Figure 4 - uploaded by Marton Toth
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Mitochondria can be extruded in exophers, and mitochondria with higher mitochondrial matrix oxidation might be preferentially extruded a. Mitochondria in a budding exopher. Mitochondria form a ring around the somatic periphery, typical of young adulthood, with some mitochondria segregated into a putative exopher. Strain is bzIs167[p mec-4 mitoGFP]. b. Mitochondrially localized mitoGFP (strain bzIs167[P mec-4 mitoGFP]) can be extruded in exophers; left exopher shown does not include substantial mitochondrial content, but right exopher does. 10/20 exophers scored with this reporter contained mitochondria. c. RNAi knockdown of mitochondrial health and function genes ubl-5, pink-1, and dct-1 increases the occurrence of exophers. White, empty vector control; blue, RNAi against genes indicated. ubl-5 (3 trials), pink-1(4 trials,) dct-1 (3 trials). n > 80 total per condition, *P < 0.05. d. Genetic disruption of mitochondrial health and function increases the occurrence of exophers. We compared exopher levels in Is[p mec-4 mCh1]; pdr-1(gk448) mutant, a Parkin homolog 16 *P < 0.05, n = 30 per trial, 6 trials. e. Mitochondria segregated into exophers have higher relative oxidation levels than somatic mitochondria, as reported by mitoROGFP. Left, a pseudo-colored image indicating relative emission levels at excitation wavelengths of 405 nm/476 nm (blue, oxidized; green, reduced). Right, redox excitation ratio in exophers vs. soma. n =10 pairs of exophers with mitochondria and originating soma, *P < 0.05, strain is zhsEx17 [P mec-4 mitoLS::ROGFP]. Of note, the soma shown exhibits locally concentrated oxidized mitochondria, indicating that oxidizing conditions are not restricted to exopher. Wild type, unstressed somas have a typical 405 nm/476 nm ratio of 1 19 ; cells that form an exopher may experience somewhat 

Mitochondria can be extruded in exophers, and mitochondria with higher mitochondrial matrix oxidation might be preferentially extruded a. Mitochondria in a budding exopher. Mitochondria form a ring around the somatic periphery, typical of young adulthood, with some mitochondria segregated into a putative exopher. Strain is bzIs167[p mec-4 mitoGFP]. b. Mitochondrially localized mitoGFP (strain bzIs167[P mec-4 mitoGFP]) can be extruded in exophers; left exopher shown does not include substantial mitochondrial content, but right exopher does. 10/20 exophers scored with this reporter contained mitochondria. c. RNAi knockdown of mitochondrial health and function genes ubl-5, pink-1, and dct-1 increases the occurrence of exophers. White, empty vector control; blue, RNAi against genes indicated. ubl-5 (3 trials), pink-1(4 trials,) dct-1 (3 trials). n > 80 total per condition, *P < 0.05. d. Genetic disruption of mitochondrial health and function increases the occurrence of exophers. We compared exopher levels in Is[p mec-4 mCh1]; pdr-1(gk448) mutant, a Parkin homolog 16 *P < 0.05, n = 30 per trial, 6 trials. e. Mitochondria segregated into exophers have higher relative oxidation levels than somatic mitochondria, as reported by mitoROGFP. Left, a pseudo-colored image indicating relative emission levels at excitation wavelengths of 405 nm/476 nm (blue, oxidized; green, reduced). Right, redox excitation ratio in exophers vs. soma. n =10 pairs of exophers with mitochondria and originating soma, *P < 0.05, strain is zhsEx17 [P mec-4 mitoLS::ROGFP]. Of note, the soma shown exhibits locally concentrated oxidized mitochondria, indicating that oxidizing conditions are not restricted to exopher. Wild type, unstressed somas have a typical 405 nm/476 nm ratio of 1 19 ; cells that form an exopher may experience somewhat 

Source publication
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The toxicity of misfolded proteins and mitochondrial dysfunction are pivotal factors that promote age-associated functional neuronal decline and neurodegenerative disease1, 2. Accordingly, neurons invest considerable cellular resources in chaperones, protein degradation, autophagy and mitophagy to maintain proteostasis and mitochondrial quality3, 4...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the large volume of exophers, we hypothesized they might include organelles. Indeed, both lysosomes (Extended Data Fig. 4) and mitochondria ( Fig. 4a, b; Extended Data Fig. 5) can be extruded in exophers. Mitochondrially-localized GFP reporters revealed mitochondrial inclusion in budding and dissociated exophers, with punctate or filamentous morphology typical of adult mitochondrial networks (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 5a-c). ...
Context 2
... the large volume of exophers, we hypothesized they might include organelles. Indeed, both lysosomes (Extended Data Fig. 4) and mitochondria ( Fig. 4a, b; Extended Data Fig. 5) can be extruded in exophers. Mitochondrially-localized GFP reporters revealed mitochondrial inclusion in budding and dissociated exophers, with punctate or filamentous morphology typical of adult mitochondrial networks (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 5a-c). To address whether impairing mitochondrial quality enhances ...
Context 3
... they might include organelles. Indeed, both lysosomes (Extended Data Fig. 4) and mitochondria ( Fig. 4a, b; Extended Data Fig. 5) can be extruded in exophers. Mitochondrially-localized GFP reporters revealed mitochondrial inclusion in budding and dissociated exophers, with punctate or filamentous morphology typical of adult mitochondrial networks (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 5a-c). To address whether impairing mitochondrial quality enhances the production of exophers, we genetically manipulated dct-1/BNIP3 (mitophagy), pink-1/PINK 15 and pdr-1/Parkin 16 (human Parkinson's disease homologs implicated in mitochondrial maintenance), and ubl-5 17 (mitochondrial unfolded protein response), (Fig. 4c, d). We conclude ...
Context 4
... (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 5a-c). To address whether impairing mitochondrial quality enhances the production of exophers, we genetically manipulated dct-1/BNIP3 (mitophagy), pink-1/PINK 15 and pdr-1/Parkin 16 (human Parkinson's disease homologs implicated in mitochondrial maintenance), and ubl-5 17 (mitochondrial unfolded protein response), (Fig. 4c, d). We conclude that multiple approaches toward genetic impairment of mitochondria can increase ...
Context 5
... utilized mitoROGFP, a mitochondrially localized reporter that changes its peak excitation wavelength from ~405 nm (oxidized) to 476 nm (reduced) according to the local oxidative environment 18,19 . We find a significant increase in the 405 nm (oxidized) / 476 nm (reduced) excitation ratio of mitochondria in exophers as compared to those in somas (Fig. 4e), roughly equivalent to the redox excitation ratio observed in C. elegans neurons subjected to H 2 O 2 -induced oxidative stress 19 . We confirmed higher oxidation scores using MitoTimer, an alternative reporter of mitochondrial matrix oxidation 20 (Extended Data Fig. 5d). In addition, touch neurons of juglone-treated 21 bzIs166[P mec-4 ...

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... We find that autophagosome contents are dumped from neurons harboring hyperactive LRRK2, raising the question of what happens to the released cellular waste, e.g., mitochondria, in vivo? Mitochondrial exchange between neighboring cells, including neurons and adjacent glia, has been described by multiple groups (22,23,36,60,61) Tunneling nanotubes can serve as one . CC-BY 4.0 International license available under a (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. ...
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... More recently, the generation and clearance of large EVs containing dysfunctional mitochondria (i.e. exophers and migrasomes) from distinct cell types such as cardiomyocytes, neurons and migrating cells were demonstrated as an alternative waste disposal mechanism that maintains tissue homoeostasis, limits inflammation and aids organogenesis 9,10,[29][30][31] . Furthermore, the release of EVs containing healthy mitochondria from spermatid is also a critical process for normal sperm development 32 . ...
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... Ectosomes bud directly from the plasma membrane, and apoptotic EVs form during apoptosis by cell fragmentation. Recently, more subtypes have been discovered, such as migrasomes [13] and exophers [14]; their capacity to specifically deliver molecules for therapeutic purposes is yet to be discovered ( Figure 1). The EVs mentioned below mostly represent particles <1000 nm in diameter, like exosomes and the classic type of ectosomes a.k.a microvesicles. ...
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Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are natural carriers of biomolecules that play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication and tissue homeostasis under normal and pathological conditions, including inflammatory diseases and cancer. Since the discovery of the pro-regenerative and immune-modulating properties of EVs, EV-based therapeutics have entered clinical trials for conditions such as myocardial infarction and autoimmune diseases, among others. Due to their unique advantages—such as superior bioavailability, substantial packaging capacity, and the ability to traverse biological barriers—EVs are regarded as a promising platform for targeted drug delivery. However, achieving sufficient accumulation of therapeutic agents at the target site necessitates a larger quantity of EVs per dose compared to using EVs as standalone drugs. This challenge can be addressed by administering larger doses of EVs, increasing the drug dosage per administration, or enhancing the selective accumulation of EVs at target cells. In this review, we will discuss methods to improve the isolation and purification of EVs, approaches to enhance cargo packaging—including proteins, RNAs, and small-molecule drugs—and technologies for displaying targeting ligands on the surface of EVs to facilitate improved targeting. Ultimately, this guide can be applied to the development of novel classes of EV-based therapeutics and to overcoming existing technological challenges.
... These include alternative vesicular pathways like LC3-associated phagocytosis and LC3-associated endocytosis, as well as unconventional secretory pathways involving the formation of extracellular vesicles. While the role of these noncanonical autophagy pathways in aging and age-related diseases remains to be fully elucidated (reviewed in [42,66]), a recent study of C. elegans showed that reduced levels of autophagy genes involved in ATG8/LC3 conjugation lead to the formation of so-called exophers, which are large neuronal extrusions [67,68]. ...
... Additional work is clearly required to investigate the molecular dynamics of such decline. As inhibition of early-acting autophagy genes involved in autophagy initiation in C. elegans neurons causes expulsion of cellular cargo in secretory vesicles [67,68], reduced autophagic degradation may lead to increased noncanonical functions of autophagy proteins. Whether stalled autophagy in one tissue affects autophagy and proteostasis in other tissues via inter-tissue communication still has to be investigated. ...
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Macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) is a cellular recycling process that degrades cytoplasmic components, such as protein aggregates and mitochondria, and is associated with longevity and health in multiple organisms. While mounting evidence supports that autophagy declines with age, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Since autophagy is a complex, multistep process, orchestrated by more than 40 autophagy-related proteins with tissue-specific expression patterns and context-dependent regulation, it is challenging to determine how autophagy fails with age. In this review, we describe the individual steps of the autophagy process and summarize the age-dependent molecular changes reported to occur in specific steps of the pathway that could impact autophagy. Moreover, we describe how genetic manipulations of autophagy-related genes can affect lifespan and healthspan through studies in model organisms and age-related disease models. Understanding the age-related changes in each step of the autophagy process may prove useful in developing approaches to prevent autophagy decline and help combat a number of age-related diseases with dysregulated autophagy.
... Eukaryotic cells have innate pathways for clearing misfolded, malfunctioning, aged, or aggregated proteins (Wen et al., 2023). These include refolding proteins into their normal physiological conformations, degrading proteins utilizing the ubiquitin-proteasome or autophagy-lysosome systems, asymmetric cell division (ACD), or exocytosis of aggregated protein via the extrusion of exosomes or exophers (Tyedmers et al., 2010;Dikic, 2017;Melentijevic et al., 2017;Mogk et al., 2018;Pohl and Dikic, 2019;Nicolas-Avila et al., 2020;FIGURE 2 Loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra lead to interruption of dopamine pathways in the brain. Figure was created using ...
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An unprecedented extension of life expectancy observed during the past century drastically increased the number of patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s diseases (PD) worldwide. Estimated costs of PD alone reached $52 billion per year, making effective neuroprotective treatments an urgent and unmet need. Current treatments of both AD and PD focus on mitigating the symptoms associated with these pathologies and are not neuroprotective. In this review, we discuss the most advanced therapeutic strategies that can be used to treat PD. We also critically review the shift of the therapeutic paradigm from a small molecule-based inhibition of protein aggregation to the utilization of natural degradation pathways and immune cells that are capable of degrading toxic amyloid deposits in the brain of PD patients.
... Nevertheless, since these categories cannot be distinguished in bulk purified EV preparations, the field has proposed the use of the terms large EVs (lEVs) and small EVs (sEVs) in the absence of other information about biogenesis pathways. The largest categories of lEVs are apoptotic bodies (500 nm-5um) which originate from apoptotic cells [25], migrasomes (300 nm-3um) which originate from the trail left by migratory cells [26], oncosomes (1-10um) which originate from cancer cells [27], exophers (1-50um) which are large vesicles that can contain organelles released from C. elegans neurons [28], and microvesicles (100-1,000 nm) which constitute a heterogeneous group of vesicles that directly bud from the plasma membrane, including a subset of sEVs [29] (Figure 1). The best characterized sublass of sEVs is exosomes (50-150 nm) that are derived from the endocytic system, distinct from sEVs released directly from the plasma membrane. ...
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Extracellular vesicles and nanoparticles (EVPs) are now recognized as a novel form of cell–cell communication. All cells release a wide array of heterogeneous EVPs with distinct protein, lipid, and RNA content, dependent on the pathophysiological state of the donor cell. The overall cargo content in EVPs is not equivalent to cellular levels, implying a regulated pathway for selection and export. In cancer, release and uptake of EVPs within the tumour microenvironment can influence growth, proliferation, invasiveness, and immune evasion. Secreted EVPs can also have distant, systemic effects that can promote metastasis. Here, we review current knowledge of EVP biogenesis and cargo selection with a focus on the role that extracellular RNA plays in oncogenesis and metastasis. Almost all subtypes of RNA have been identified in EVPs, with miRNAs being the best characterized. We review the roles of specific miRNAs that have been detected in EVPs and that play a role in oncogenesis and metastasis.
... Exophers contain organelles, large protein complexes, and other components, and they play a role in the clearance of damaged, degraded, or aggregated material as well as dysfunctional mitochondria. Studies have demonstrated that exophers play a crucial role in neurological pathologies, as evidenced by research conducted by Melentijevic et al. (2017) and Arnold et al. (2023) [33,34]. Limited evidence is available regarding the involvement of exophers in tumors. ...
... Exophers contain organelles, large protein complexes, and other components, and they play a role in the clearance of damaged, degraded, or aggregated material as well as dysfunctional mitochondria. Studies have demonstrated that exophers play a crucial role in neurological pathologies, as evidenced by research conducted by Melentijevic et al. (2017) and Arnold et al. (2023) [33,34]. Limited evidence is available regarding the involvement of exophers in tumors. ...
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Cancer poses a significant public health challenge worldwide, and timely screening has the potential to mitigate cancer progression and reduce mortality rates. Currently, early identification of most tumors relies on imaging techniques and tissue biopsies. However, the use of low-cost, highly sensitive, non-invasive detection methods for early cancer screening has become more attractive. Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) released by all living cells contain distinctive biological components, such as nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. These vesicles play crucial roles in the tumor microenvironment and intercellular communication during tumor progression, rendering liquid biopsy a particularly suitable method for diagnosis. Nevertheless, challenges related to purification methods and validation of efficacy currently hinder its widespread clinical implementation. These limitations underscore the importance of refining isolation techniques and conducting comprehensive investigations on EVs. This study seeks to evaluate the potential of liquid biopsy utilizing blood-derived EVs as a practical, cost-effective, and secure approach for early cancer detection.
... Scale bars, 10 µm. to cytosol, however, our data show that even small amount of accumulation of α-Syn in mitochondria could significantly damage mitochondrial functions. In C. elegans, neurons can dispose mitochondria and protein aggregates in exophers 42 . It will be interesting to determine if there is a similar mechanism in mammals that would help remove α-Syn-containing mitochondria in a non-cell-autonomous fashion, when mitophagy failed to clear them in neurons. ...
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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction and accumulation of alpha-synuclein (α-Syn)-containing protein aggregates known as Lewy bodies (LB). Here, we investigated the entry of α-Syn into mitochondria to cause mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of cellular fitness in vivo. We show that α-Syn expressed in yeast and human cells is constitutively imported into mitochondria. In a transgenic mouse model, the level of endogenous α-Syn accumulation in mitochondria of dopaminergic neurons and microglia increases with age. The imported α-Syn is degraded by conserved mitochondrial proteases, most notably NLN and PITRM1 (Prd1 and Cym1 in yeast, respectively). α-Syn in the mitochondrial matrix that is not degraded interacts with respiratory chain complexes, leading to loss of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), mitochondrial membrane potential and cellular fitness decline. Importantly, enhancing mitochondrial proteolysis by increasing levels of specific proteases alleviated these defects in yeast, human cells, and a PD model of mouse primary neurons. Together, our results provide a direct link between α-synuclein-mediated cellular toxicity and its import into mitochondria and reveal potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of α-synucleinopathies.
... Therefore, migrating cells necessarily require additional mechanisms to mitigate this higher mitochondrial stress burden. Mitochondrial shedding contributes to mitochondrial quality control (Melentijevic et al., 2017). Migrasomes can regulate the quality of mitochondria, thereby maintaining intracellular mitochondrial homeostasis by clearing out damaged mitochondria (Jiao et al., 2021) and avoiding the adverse effects caused by the accumulation of damaged mitochondria, such as cytochrome C release from mitochondria and subsequent caspase activation (Jiang and Wang, 2004;Bock and Tait, 2020). ...
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Migrasomes are organelles produced by migrating cells that form on retraction fibers and are released during cell migration. Migrasomes are involved in physiological and pathological processes such as intercellular communication, cell homeostasis maintenance, signal transduction, disease occurrence and development, and cancer metastasis. In addition, methods and techniques for studying migrasomes are constantly evolving. Here, we review the discovery, formation process, regulation, and known functions of migrasomes, summarize the commonly used specific markers of migrasomes, and the methods for observing migrasomes. Meanwhile, this review also discusses the potential applications of migrasomes in physiological processes, disease diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, and looks forward to their wider application in biomedicine. In addition, the study of migrasomes will also reveal a new perspective on the mechanism of intercellular communication and promote the further development of life science.
... Mitochondrial transplantation/mitochondrial transfer a therapeutic modality that aims to enhance cellular function and mitigate damage by replacing damaged mitochondria with healthy ones [222][223][224]. This approach entails the isolation of functional mitochondria, which are then introduced into the damaged tissue. ...
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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta region of the midbrain and the formation of intracellular protein aggregates known as Lewy bodies, of which a major component is the protein α-synuclein. Several studies have suggested that mitochondria play a central role in the pathogenesis of PD, encompassing both familial and sporadic forms of the disease. Mitochondrial dysfunction is attributed to bioenergetic impairment, increased oxidative stress, damage to mitochondrial DNA, and alteration in mitochondrial morphology. These alterations may contribute to improper functioning of the central nervous system and ultimately lead to neurodegeneration. The perturbation of mitochondrial function makes it a potential target, worthy of exploration for neuroprotective therapies and to improve mitochondrial health in PD. Thus, in the current review, we provide an update on mitochondria-based therapeutic approaches toward α-synucleinopathies in PD.