Figure 3 - uploaded by David A. Kolb
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... have created a practical model (Figure 3) from mindfulness and expe- riential learning work that answers the following question: What are various mindfulness practices that can be used to develop the capacity to engage in one or more of the four modes of the learning cycle in organizations? The next section provides some useful tools to improve specific modes of experiential learning through mindfulness. ...
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... Embracing small pleasures can elevate nurses' moods and enhance their ability to unwind, both in their daily lives and at work. Yeganeh and Kolb propose that automatic categorization often underlies both positive and negative work experiences, where emotions are naturally triggered by environmental stimuli [30]. However, mindfulness empowers individuals with greater control over their emotions. ...
In an aging society coping with workforce challenges, successful hospital management hinges on the recruitment and retention of nurses. It is of utmost priority to address job stress and fortify mental resilience. While quantitative research supports investigating the stress-alleviating effects of mindfulness for nursing staff, obtaining a direct perspective from nurses is essential to comprehend how they navigate burnout and apply mindfulness for stress management. This qualitative study aimed to explore newly graduated nurses’ experiences who participated in a mindfulness course and evaluate the practical application of acquired strategies in their work and daily lives, providing insights for retention strategies in health-care institutions.
Materials and Methods
Thirty-one recently graduated nurses participated in an 8-session weekly in the mindfulness program. Qualitative data were obtained through focus group discussions during each session and subjected to thematic analysis.
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This study underscores the advantages of mindfulness courses for newly graduated nurses and emphasizes the crucial role of workplace support. Practical recommendations for nursing administrators and educators include fostering familiarity with the health-care environment, promoting teamwork, and addressing anxiety related to handovers. Mindfulness breathing training has proven effective in alleviating pressure during shift transitions. Nursing managers can enhance staff well-being by creating moments of happiness, encouraging positive experience sharing, and organizing outdoor activities. Suggestions for future research involve refining the implementation of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course for accessibility and effectiveness, extending courses to other health-care professionals to promote team harmony, and positively impacting nursing staff’s well-being and performance.
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... 6, emphasis added). Mindfulness techniques can support a person's experiential learning by guiding their own learning via nonjudgmental awareness and reflective observation (Yaganeh & Kolb, 2009). Focusing on learning in organizations, Yaganeh and Kolb suggest, "We encourage others to develop innovative ways to cultivate deliberate experiential learning in organizations and to share the results through articles and presentations so that one day it becomes the norm" (p. ...
... After 5 minutes, the notes are gathered and posted on the walls and read out loud. This activity recognizes everyone's perspective, but also serves as a reminder to momentarily observe the environment and experience the 'now' as suggested in the ELC by Yaganeh and Kolb (2009). The post-it-notes remain on the wall throughout the semester to remind the class and others about the mindfulness practice of acceptance (i.e., post-it-wall). ...
... 27). Furthermore, Yeganeh and Kolb (2009) suggest that "in order to be more aware of their learning processes, learners must find unique ways to engage in routines of momentary awareness" (pp. 17-18). ...
... Within this component, educators can tailor the tools according to their pedagogical needs, thus offering a variety of integration strategies. For example, Yeganeh and Kolb (2009) build on Kolb's experiential learning cycle (Kolb, 1984) and develop tools for mindful learning to support learners' educational experiences. Similarly, Barbezat and Bush (2013) developed a series of pedagogical approaches that educators can implement in multidisciplinary classrooms. ...
Mindfulness has become a phenomenon of interest in the design research community due to itspositive effects on a broad range of human qualities and experiences relevant to the field. However,research intersecting mindfulness and design education is still in its early stages, leaving unansweredquestions about the nature of this relationship and its potential integration into design education. Weaddressed this gap through a theory-based analysis of relevant literature. First, we synthesize thetransferable applications of mindfulness into design educational practices within a four-dimensionalframework: 1) mindfulness-based pedagogical tools; 2) enhanced reflective practices; 3) enhancedcreative experiences; and 4) cultivating design competencies. Next, critically reflecting on theframework, we discuss implications and opportunities for further research. This manuscript aims tosupport the development of practice-based methods and tools in the design pedagogy field and toassist researchers in navigating and developing this promising research path.
... (Pirson et al., 2018;Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009). This concept has been denominated Langerian mindfulness.In the conceptual perspective of Langer's experimental psychology, the cultivation of mindfulness is intended to improve personal effectiveness in everyday situations using positive psychology strategies (Langer, 2009). ...
Background and Purpose: The Langer Mindfulness Scale (LMS) is distinguished from other mindfulness scales by its dimensions, which are closely related to the awareness and experience of novelty, and by being a scale derived from a cognitive perspective of information processing. There are no mindfulness instruments of this type available in Brazil. Therefore, this study aimed to carry out a translation and cultural adaptation of the LMS into Brazilian Portuguese and to validate and assess the internal consistency and convergent construct validity of the translated instrument. Methods: The study had two distinct stages: (a) translation and cultural adaptation of the LMS into Brazilian Portuguese and (b) validation of the adapted instrument using a sample of 543 participants. Results: The Brazilian version of the LMS demonstrated acceptable internal consistency, with confirmatory factor analysis supporting the original four-factor model. Correlations between LMS, and the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire and the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale were statistically significant and in the expected directions. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the Brazilian version of LMS, with its four dimensions, presents acceptable psychometric properties and seems to be a reliable and valid instrument for assessing the state of mindfulness in a Brazilian cultural context.
... The instructor promotes an emotionally supportive classroom climate that encourages students to engage in the mindfulness practices and share and reflect in the group through instructor-student-group dialogues. Following Kolb's Experiential Learning Model (Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009), the facilitator talks with the children to (a) help them to become aware of their experiences during the mindfulness practice (i. e., thoughts, emotions, and feelings), (b) explore their behavioral and relationship patterns with their experience, and (c) explore the implications that their behaviors may have on their own lives. ...
Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) in the school context are increasingly widespread worldwide. The present study evaluates the effectiveness of a school-MBI (GrowingUp Breathing program) on children's socio-emotional and academic development. Three hundred thirteen elementary students from 7 to 12 years old from two schools in Madrid (Spain) participated. A cluster-randomized control trial was designed, assigning eight classrooms to the MBI-group (N = 155) and eight classrooms to the waiting-list control group (N = 158). Measures were evaluated at pre- and post-intervention in both groups and a 3-month follow-up was collected in the MBI-group. Children self-reported their mindfulness skills (i.e., dispositional mindfulness and psychological inflexibility) and well-being (i.e., anxiety and life satisfaction) and teachers evaluated children's social-emotional competence (i.e., emotion regulation, peer-relationship problems, and prosociality), well-being (i.e., emotional symptoms), and academic competence (i.e., student engagement and academic achievement). Mindfulness skills and emotional regulation were examined as potential mediators. Results revealed that children who received the MBI, compared to children in the WLC-group, improved their mindfulness skills, emotion regulation, prosociality, and emotional and behavioral engagement and decreased anxiety and peer-relationship problems. Positive changes in dispositional mindfulness led to reductions in children's anxiety and psychological inflexibility. Positive changes in emotional regulation led to improvements in prosociality and student engagement and decreased peer-relationships problems and emotional symptoms. Therefore, the results showed that a brief-MBI integrated in the Spanish regular school curriculum enhanced children's socio-emotional and academic development. Dispositional mindfulness and emotion regulation work as processes of change that underlie the intervention's impact.
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... Bu yaklaşım ile öğrenci, sadece dinleme ve izleme gibi pasif öğrenme modundan, keşfetme gibi aktif deneyimsel öğrenme moduna geçebilmektedir (Dinis vd., 2022;O'Connor, 2021;Rong-Da Liang, 2021;Rosa vd., 2021). Ayrıca öğrenciler, aktif öğrenme ile bireysel olarak gerçek deneyimlerden bilgi üretebilmekte ve beceri geliştirebilmektedirler (Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009). Dolayısıyla aktif öğrenme ile öğrencinin turizmle ve meslekle ilgili gerçek deneyimleri yaşayarak mesleği öğrenmesi ve öğrendikleriyle mesleki analiz yapabilmesi söz konusu olacaktır (Rong-Da Liang, 2021). ...
... Bu yöntemlerden birisi de aktif öğrenmenin önemli bir bileşeni olan bilinçli farkındalık uygulamalarıdır (Bush, 2013;Edwards-Smith, 2022;Ergas, 2019;Mantzios & Egan, 2019). Bilinçli farkındalık; deneyimsel (Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009), bilinçli (Leland, 2015) ve keşifsel (Bilen, 2021) öğrenme eğitim programları ile geliştirilebilir bir insan kapasitesidir (Tortella-Feliu vd., 2020). Dolayısıyla bilinçli farkındalık, soyutlamalarla meşgul olmaktan ziyade dikkatin ve enerjinin doğrudan şimdiki anın deneyimine odaklı olduğu için deneyimsel (Williams vd., 2007) ve keşifsel (Markič & Kordeš, 2016) bir içeriğe sahiptir. ...
... Bilinçli farkındalık eğitimi ile ilgili farkındalık temelli stres azaltma (mindfulness-based Stress Reduction-MSBR) (Kabat-Zinn, 2003), farkındalık temelli bilişsel terapi (mindfulness-based cognitive therapy-MBCT) (Segal vd., 2004), bilinçli deneyimsel öğrenme (mindful experiential learning-MEL) (Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009), gündelik meşguliyetlerle bilinçli farkındalık (occupational mindfulness-OM) (Brooker vd., 2013) ve Master Mind-MM (Parker vd., 2014) gibi birçok program bulunmaktadır. Bu programlar, tüm eğitim kademelerinde (ilk, orta, lise, üniversite) uygulanan programlardır (Luiselli vd., 2017). ...
Amaç ve Önem: Dünyada meydana gelen teknolojik, psikolojik, sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel gelişmeler, yeni kuşak öğrencilerin öğrenim hayatlarında önemli değişikliklere yol açmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu dönüşüme ayak uydurmak için yeni öğrenme yöntemlerinin gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu yaklaşımdan hareketle, yazarlar tarafından bilinçli farkındalık ve aktif öğrenme temelli Deneyimsel Mesleki Farkındalık (DEMEF) eğitim programı geliştirilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, bu araştırmanın temel amacı, turizm rehberliği lisans öğrencilerinin DEMEF programına yönelik tutumsal öğrenme çıktılarını belirlemektir. Yöntem: Araştırmada nitel araştırma tasarımı kullanılmıştır. Veriler, nitel form tekniğiyle toplanmıştır. Araştırma, ölçüt örneklem yöntemi tercih edilerek bir turizm fakültesi bünyesindeki turizm rehberliği bölümünde 2. ve 3. sınıfta okuyan ve DEMEF programına katılan 64 öğrenciye yönelik yapılmıştır. Araştırma verileri, MAXQDA nitel veri analiz programıyla içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Bulgular: Araştırmada; DEMEF’in öğrencilere mesleki ve kişisel kaynakları kazandırarak “önce eylemde bulunma, sonra bu eylemlerden duygu ve bilgi üretme” şeklinde bir öğrenme stratejisi kazandırdığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca DEMEF’in, öğrencilerin mesleğe (öğrenme, tanıma ve yapma) ve kendilerine (kendini tanıma, geliştirme) yönelik tutumlarını olumlu yönde değiştirdiği ve en çok davranışsal öğrenmelerini arttırdığı saptanmıştır. Özgünlük/Bilimsel Katkı: DEMEF eğitim programının tutumsal mesleki öğrenme çıktıları, özgün bir değere sahiptir. Bunun temel sebebi, DEMEF’in turist rehberliği ve eğitim psikolojisi dikkate alınarak bilinçli deneyimsel farkındalık açısından tasarlanan yeni bir aktif öğrenme modeli olmasıdır. Ayrıca bulgular, bilinçli farkındalık eğitim uygulamalarının ilk defa turist rehberliği eğitimine uyarlanması sonucunda elde edilen özgün bulgulardır. Dolayısıyla bu araştırma, hem konu ve eğitim programı hem de bulguları açısından özgün bir araştırma niteliğinde olup, ilgili literatüre ve turist rehberliği uygulamalı eğitimine önemli katkı sağlayacaktır.
... Students need to apply acquired marketing knowledge and "embrace the ambiguity associated with creating marketing strategies" (Rohm et al., 2019, p. 51). Integrating students' consumer experiences and "business landscapes that are commonly described as volatile, uncertain', complex and ambiguous" (Tan & Vicente, 2019, p. 1) into one framework to organize seemingly unrelated perspectives into a coherent whole helps students make sense of complex situations (Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009). ...
Consumers' psychological perceptions and reactions to marketing management strategies are important factors for the success of any organization. Optimistic sales predictions based on quantifiable production-side factors such as changes in promotion, product, price, and distribution may fail miserably if consumers do not see value in such “objective” changes. Despite the inseparability of organizations' marketing management activities and consumers' perceptions of these offerings, there is a lack of simple learning activities to cover this topic. Application of the elasticity concept across marketing mix elements (4P's: promotion, product, price, place/distribution) was determined to be an effective way to demonstrate the inseparability between production and consumer perspectives in marketing.
... "I find myself doing things without paying attention". In relation to experiential learning, mindfulness has been shown to help individuals learn from experience by encouraging a focus on the experience at hand without any bias, as well as guiding participants through the stages of the learning cycle by paying attention and noticing shifts (Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009). Mindfulness may also facilitate learning and the transfer of knowledge (Salomon & Globerson, 1987), and studies involving adventure education often cite mindfulness as a learning outcome from the experience (Passarelli, et. ...