Table 8 - uploaded by Solomon Ezeiruaku
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Model features and their purpose

Model features and their purpose

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3D printing, more professionally called additive manufacturing (AM) is a manufacturing technology (process) revolutionizing the world manufacturing industry. AM is a standard term adopted by the ASTM International Committee to include comprehensively methods that build 3D objects layer-by-layer using computer driven technology. It is completely dif...

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Context 1
... test models contain samples of geometric shapes and sizes that are commonly available on plastics, and most of these models have features with decreasing dimensions as shown in Figures 7-11 and Table 7. The models were produced with different process parameters to quantify a particular limitation as shown in Table 8. More importantly, these parameters were chosen to make this machine produce the best it can. ...

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Keywords • ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) • vibration • deposition direction • frequency response function • additive manufacturing Abstract This article compares the vibrational behaviour variability of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) test specimens obtained by additive manufacturing (AM) with three different deposition directions. Test specimens are subjected to forced vibration on an electromechanical shaker, and the frequency response amplitude is measured using accelerometers. Natural frequency and Q-factors are discussed. The experiment shows that the direction of deposition generates a material damping variability of up to 30 %. The parameters identified during experiments could be further used to develop finite element numerical models to virtually validate 3D printed structures generated with the same process parameters as the test samples. Ključne reči • ABS (akrilonitril butadijen stiren) • vibracije • pravac depozicije • funkcija frekventnog odziva • aditivna proizvodnja Izvod U ovom radu je dato poređenje promenjivog ponašanja vibracija ispitnih epruveta od akrilonitril butadijen stirena (ABS), dobijenih aditivnom proizvodnjom (AM) u tri razli-čita pravca depozicije. Epruvete za ispitivanje su podvrgnute vibracijama na elektromehaničkom uređaju, zatim se meri amplituda frek-ventnog odziva primenom akcelerometara. Data je disku-sija o sopstvenim frekvencijama i Q-faktora. U eksperimentu se sa pravcem depozicije generiše pro-menljivo prigušenje u materijalu do 30 %. Parametri koji se određuju u eksperimentima se mogu dalje iskoristiti za razvoj numeričkih modela sa konačnim elementima kako bi se virtuelno ocenilo ponašanje 3D štampane konstrukcije generisane sa istim parametrima kao i ispitivane epruvete.
This study aimed to evaluate particle emission characteristics and to evaluate several control methods used to reduce particle emissions during three-dimensional (3D) printing. Experiments for particle characterization were conducted to measure particle number concentrations, emission rates, morphology, and chemical compositions under manufacturer-recommended and consistent-temperature conditions with seven different thermoplastic materials in an exposure chamber. Eight different combinations of the different control methods were tested, including an enclosure, an extruder suction fan, an enclosure ventilation fan, and several types of filter media. We classified the thermoplastic materials as high emitter (>10¹¹ #/min), medium emitters (10⁹ #/min −10¹¹ #/min), and low emitters (<10⁹ #/min) based on nanoparticle emissions. The nanoparticle emission rate was at least 1 order of magnitude higher for all seven filaments at the higher consistent extruder temperature than at the lower manufacturer-recommended temperature. Among the eight control methods tested, the enclosure with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter had the highest removal effectiveness (99.95%) of nanoparticles. Our recommendations for reducing particle emissions include applying a low temperature, using low-emitting materials, and instituting control measures like using an enclosure around the printer in conjunction with an appropriate filter (e.g., HEPA filter) during 3D printing.