Table 1 - uploaded by Sabine Sonnentag
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Means, Standard Deviations, Correlations, and Cronbach's Alphas for All Study Variables
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The authors of this study examined the relation between job demands and psychological detachment from work during off-job time (i.e., mentally switching off) with psychological well-being and work engagement. They hypothesized that high job demands and low levels of psychological detachment predict poor well-being and low work engagement. They prop...
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... For instance, engaging in recovery experiences, such as psychological detachment from work, may accelerate adaptive change in emotional exhaustion by replenishing lost resources. Employees who mentally detach from work after facing high demands are likely to experience reduced emotional exhaustion (Sonnentag et al., 2010). Moreover, occupational self-efficacy, in line with the stressor-detachment model (Sonnentag & Fritz, 2015), could be advantageous for the adaptation process over time. ...
... Therefore, organizations are encouraged to implement interventions that focus on coping mechanisms to support employees in restoring their wellbeing and managing time pressure, even during demanding work periods. Effective interventions can include the development of time management skills (Aeon et al., 2021) and the promotion of recovery strategies during and after the workday (Chawla et al., 2020;Hunter & Wu, 2016;Kim et al., 2017;Sonnentag et al., 2010Sonnentag et al., , 2022. These practices have proven beneficial for maintaining mental and overall health in the short and long run. ...
This study extends previous research on temporal dynamics and change processes of strain and work-related stressors by examining adaptive change in both emotional exhaustion and time pressure. Drawing on adaptation and the conservation of resource theories, we used latent growth and change score modeling to explore (a) whether employees adapt to emotional exhaustion over time and (b) how changes in the levels of emotional exhaustion and time pressure are related over time, considering their reciprocal relationship. Using data collected from 252 employees in a weekly diary study spanning 8 consecutive work weeks, our findings revealed that employees adapted to emotional exhaustion, as indicated by a negative relationship between previous levels of the construct with its change from 1 week to the next. This change was affected by the level of time pressure in the previous week, resulting in lower adaptive change in emotional exhaustion when time pressure was high, and vice versa. Specifically, time pressure had a positive effect on the change in emotional exhaustion, and emotional exhaustion had a positive effect on the change in time pressure, while the overall adaptive change process prevailed. This study contributes valuable insights into the temporal process of how time pressure relates to emotional exhaustion in a health-impairing manner (e.g., via reduced adaptation). The implications of our findings are discussed from the theoretical perspective of adaptation and resource loss, and potential directions for future research are proposed.
... katsaus Sonnentag & Fritz, 2015). Tämä yhteys on todennettu myös ainakin yhdessä pitkittäistutkimuksessa, jossa psykologinen irrottautuminen ennusti uupumusasteisen väsymyksen vähentymistä vuoden aikavälillä (Sonnentag, Binnewies & Mojza, 2010). Yhteydet on havaittu myös päiväkirjatutkimuksissa, joissa esimerkiksi viikonlopun aikana tapahtunut irrottautuminen työstä ennusti väsymyksen vähenemistä viikonlopun aikana (Hahn, Binnewies & Haun, 2012). ...
Työntekijöiden jaksaminen on työelämässä koetuksella. Tarkoituksemme on tutkia, kuinka uupumusasteisen väsymyksen taso muuttuu kahden vuoden aikana ja miten tämä muutos tai pysyvyys kytkeytyy työstä palautumiseen. Palautumista tutkimme sitä ylläpitävien palautumisen kokemusten (työstä irrottautuminen, rentoutuminen, taidonhallinta ja kontrolli vapaa-ajalla) ja estävien (työasioiden tunnepitoinen ja ongelmasuuntautunut vatvominen vapaa-ajalla) tekijöiden avulla. Tutkimukseen osallistui 664 eri alojen työntekijää. Heistä 58 prosenttia oli naisia, keski-ikä oli 47.5 vuotta, ja 38 prosentilla oli vähintään ylempi korkeakoulututkinto. Tulokset osoittivat, että suurimmalla osalla (61 %) tutkittavista uupumusasteisen väsymyksen oireet pysyivät vakaina tutkitun kahden vuoden ajan (37 %:lla ei oireita, 17 %:lla lieviä ja 7 %:lla vakavia oireita). Oireet vähenivät 19 prosentilla ja lisääntyivät 20 prosentilla tutkittavista. Uupumusoireiden taso ja muutos kytkeytyivät selvimmin tunnepitoiseen työasioiden vatvomiseen, psykologiseen työstä irrottautumiseen ja rentoutumiseen vapaa-ajalla. Ryhmissä, joissa uupumuksen taso pysyi samana, vatvominen, irrottautuminen ja rentoutuminen vapaa-ajalla säilyivät myös samalla tasolla tutkitun kahden vuoden ajan. Niillä, joilla uupumusoireet vähenivät, väheni myös tunnepitoinen vatvominen, kun taas työstä irrottautuminen ja rentoutuminenlisääntyivät. Vastaavasti niillä, joilla uupumusoireet lisääntyivät, vatvominen lisääntyi ja työstä irrottautuminen ja rentoutuminen heikkenivät. Myös viikoittaisissa työtunneissa ja työn aikapaineissa raportoidut muutokset tukivat havaittua uupumuksen muutosta ja pysyvyyttä.
... Additionally, psychological detachment offers a chance to stop resource loss at work, preserving resources to provide workers the vigor (energy) to participate. The expression "person's feeling of being away from the work situation suggests mental separation (Sonnentag 2010). It process that one isn't working on any plans or ponders prospects or concerns connecting with one's work at home or after work. ...
... It process that one isn't working on any plans or ponders prospects or concerns connecting with one's work at home or after work. Mental separation from work in day to day existence alludes to briefly putting one's real and mental prosperity behind the work environment (Sonnentag et al., 2010). Scholars and practitioners have created and assessed procedures that aim to enhance workers' detachment from work in recent years as a result of an increased understanding of the importance of detachment and recovery for significant work-related outcomes. ...
... As a result, increasing detachment from work is something that many organizations and workers are interested in, and over the past ten years, a variety of treatments have been created and tested. Leaving the job behind oneself physically and psychologically in daily life is referred to as psychological detachment from work (Sonnentag et al., 2010). In the past, a Western research on daily dairy has connected psychological detachment with employee engagement (Berdicchia 2021). ...
On the basis of the self-determination theory and the healing way (i.e. the effort-recovery model); this paper exhibits that emotional stability play the role of forecaster that operate psychological detachment and employees more engaged in work. The concept of psychological detachment as implies "individual's sight of being away from work situations". The present study is to evolve an additional perspective on when and why psychological detachment in predicting employee engagement through emotional stability. It was hypothesized that emotional stable employees are better able to detach themselves from work and, which would inculcate thereby leading to employee engagement. This study collected these data from 302 valid employees form small-and medium-scale private sector food processing organizations, using an online questionnaire in google forms located in twin cities Rawalpindi and Islamabad. To evaluate the hypotheses, this study conducted structural equation modeling on SPSS 23. The results highlight the mediating role of emotional stability in the association of psychological detachment with employee's engagement. This study has depicted that emotional stable employee who are psychologically detached can achieve more engaged in work.
... In addition, employees who consistently work extended hours over prolonged periods are more likely to experience cognitive decline, heightened stress levels, and burnout, leading to reduced attention to detail and impaired decisionmaking abilities. These factors ultimately diminish the quality of their work (Sonnentag et al., 2010). Cognitive fatigue, a common consequence of overwork, impairs abstract thinking, which is essential for tackling complex problems and fostering creative solutions-both critical components of high-quality innovation. ...
... Employee overtime often lacks voluntary approval and support from employees, making it a coercive form of slack rather than a discretionary one. Furthermore, extended working hours frequently lead to cognitive fatigue, heightened stress levels, and burnout, which collectively undermine employees' ability to engage in abstract thinking, tackle complex problems, and generate creative solutions (Sonnentag & Fritz, 2015;Sonnentag et al., 2010). ...
We examine the influence of human resource (HR) slack, specifically that accrued through employee overtime, on firm innovation in China. Leveraging textual analysis to gauge overtime levels, our findings reveal that although overtime increases innovation output, it does not enhance its quality. These results remain consistent even in firms with research and development personnel slack or those offering higher salaries. Additionally, no significant differences are observed between state-owned and non-state-owned firms in terms of overtime’s impact on innovation. Furthermore, the effect of employee overtime on innovation output is less pronounced in the manufacturing and labor-intensive industries. Our study suggests that governmental leniency towards corporate infringement of employee rights does not sufficiently boost firm competitiveness. This research contributes to the understanding of the economic implications of widespread employee overtime in emerging economies, offering valuable business ethics and policy insights for managers and regulators addressing the fundamental working hour practices.
... Also, this is may be because of the nature of the work engagement. That is, some writers explain this nature by focusing on the state aspects of work engagement, and how the level of work engagement changes and develops over time (Kahn, 1990;Sonnentag, Binnewies, & Mojza, 2010). In this sense, work engagement is seen as a reflection of individuals' momentary feelings about themselves and their environment at a certain point in time (Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Heuven, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2008), which implies that work engagement is a dynamic experience (Sonnentag, 2003, Støren, 2017. ...
This study aims to test the relationship between perceived empowering leadership behavior and the work engagement. Also, the mediating role of psychological empowerment in this relation has been examined. The study applied on a sample of 360 employees at the Egyptian cement industry in Upper Egypt. Data was collected using work engagement questionnaire based on the Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá, and Bakker (2002) scale. The current study used the scale of the Zhang & Bartol study (2010), prepared by Ahearne et al., (2005) to measure the empowering leadership behaviors. Psychological empowerment has been measured using Spreitzer (1995) and Zhung and Bartol (2010). The study was conducted using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program in data processing for AMOS to test the quality of compatibility between the collected data and the theoretical data, and the structural model to test the study hypotheses. The results did not support the direct relationship between leadership empowered behavior and work engagement. The empowering leadership behavior is positively affecting the psychological empowerment. Psychological empowerment was found to be positively affecting work engagement. However, the psychological empowerment was found to be mediating the relationship between the two variables. The study reached some conclusions related to this relationship and how to have it enhanced in the Cement industry in Upper Egypt.
... Some attention-diverting activities might therefore be beneficial for the worker as long as they are performed daily. The term "psychological detachment" has been used to describe the process by which a worker distances himself/herself from his/her job outside of working hours [92], in the evenings or during weekends. Detachment outside of work has been associated with positive health outcomes [92]. ...
... The term "psychological detachment" has been used to describe the process by which a worker distances himself/herself from his/her job outside of working hours [92], in the evenings or during weekends. Detachment outside of work has been associated with positive health outcomes [92]. Indeed, detachment stops the energy-depletion process and provides new resources for the worker. ...
... Indeed, detachment stops the energy-depletion process and provides new resources for the worker. Without such detachment, the necessary recovery of the worker's well-being would not occur when work leads to negative affects [92]. However, the problem remains; the worker's ideal is still challenged. ...
Burnout, a major concern defined most commonly in the literature with a symptoms-based classification, can also be described as a temporal process with various stages experienced by workers, each composed of unique characteristics and challenges. This intricate process of burnout emphasizes pivotal moments, such as engagement and enthusiasm with a high job ideal (Stage 0), weakening of the ideal (Stage 1), protective withdrawal (Stage 2) and confirmed burnout (Stage 3). Through an opinion review, the objective of this article is to examine which prevention level, and more specifically which prevention actions, can be developed at each stage of this temporal process of burnout. The review criteria allow for the integration of both individual- and organization-focused interventions, ranging from early organizational-level strategies (primary prevention) to clinical consultations addressing the erosion of professional ideals (secondary prevention), as well as psychoeducational sessions aimed at promoting worker well-being. In conclusion, the article underscores the need for a holistic approach, combining organization-focused interventions with individual-focused interventions. Through a comprehensive review, this research provides insights into evidence-based practices, identifies gaps in current research, and offers guidance for future interventions for better support of workers facing burnout.
... When the term detachment was first introduced, it related to the personal feeling of being away from a certain situation (Luta et al., 2021). Hence, detachment refers to a state where one is not occupied by school-related obligations or is not actively engaged in these activities (Sonnentag et al., 2010). As such, this implies that the individual is not thinking about the lessons or schoolwork as well as any academic challenges or opportunities. ...
While the right usage of technology brings a plethora of benefits, misusing technological devices and the Internet in an educational context can manifest in different behavioral tendencies. This ranges from growing addiction to technology and cyberbullying to technological anxiety and technostress. Yet, the effects of cyberloafing on students’ academic performance and engagement during class have attracted the attention of professors and educational decision-makers. Thus, the article aims to analyze the impact of cyberloafing intentions and cyberloafing practices on students’ psychological detachment and cognitive engagement among higher education students who are studying business and economics, using a structural equation modeling (SEM) methodological approach grounded in survey data. The findings stress that cyberloafing intention positively impacts cyberloafing habits and activities, further decreasing students’ cognitive engagement and increasing their psychological detachment from classes, while the grade point average (GPA) positively affects cognitive engagement. This underscores significant potential implications for both scholars and practitioners.
... However, we still know little about what drives individuals to choose one form of boundary work or the other. As boundary work relates to both personal well-being (Sonnentag et al., 2010) and organizational success (Dumas and Sanchez-Burks, 2015) it is crucial to better understand what factors motivate or constrain individuals' boundary work, and what tactics individuals use to navigate between integration and segmentation. A particularly powerful constraining factor for individuals' boundary work are the social norms associated with 'ideal worker norms' (Kossek et al., 2021) and an 'imperative of work primacy' (Dumas and Sanchez-Burks, 2015: 804). ...
... On the one side, there is evidence that organizations profit from fully dedicated workers who prioritize work and blur professional-personal boundaries (Dumas and Sanchez-Burks, 2015). On the other side, segmentation is discussed to be beneficial for individuals' recovery and well-being as it helps them to psychologically detach from work (Haun et al., 2022;Sonnentag et al., 2010;Wendsche et al., 2021). However, Creary and Locke (2021) show that integration can also help workers dealing with overwork. ...
... However, our study reveals that this passion for work also has some darker sides. Being captured or even 'haunted' by scientific problems reduces opportunities to detach from work which can lead to exhaustion or burn-out (Sonnentag et al., 2010). Furthermore, it sometimes competes with personal relationships outside academia that also demand time, space and passion. ...
What drives individuals to work until late at night or during holidays, and how do they stop work or keep work commitment in its place? This qualitative study examines boundary work between the professional and the personal life domains. Drawing on interviews with 26 academics employed at a university, we identify various boundary work drivers and tactics. Norms prevailing in the professional field, career requirements and high workloads, as well as strong intrinsic passion for science drive individuals to work long hours and to blend the professional–personal boundary. At the same time, individuals try to establish boundaries to ensure productivity and one’s health, or meeting family and personal life needs. Furthermore, our research reveals three patterns of the relationship between integration and segmentation. Firstly, individuals utilize segmentation to restrict integration, employing sophisticated tactics such as self-deception or self-isolation to shield themselves from the negative repercussions of excessive integration. Secondly, segmentation tactics can not only restrict integration but also enable it, for instance through the creation of ‘free’ times and spaces. Thirdly, individuals sometimes also utilize integration to enable segmentation. Our findings expand boundary theory by identifying manifold boundary-work drivers and tactics and by revealing that integration and segmentation are not just two opposing poles of a continuum but they are mutually connected, restricting or enabling one another.
... Selon Sonnentag et Fritz (2007), certaines stratégies permettent de faciliter la récupération à l'extérieur du travail, c'est-à-dire le détachement psychologique, la relaxation, la maîtrise et le contrôle. Ces quatre stratégies favorisent le renouvellement des ressources internes, procurent l'énergie nécessaire pour affronter de nouvelles situations stressantes et limitent les conséquences des demandes sur la santé psychologique (Bakker et al., 2015;Donahue et al., 2012;Salstrom et Hartig, 2013;Sonnentag et al., 2010;Sonnentag et al., 2014). Plus précisément, ces stratégies engendrent un renouvellement des ressources disponibles à l'état préstress (Meijman, 1998); les individus qui récupèrent grâce à ces stratégies tendent à rapporter un niveau plus élevé de bien-être global (Sonnentag et al., 2014;Sonnentag et Fritz, 2007;Sonnentag et al., 2017). ...
... Le détachement psychologique est une stratégie qui implique de cesser de penser à son travail et aux problèmes ou liés à celui-ci (Sonnentag et al., 2014;Sonnentag et al., 2010;Sonnentag et Fritz, 2007;Sonnentag et al., 2017). Des études empiriques ont démontré que les employés qui parviennent à se détacher psychologiquement sont non seulement moins épuisés au travail, mais expriment aussi plus de vigueur face aux demandes de celui-ci, étant donné que cette stratégie aurait des répercussions positives sur les journées de travail ultérieures (Sonnentag et al., 2017). ...
... La relaxation se caractérise par un état de faible activation de l'organisme et peut engendrer des activités choisies délibérément dans le but de détendre le corps et l'esprit (Sonnentag et al., 2014;Sonnentag et al., 2010;Sonnentag et Fritz, 2007;Sonnentag et al., 2017). Dans un contexte où l'ambiguïté de rôle et le conflit de rôle induisent un niveau élevé d'activation de l'organisme, la relaxation, comme méditer ou marcher en nature, permettrait de réduire le stress engendré par une exposition prolongée à un niveau élevé d'activation (Sonnentag et Fritz, 2007) et de mobiliser les ressources nécessaires au processus de récupération (Hobfoll, 1998). ...
L’objectif de cette étude transversale est de comprendre quelles sont les stratégies de récupération permettant d’amoindrir les conséquences négatives des demandes au travail sur le bien-être psychologique des employés en temps de repos. Les résultats de cette étude (n = 114) révèlent que les stratégies de détachement, de relaxation et de contrôle permettent de modérer la relation négative existante entre le conflit de rôle et les affects positifs au repos. Plus encore, les stratégies de détachement et de relaxation permettent également de modérer la relation positive existante entre l’ambiguïté de rôle et les affects négatifs au repos. Les implications pratiques et théoriques de ces résultats pointent vers l’importance de la récupération en temps de repos, pour une meilleure qualité de vie au travail.
... Sonnentag and Bayer (2005) further extend the term ''detachment'' by defining psychological detachment as ''an individual who not only leaves the workplace spatially but also requires a real detachment from work on a psychological level.'' Work-related factors are important factors influencing employees' psychological detachment (Sonnentag et al., 2010a). Job requirements are the psychological, physiological, organizational, and other requirements of work on individuals, which require individuals to pay corresponding efforts or costs to complete the factors (Demerouti et al., 2001). ...
The increasing advancement of communication technology has led to a rise in the prevalence of work connectivity behavior after-hours, which offers employees greater flexibility in their work schedules but also has certain drawbacks. In this paper, 308 retail employees in Shanghai were selected as the research participants. The effort-recovery model and work-family boundary theory were applied to investigate the effect of work connectivity behavior after-hours on emotional exhaustion. The results show that work connectivity behavior after-hours positively affects emotional exhaustion. Psychological detachment mediates work connectivity behavior after-hours and emotional exhaustion. Work-family segmentation preference moderates work connectivity behavior after-hours and psychological detachment, and when work-family segmentation preference is higher, the negative effect of work connectivity behavior after-hours on psychological detachment is stronger. Given that work connectivity behavior after-hours is a relatively new work phenomenon, this study explores the mechanism of its impact on the emotional exhaustion of employees in the retail industry and provides some practical implications for human resource management in the retail industry.