Fig 5 - uploaded by Pepy Bareka
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Microphotographs of mitotic metaphase plates of Crocus species: a, C. hermoneus (ref. no 80.230), 2n = 8; b, C. kosaninii (ref. no 78.47), 2n = 14; c, C. leichtlinii (ref. no 77.28), 2n = 20; d, C. scardicus (ref. no 80.243), 2n = 34; e, C. sieheanus (ref. no 69.1140), 2n = 16.-Scale bar = 10 μm. 

Microphotographs of mitotic metaphase plates of Crocus species: a, C. hermoneus (ref. no 80.230), 2n = 8; b, C. kosaninii (ref. no 78.47), 2n = 14; c, C. leichtlinii (ref. no 77.28), 2n = 20; d, C. scardicus (ref. no 80.243), 2n = 34; e, C. sieheanus (ref. no 69.1140), 2n = 16.-Scale bar = 10 μm. 

Source publication
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Chromosome numbers and karyotypes are given for the following species of Crocus: C. aleppicus, C. banaticus, C. boulosii, C. etruscus, C. gargaricus, C. herbertii, C. hermoneus, C. kosaninii, C. leichtlinii, C. longiflorus, C. moabiticus, C. scardicus, C. sieheanus, C. tommasinianus, C. veneris. Chromosome counts are also given for C. banaticus and...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... chromosome size ranges from 5.08 to 9.02 μm. The chromosomes did not readily fall into sets of four although they did fall in to sets of three (3x = 33 + 1) (Figs 3c & 5d), and while being very similar to those of C. pelistericus 2n = 34 there were some differences in karyotype mor- phology. Šopova (1972) reported counts of 2n = 32, 34, 35 & 36. ...
Context 2
... (1943) report- ed 2n = 16 for this species and both our collections have the same number. The karyotype consisted of one pair of large metacentric, one pair of large acrocentric with satellites on the short arms, five pairs of acrocentric and one smaller pair of metacentric varying in size from 3.17 to 8.33 μm (Figs 3d & 5e). ...


... Colgiu M. [BUC 176757]; Deva, Zam, Haţeg, Râul Bărbat (Prodan & Nyárády 1966); Depresiunea Haţeg: Haţeg, "pădure în spatele motelului", 45°36'00"N, 22°42'00" E, 23.04.1973& 23.05.1973; Râu de Mori (Suseni), "cariera de argilă", a forest with Betula pendula, 10.1997, Negrean G. [BUCA]; Bazinul Haţegului in Peucedano (rochelianii) -Molienietum coeruleae (Boșcaiu 1965); Hunedoara, 45°75'N, 22°90'E; Hațeg, 45°61'N, 22°95'E (Heywood et al. 2017). HR: Topliţa, Harghita ; Joseni, Lunca Mureşului, "mlaştini eutrofe cu Cnidium dubium", 46°51'30"N, 25°28'00"E, 23.07.1977, ...
Full-text available
In this paper, six species of the genus Crocus with a certain presence in Romania were analyzed for their distribution and the problems of their taxonomy using data from the literature, herbarium sheets and field observations. The species Crocus banaticus and Crocus heuffelianus have the largest distribution in the country. Population of Crocus banaticus is widespread in the center, west, and north of the country, also Crocus heuffelianus is present in the same parts of the country but, in addition, appearing in the south and northeast of the country. Crocus chrysanthus and Crocus pallasii have a certain presence only in Dobrogea. Crocus flavus is present also in Dobrogea, and in the southern and western part of the country. Crocus reticulatus s.l. occurs in Dobrogea and the southwest (where in fact it is Crocus danubensis), but for the west and northeast of the country, the taxonomic identity needs more research. Clarifying the distribution of these taxa could be valuable in taxonomic studies and also for conservation purposes.