sutures.
... In studies carried out with rhesus monkeys, Starnbach et al. [38] noted that during RME, there was increased cellular activity at the zygomaticomaxillary suture, indicating bone formation at that suture. Woller et al. [43] reported an average of 1.2 mm of sutural displacement at both the superior and inferior borders of the zygomaticomaxillary sutures. However, Braun et al. [7] and Baldawa and Bhad [2] showed that the center of rotation during initial displacement of the dentomaxillary complex lies within the frontonasal suture, and Gautam et al. [17] reported that, from the coronal point of view, this center was located somewhere close to the superior orbital fissure. ...
... The maxilla is positioned inferiorly and medially in relation to this fulcrum, and when the zygomaticomaxillary complex turns outward and around a center of rotation in the region of the frontozygomatic suture area, half of the maxilla turns outward and downward. These results are similar to the findings of Woller et al. [43] and they may explain the AIMD anterior intermaxillary distance, IZTD interzygomaticotemporal distance opening of the frontomaxillary and nasomaxillary sutures that is very commonly observed after RME and has been reported by several studies [16,17,27]. During expansion, if the frontomaxillary suture area were the fulcrum, the opening of the nasomaxillary and frontomaxillary sutures would be very limited. ...
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Purpose. To assess the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) treatment on the zygomatic bone complex (ZBC). Methods. In this single-center retrospective study, pre- and posttreatment cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of 38 patients treated with RME were analyzed to investigate changes in the coordinates of the ZBC landmarks. At the start of treatment (T0), the patients’ mean age was 11.1 ± 3.8 years (range 8.3–14.9 years). Cohen’s d test was used to evaluate statistical differences.ResultsThere were statistically significant differences between T0 and T1 (P < 0.01) in the measurement values for the maxillary transverse width (ΔT: 3.18 ± 2.58, d: 1.23), frontozygomatic sutures (ΔT: 1.09 ± 0.56, d: 0.43), lowest point of the zygomaticomaxillary sutures (ΔT: 3.16 ± 1.78, d: 0.78), frontomaxillary angular parameter (right side ΔT: 2.81 ± 1.63, d: 1.73; left side ΔT: 2.52 ± 1.20, d: 2.10), frontozygomatic angular parameter (right side ΔT: 2.81 ± 1.63 d: 1.07; left side ΔT: 2.21 ± 2.79, d: 0.61), anterior intermaxillary distance (ΔT: 2.11 ± 1.42, d: 0.99), interzygomaticotemporal distance (ΔT: 2.00 ± 2.42, d: 0.99), and zygomatic angular parameter (right side ΔT: 2.06 ± 1.29, d: 1.6; left side ΔT: 2.02 ± 1.86, d: 1.09).Conclusions After RME in growing patients, the zygomatic bone showed pyramidal expansion in the coronal plane and parallel palatal expansion in the axial plane. In addition, significant lateral relocation of the zygomatic bone occurred. The zygomatic bone tended to rotate outward in conjunction with the maxilla, with a typical center of rotation close to the superior side of the frontozygomatic suture. These results shed light on the patterns of skeletal expansion in the zygomatic bone associated with RME in growing patients.
... Due to the proximity to the oral cavity, the volume and area of the upper airway and nasal cavity can be changed by RME. Immediately, RME promotes displacement of circumaxillary sutures in the three planes of space 77 The authors reported a greater reduction in AHI and greater volumetric gains in the UA of the group treated with AT, confirming AT as the gold standard therapy in the treatment of pediatric OSA, and concluding that RME is an adjunct in this process. 82 The American Association of Orthodontics cautions that there is not enough evidence to support the prophylactic indication of RME for the treatment of pediatric OSA; thus, the primary indication should always be the treatment of maxillary constriction. ...
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Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects an important part of the population and is characterized by recurrent total or partial obstruction of the upper airway (UA) during sleep, negatively affecting the quality of life of patients in the short and long terms, and constituting an important public health problem for the society. The field of expertise of orthodontists is closely related to the UA, placing them in a strategic position to diagnose air passage failures and intervene when necessary. Orthodontists, as health professionals, must know how to recognize respiratory problems and manage them appropriately, when indicated. Objective Thus, this paper aims to review and critically evaluate the related literature, to provide orthodontists with updated knowledge on the diagnosis and therapy related to OSA. Science and technology are constantly evolving; thus, the literature was also reviewed considering new technologies available in consumer-targeted applications and devices for the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing. Keywords: Obstructive sleep apnea; Sleep apnea syndromes; Airway obstruction; Orthodontics
... CBCT was used to answer two main concerns about RME treatment: how expansion pressures influence distinct regions of the maxilla and how age affects the relative degree of skeletal expansion versus dental tipping. Few studies show that tooth-borne RME therapy causes the separation of many circum-maxillary sutures, resulting in an increase in not only the transverse but also the sagittal and vertical dimensions in growing youngsters (Habeeb et al., 2013;Woller et al., 2014). ...
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Most orthodontic patients, unlike those having implants or endodontic treatment, are children who are particularly vulnerable to ionising radiation. In orthodontics, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has both hazards and benefits. Ionizing radiation, the existence of artefacts, higher costs, limited accessibility, and the need for additional training are the main hazards and limits. This imaging modality, however, has several recognised indications in orthodontics, including the assessment of impacted and ectopic teeth, the assessment of pharyngeal airway, the assessment of mini-implant sites, the evaluation of craniofacial abnormalities, the evaluation of sinus anatomy or pathology, the evaluation of root resorption, the evaluation of the cortical bone plate, and the planning and evaluation of orthognathic surgery. For certain patients, CBCT should be considered for clinical orthodontics. The use of CBCT requires careful consideration and strong clinical judgement. The important themes and topics in the literature about application of CBCT in orthodontics are summarised in this review.
... Premature fusion of circummaxillary sutures may play a role in affecting the vertical maxillary growth negatively in patients with Muenke syndrome. This is displayed by a decreased value of NSL/NL, which means a more anteriorly rotation of the maxilla [22][23][24]. In our visual presentation of Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (Fig. 3), the maxilla (SNA) is retruded, and the jaw relationship (ANB) has a decreased value compared to the Dutch controls. ...
... In Muenke syndrome, the pattern seems to have a posterior vertical inhibition, while Saethre-Chotzen syndrome tends to have an anterior vertical inhibition. The difference in genes causing craniosynostosis and the timing of fusion of circummaxillary sutures may play a role in causing a different growth pattern of the midface in these two syndromes [22][23][24]. Additionally, the skeletal pattern and jaw complex are more hyperdivergent in Saethre-Chotzen syndrome compared to the Dutch controls. ...
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Objectives To determine whether the midface of patients with Muenke syndrome, Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, or TCF12-related craniosynostosis is hypoplastic compared to skeletal facial proportions of a Dutch control group. Material and methods We included seventy-four patients (43 patients with Muenke syndrome, 22 patients with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, and 9 patients with TCF12-related craniosynostosis) who were referred between 1990 and 2020 (age range 4.84 to 16.83 years) and were treated at the Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Special Dental Care and Orthodontics, Children’s Hospital Erasmus University Medical Center, Sophia, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The control group consisted of 208 healthy children. Results Cephalometric values comprising the midface were decreased in Muenke syndrome (ANB: β = –1.87, p = 0.001; and PC1: p < 0,001), Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (ANB: β = –1.76, p = 0.001; and PC1: p < 0.001), and TCF12-related craniosynostosis (ANB: β = –1.70, p = 0.015; and PC1: p < 0.033). Conclusions In this study, we showed that the midface is hypoplastic in Muenke syndrome, Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, and TCF12-related craniosynostosis compared to the Dutch control group. Furthermore, the rotation of the maxilla and the typical craniofacial buildup is significantly different in these three craniosynostosis syndromes compared to the controls. Clinical relevance The maxillary growth in patients with Muenke syndrome, Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, or TCF12-related craniosynostosis is impaired, leading to a deviant dental development. Therefore, timely orthodontic follow-up is recommended. In order to increase expertise and support treatment planning by medical and dental specialists for these patients, and also because of the specific differences between the syndromes, we recommend the management of patients with Muenke syndrome, Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, or TCF12-related craniosynostosis in specialized multidisciplinary teams.
... Absolute and relative technical error of measurements (TEM and rTEM) and intra-and inter-class correlation were calculated to assess the reliability and reproducibility of the measurements. To calculate the reliability of cranium orientation, 25% of the CBCT scans were reoriented based on the landmarks of basion and posterior clinoid process of sella turcica, [38] and intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated. Descriptive statistics, including the mean and standard deviation of each variable, were calculated. ...
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Objectives Skeletally mature patients with transverse deficiency are best treated with surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (RPE) procedure. Recent studies have shown that microimplant-assisted RPE (MARPE) appliances can be effective in achieving skeletal expansion in young adults. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the skeletal and dental alveolar changes in response to treatment with MARPE appliances in three types of anteroposterior skeletal malocclusions using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Material and Methods Seventy-eight subjects diagnosed with maxillary transverse deficiency and treated with the MARPE appliance (mean age of 22.9 ± 4.2 years) were divided into skeletal Class I, II, and III malocclusions with 26 subjects in each group. Pre- and post-treatment CBCT scans were used for superimposition to examine the skeletal and dentoalveolar changes following maxillary expansion treatment. Results Significant lateral separation of the maxilla was found at the levels of the nasal floor, interzygomatic bones, and the inferior palatine margin of the alveolar process ( P < 0.05) in the whole sample. Most of the sagittal and vertical variables change significantly in the whole sample and each studied group separately. Intergroup comparisons revealed no significant differences among the three skeletal classes except for the left frontozygomatic angle, left maxillary inclination angle, and torque in the first and second premolars. In Class III patients, the maxilla moved forward significantly in most of the cases (eight of 26 cases) (0.88°, P < 0.05) and the mandible moved downward and backward improving the anteroposterior skeletal relationship. Significant differences were also found in the vertical measurements (N-Me, MMP, and MP/SN, P < 0.05) in all three types of anteroposterior malocclusions. Conclusion Maxillary expansion with the MARPE appliance in young adult patients induced different skeletal and dentoalveolar changes in the anteroposterior and vertical dimensions in each skeletal malocclusion with no significant difference among the three skeletal classes.
... Leonardi et al 13 reported RPE in growing patients produced a significant bony displacement by disrupting the circummaxillary sutures. Several studies [13][14][15] have reported on the effects of RPE on circummaxillary sutures in growing patients, but there have not been any published studies that used conebeam computed tomography (CBCT) to evaluate the effects of MAPRE on circummaxillary sutures in skeletally mature patients. ...
Introduction This study aimed to investigate the short-term effects on the circummaxillary sutures induced by microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) in skeletally mature patients. Methods Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of preexpansion (T0) and postexpansion (T1) of 23 patients (mean age, 20.9 ± 3.65 years) treated with MARPE were evaluated. The T0 and T1 CBCT images were reoriented and superimposed on the basis of the anterior cranial base, using OnDemand3D software (Cybermed, Seoul, Korea). Then, width changes of 9 circummaxillary sutures (frontonasal, frontomaxillary, frontozygomatic, nasomaxillary, zygomaticomaxillary, intermaxillary, midpalatal, zygomaticotemporal, and pterygopalatine sutures) were measured on 1 section of each patient’s T0 and T1 CBCT images. In addition, correlation coefficients between changes in the midpalatal sutures, the amount of appliance activation, age, and the changes in other circummaxillary sutural widths were also calculated. Results Statistically significant (P <0.05) width increases were found in all 9 circummaxillary sutures. The changes in midpalatal suture at the maxillary central incisor level positively correlated with the intermaxillary sutures at the anterior nasal spine level, midpalatal sutures at the posterior nasal spine level, and frontomaxillary sutures (P <0.05). In addition, the changes in the midpalatal sutures at the posterior nasal spine level also positively correlated with the changes in the intermaxillary sutures at the anterior nasal spine level, frontomaxillary sutures, and medial pterygopalatine sutures (P <0.05). Conclusions All 9 circummaxillary sutural widths increased in skeletally mature patients immediately after MARPE. The greatest increases in width were measured in the midpalatal sutures and the intermaxillary sutures, followed by the frontomaxillary sutures.