Means of participation (per month) of the two groups in the workshop activities (observed before and after the training) 

Means of participation (per month) of the two groups in the workshop activities (observed before and after the training) 

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In a context of progressive loss of intellectual and interactional capacities for the elderly, the goal of this article is to examine to what extent a new technological environment can improve their quality of life. In this study, we examine the very elderly (mean age 87) who have experienced a loss in functional capacities and are dependent on man...

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... In part, this may be due to experience with technology in the workplace [19], but declines in physical and cognitive abilities and limitations in the performance of instrumental activities of daily living may also lead to decreased use [20,21]. Although the use of technology by older persons can often enhance perceptions of life quality [22,23], socioeconomic factors, such as lower income and education levels, compound age-related differences [24]. ...
Background Smart speakers, such as Amazon’s Echo and Google’s Nest Home, combine natural language processing with a conversational interface to carry out everyday tasks, like playing music and finding information. Easy to use, they are embraced by older adults, including those with limited physical function, vision, or computer literacy. While smart speakers are increasingly used for research purposes (eg, implementing interventions and automatically recording selected research data), information on the advantages and disadvantages of using these devices for studies related to health promotion programs is limited. Objective This study evaluates the feasibility and acceptability of using smart speakers to deliver a physical activity (PA) program designed to help older adults enhance their physical well-being. Methods Community-dwelling older adults (n=18) were asked to use a custom smart speaker app to participate in an evidence-based, low-impact PA program for 10 weeks. Collected data, including measures of technology acceptance, interviews, field notes, and device logs, were analyzed using a concurrent mixed analysis approach. Technology acceptance measures were evaluated using time series ANOVAs to examine acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility, and intention to adopt smart speaker technology. Device logs provided evidence of interaction with and adoption of the device and the intervention. Interviews and field notes were thematically coded to triangulate the quantitative measures and further expand on factors relating to intervention fidelity. Results Smart speakers were found to be acceptable for administering a PA program, as participants reported that the devices were highly usable (mean 5.02, SE 0.38) and had strong intentions to continue their use (mean 5.90, SE 0.39). Factors such as the voice-user interface and engagement with the device on everyday tasks were identified as meaningful to acceptability. The feasibility of the devices for research activity, however, was mixed. Despite the participants rating the smart speakers as easy to use (mean 5.55, SE 1.16), functional and technical factors, such as Wi-Fi connectivity and appropriate command phrasing, required the provision of additional support resources to participants and potentially impaired intervention fidelity. Conclusions Smart speakers present an acceptable and appropriate behavioral intervention technology for PA programs directed at older adults but entail additional requirements for resource planning, technical support, and troubleshooting to ensure their feasibility for the research context and for fidelity of the intervention.
... The second category is the use of social applications. This refers to specialized software applications designed for the purpose of increasing social interactions that can be deployed on various devices such as computers (Bobillier Chaumon et al., 2014;Czaja et al., 2018;Morganti et al., 2016;Ring et al., 2015), tablets (Akhtar, 2024;Asghar et al., 2020;Beentjes et al., 2023;Biniok & Menke, 2015;Gusdal et al., 2023;Hoel et al., 2022;Neves et al., 2019;Neves et al., 2018) or smartphones (Goumopoulos et al., 2017;Jansen-Kosterink et al., 2020;Janssen et al., 2023;Shinokawa et al., 2023;Stuart et al., 2023;Thiel et al., 2022). ...
... This will address the limitations reported in other studies such as difficulty in typing and texting (Chiu & Wu, 2019) or using small interface or device buttons by older adults (Neves et al., 2018). In consideration of age impairments such as poorer vision and dexterity, there were changes such as increased font size, touch-enabled screen, higher contrast, and fewer navigation steps among others (Bobillier Chaumon et al., 2014;Goumopoulos et al., 2017;Neves et al., 2019). This can improve accessibility for HOAs and increase their likelihood to adopt the technology. ...
... Peranan alatan dan aplikasi sistem teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) adalah untuk mendorong kepada kehidupan manusia yang lebih sihat dan selamat, tambahan pula di era teknologi yang berkembang pesat. Teknologi dapat menyokong dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan dalam kalangan warga emas (Chaumon et al., 2014;Helbostad et al., 2017;Monaco et al., 2019). Wagner (2010) menyatakan alatan teknologi yang bersesuaian digunakan bagi kalangan warga emas adalah komputer dan telefon pintar, kerana ia dapat mengatasi komunikasi jarak jauh dan mengeratkan lagi hubungan kekeluargaan. ...
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The elderly population in Malaysia was 6.6% in 2000, while the estimated number of elderly in 2025 increased to 13.4%. This figure will continue to grow by 20.8% by 2050. This increase requires healthier senior citizens to face the new millennium. The development of information and technology can improve the quality of life of older adults. Many technologies, such as health-based technology, can be used for older adults. Identifying the user experience (UX) components and effectiveness of older adults' health-based applications is essential to studying the effects of healthy ageing. This study was conducted to resolve questions and objectives regarding the importance of user experience for older adults and to identify the effectiveness of health-based applications. A research gap that needs to be studied is the evaluation of the improvement of guidelines for the provision of health application items for the sake of user experience. The case study method was used to explore the use of the health application developed named WESIHAT3.0. The WESIHAT3.0 mobile application is a prototype developed based on education and healthy eating for older adults. The research uses qualitative and quantitative methods, including user diaries, questionnaires and interviews. We used the user experience question (UEQ) to obtain feedback from the older adult's user experience component and the focused interview method in the case study. Respondents were selected from the Older Adults Activity Center (PAWE) in the Bandar Tun Razak area through a purposive sampling technique. The study's results found that the user experience component scale on the WESIHAT3.0 health prototype has an attractiveness value of 1.73, a pragmatic quality of 1.48, and a hedonic quality of 1.24. Improvements to the WESIHAT3.0 prototype have also been identified to add information on calories and nutritional intake by age. In conclusion, it is important to develop new technologies that can aid older adults in healthy ageing, while simultaneously ensuring that these technologies contribute positively to the digital era.
... The Global Competitiveness Report by [88] does not focus on quality of life but includes some topics that are present in some of the mentioned frameworks. The Digital and Economic Society Index [89] by the European Commission and the Inclusive Internet Index by The Economist [90] were analysed because of the increasing importance of technology and the internet, which have repercussions on quality of life [91][92][93][94]. ...
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Quality of life can be generally defined as people’s satisfaction with their lives and personal wellbeing. Contemporary literature agrees that dimensions such as health, education, employment, leisure, social relations, security, environment, landscape, and cultural heritage should be considered. Tourism serves as a stimulus for rural development, and assessing residents’ and tourists’ quality of life is relevant for local administrators of a tourist destination. Given the absence of quality-of-life models for individual municipalities, the research questions were aimed at the mapping of quality-of-life frameworks and the construction of a set of quality-of-life indicators for Alagna Valsesia. This research was conducted in 2023. The results of the research showed the possibility of constructing a modular model of indicator sets aimed particularly at decision making by territorial policymakers. The limitations of the research are related to the difficulty of finding different indicators in public platforms and, in the future, we would like to build a synthetic indicator replicable in other Piedmontese and Italian municipalities.
... For instance, by using technology, users are able to obtain great boons that comes in the form of connection and communication with their families and friends, obtaining and accessing information, shopping, and even accessing entertainment (Eneizan et al., 2022;Kovalenko, 2021;Macedo, 2017;Wang and Sun, 2016;Papanis et al., 2010). In addition, previous scholars also states that by adopting technology, older adult may even able lower their overall dependency on their families or caregivers (Mitzner et al., 2010) while improving their quality of life (Chaumon et al., 2014). Moreover, as a person ages, their health-related expenditure will also increase and one way to reduce older adult healthcare expenditure is by keeping them healthy and independent (Kovalenko, 2021). ...
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The recent crisis of COVID-19 outbreaks can be seen to impacts all people in the world, especially older adult who need to exercise more caution and awareness when interacting with other people as they have higher chances of experiencing health issue if infected. This can be seen to affect older adult purchasing behaviors as well as they are pushed to accept and apply online shopping in their daily life to prevent a potentially life-threatening interaction with other people when they shop at a physical store. Statistics report reveals that older adult in Malaysia have becoming active in online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak period. This show that Malaysian older adult has exhibit more acceptance towards online shopping and have been adopting this innovation during the pandemic period. To better understand how older adult individuals developed their acceptance behaviors towards online shopping, this study has performed an extensive review on past literature. The review identified several theories and models that were applied by scholars to investigate older adult behaviors towards technologies such as online shopping. Through this review, this study hopes to provide future scholars with knowledge pertaining the current perceptions and behaviors of Malaysian older adult towards online shopping while also contributing to the literature regarding the potential theories and models that can be used to explains older adult acceptance and behaviors towards technologies such as online shopping. In addition, this paper also reviews past literature and report pertaining older adult behaviors towards online shopping in terms of before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, while seeking to generate insight on the future online shopping behaviors among older adult after the end of the outbreak.
... The findings suggest that frequent internet use may serve as a platform for older adults to develop and enhance their self-efficacy, leading to greater life satisfaction. Similarly, Chaumon and colleagues [107] found that older adults with functional loss living in long-term care institutions showed a positive impact of internet use on self-sufficiency, self-efficiency, and psychological empowerment [112]. ...
Background Internet use has dramatically increased worldwide, with over two-thirds of the world’s population using it, including the older adult population. Technical resources such as internet use have been shown to influence psychological processes such as stress positively. Following the Conservation of Resources theory by Hobfoll, stress experience largely depends on individuals’ personal resources and the changes in these resources. While personal resource loss has been shown to lead to stress, we know little regarding the role that technical resources may play on the relationship between personal resources and stress. Objective This study aims to investigate the moderating effect of technical resources (internet use) on the relationship between personal resources and stress in younger and older adults. Methods A total of 275 younger adults (aged 18 to 30 years) and 224 older adults (aged ≥65 years) indicated their levels of stress; change in personal resources (ie, cognitive, social, and self-efficacy resource loss and gain); and internet use. Variance analyses, multiple regression, and moderation analyses were performed to investigate the correlates of stress. Results Results showed that older adults, despite experiencing higher levels of resource loss (questionnaire scores: 1.82 vs 1.54; P<.001) and less resource gain (questionnaire scores: 1.82 vs 2.31; P<.001), were less stressed than younger adults (questionnaire scores: 1.99 vs 2.47; P<.001). We observed that the relationship among resource loss, resource gain, and stress in older adults was moderated by their level of internet use (β=.09; P=.05). Specifically, older adults who used the internet more frequently were less stressed when they experienced high levels of both loss and gain compared to their counterparts who used internet the less in the same conditions. Furthermore, older adults with low resource gain and high resource loss expressed less stress when they used the internet more often compared to those with low internet use. Conclusions These findings highlight the importance of internet use in mitigating stress among older adults experiencing resource loss and gain, emphasizing the potential of digital interventions to promote mental health in this population.
... Using digital technology as an umbrella term encompassing many different devices, software, and supportive products, including social media, 33 there is a need to understand how digital technology is adopted by older adults in situations of migration. 34,35,36 Hence, guided by these research questions: 1. What is the impact of digital technology on the well-being of older immigrants and refugees? ...
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Background: The fast-paced development of digital technologies in the areas of social media, pet robots, smart homes, and artificial intelligence, among others, profoundly influences the daily lives of older adults. Digital technology can improve the well-being and quality of life of older adults, older immigrants and refugees who suffer migration-associated stress, loneliness, health and psychosocial challenges. Aims: The aim of this scoping review is to map out extant empirical literature that has examined the implication of digital technology among older refugees and immigrants. Methods: Using a1 five-stage framework, we conducted a scoping review of peer-reviewed empirical studies published in English with no time restrictions. We searched nine databases for the reviews, and abstracts were reviewed using Rayyan QCRi(c) before the full-text review. The comprehensive database search yielded 4134 articles, of which 15 met the inclusion criteria. Results: The results of the review suggest that digital technology is essential to the well-being, quality of life of older immigrants and refugees, especially for maintaining and building new social support networks, navigating opportunities, coping with migration-induced stress through e-leisure, and staying connected to their culture. The literature also revealed poor utilisation of digital technologies amongst older immigrants and refugees, suggesting barriers to access. Conclusion: The study concluded by highlighting the need for more research and interventions that focus on multiple strategies, including education for increased access to and utilisation of digital technology to ensure that more older migrants can benefit from the advantages of digital technology in a safe way.
... Over the past years, internet has become more and more important in older adults' daily lives (Gao, Gan, and Lippke 2020;van Boekel, Peek, and Luijkx 2017). It enables older people to connect with geographically dispersed family or friends, facilitates participation in leisure, social, cultural and civic activities and improves access to information and services (Arthanat et al. 2019;Bobillier Chaumon et al. 2014;Lagacé et al. 2015;Tsai, Shillair, and Cotten 2017). Moreover, the wide range of online applications and e-services provides opportunities for older adults to pursue an active, independent and socially connected life, even when they become housebound (Bobillier Chaumon et al. 2014;Neves et al. 2018;Peek, Aarts, and Wouters 2015;Sum et al. 2008). ...
... It enables older people to connect with geographically dispersed family or friends, facilitates participation in leisure, social, cultural and civic activities and improves access to information and services (Arthanat et al. 2019;Bobillier Chaumon et al. 2014;Lagacé et al. 2015;Tsai, Shillair, and Cotten 2017). Moreover, the wide range of online applications and e-services provides opportunities for older adults to pursue an active, independent and socially connected life, even when they become housebound (Bobillier Chaumon et al. 2014;Neves et al. 2018;Peek, Aarts, and Wouters 2015;Sum et al. 2008). ...
... As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) têm sido vistas como forma de atenuar o impacto do envelhecimento e de prevenir a solidão e a depressão, contribuindo para um aumento da qualidade de vida, da a�vidade cerebral e do funcionamento cogni�vo (Chaumon et al., 2014). Em Portugal tem-se verificado um aumento da u�lização das TIC pela população idosa, embora os que mais a usam tenham idade menos avançada e sejam do sexo masculino sendo necessário promover a inclusão digital (Gil, 2019). ...
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Contexto: A população idosa enfrenta dificuldades crescentes decorrentes de solidão, depressão e isolamento social. A literatura tem evidenciado o potencial da utilização das TIC para atenuar o sofrimento psicológico e melhorar a qualidade de vida. Objetivos: O presente estudo pretendeu analisar as relações entre sentimentos de solidão, sintomatologia depressiva e impacto da utilização e atitude face às TIC, em idosos. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal que incluiu 669 sujeitos, com idades entre os 60 e 94 anos. Através de instrumentos de autorresposta avaliou-se a presença de sentimentos de solidão (UCLA-LS), sintomatologia depressiva (GDS-15) e a utilização e atitude face às TIC. Resultados: As mulheres evidenciaram níveis mais elevados de sintomatologia depressiva e sentimentos de solidão. Os idosos com mais de 80 anos relataram maiores níveis de solidão (na subescala Afinidades) e a faixa etária entre os 60-69 anos apresentou uma maior taxa de utilização das TIC. A presença de sentimentos de solidão relacionou-se com maiores níveis de sintomatologia depressiva e a utilização das TIC associou-se com menos sintomatologia depressiva. Conclusões: O envelhecimento pode ser vivido com menos sintomatologia depressiva se os idosos se sentirem menos isolados. A utilização das TIC, como ferramenta de comunicação, pode ter um impacto positivo no seu bem-estar psicológico, pois associa-se a menores níveis de depressão.
... Columns (3) to (10) present the results of the indirect effect of ICT on happiness. Studies argue that ICT use could lead to different returns depending on the skills and characteristics of users (Pénard, Poussing, and Suire 2013;Bobillier Chaumon et al. 2014;Castellacci and Tveito 2018). These studies are microeconomic and use variables such as age, education, marital status, gender, sociability and income. ...
The objective of this article is to examine the effect of ICT use on thehappiness of African populations. To this end, the dynamic systemgeneralized method of moments (syst-GMM) is used to estimate themodel for 31 African countries using annual data from 2006 to 2018.Our results show that the effect of ICTs depends on the type of ICT.Indeed, the results highlight the negative association of cell phonesand the positive association of the internet on happiness in Africa.However, all ICTs are positively associated with happiness incountries with high life expectancy and low unemployment.