Fig 4 - uploaded by Amer Alazawy
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Micrograph shows small vacuoles containing 1-5 virus-like particles (arrows), while larger ones containing 20-24 virus-like particles (arrowhead) following infection with FCoV UPM11C/08 isolate. Scale bar, 0.5 µm.

Micrograph shows small vacuoles containing 1-5 virus-like particles (arrows), while larger ones containing 20-24 virus-like particles (arrowhead) following infection with FCoV UPM11C/08 isolate. Scale bar, 0.5 µm.

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About growth of FIPV in FcWf cell line under TEM

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... membrane. It carried into the cytoplasm part of the cell membrane that it invaginated to form vesicles ( Fig. 3). Virus-like particles which morphologically resembled those of extracellular virus particles were present in vacuoles of different sizes, with smaller vacuoles containing 1-4 particles, while larger ones contained 5-24 virus particles (Fig. 4). In addition to the rough spike-like electron-dense virus-like particles, there were also particles which were larger in diameter ranging from 69 to 149 nm with distinct smooth electron-opaque surfaces (Fig. 5). The vacuole containing these particles was distinctly more rounded, firm with a thicker membrane. In many instances, the ...

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