Figure 2 - uploaded by Sofiane Kichou
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Measured solar irradiance at different tilt and azimuth angles in Summer and Winter days.

Measured solar irradiance at different tilt and azimuth angles in Summer and Winter days.

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Conference Paper
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Good design and sizing of photovoltaic (PV) systems is very important in order to effectively harvest energy and minimize the investment cost. The optimum tilt and azimuth angles at which a PV system should be installed are often debated. This paper evaluates the tradeoff between annual energy generation and payback period reduction through the ana...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... monitored data in one-minute timesteps obtained from the irradiance sensors shown in Fig. 1b, were used for the analysis of the solar potential in different orientations and tilt-angles. Fig. 2 shows the hourly average data of the measured irradiance profiles for summer and winter days. It can be seen that the highest irradiance values in winter are obtained for the tilt-angle 60° South. However, in summer, the tilt-angle with higher solar intensities is 30° South. Tilt-angles of 30° and 60° for East and West orientations ...
Context 2
... monitored data in one-minute timesteps obtained from the irradiance sensors shown in Fig. 1b, were used for the analysis of the solar potential in different orientations and tilt-angles. Fig. 2 shows the hourly average data of the measured irradiance profiles for summer and winter days. It can be seen that the highest irradiance values in winter are obtained for the tilt-angle 60° South. However, in summer, the tilt-angle with higher solar intensities is 30° South. Tilt-angles of 30° and 60° for East and West orientations ...

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A energia fotovoltaica, possibilita a geração de energia limpa, podendo ser integrada às construções e descentralizada, ou seja, diminuindo os impactos ambientais gerados palas grandes usinas e suas linhas de transmissão. Os altos índices de irradiação solar apresentados pelo Brasil fazem com que seja um ótimo polo gerador de eletricidade fotovolta...


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Solar photovoltaics, especially rooftop systems also called distributed solar photovoltaics, are crucial in the ongoing energy transition. Modelling these systems is vital to understanding their role in a decentralised energy system. While ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants are easier to model, generalising yield profiles for rooftop systems is challenging. This study aims to estimate yield loss effects for rooftop solar photovoltaic systems compared to optimised ground-mounted systems. Anticipated yield losses are 18% for residential, 7% for commercial, and 4% for industrial rooftop systems. The impact on residential prosumers' viability is assessed by comparing prosumer system optimisation results with and without yield losses. Results show a non-uniform change in installed solar photovoltaic and battery capacities, with a tendency to compensate for reduced yields by increasing photovoltaic capacity by up to 20%, given favourable cost prospects by 2050. The annualised total cost of energy for prosumer households could therefore increase by up to 20% by 2050. Despite yield reductions, installing a solar photovoltaic prosumer system remains more favourable than relying entirely on grid electricity. This study highlights the importance of considering yield losses in rooftop solar photovoltaics and the significant role of prosumers despite identified yield losses.