Figure 5
Mean pair-wise (a) Jaccard beta diversity, (b) spatial turnover, (c) spatial nestedness of the ten study sites. Diversity metrics were compared with Wilcoxon test based on the average diversity measures of each site. Different letters show significant differences between sites.
Source publication
Little is known about the diversity and distribution patterns of moths along latitudinal gradients. We studied macro-moths in Mongolia along an 860 km latitudinal climatic gradient to gain knowledge on community composition, alpha, beta, and gamma diversity as well as underlying factors, which can be used as baseline information for further studies...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... diagrams show the species overlap between the moth composition of the desert and the grassland sites in four family groups. The highest overlap was in Noctuids, followed by Erebids and others, the lowest overlap was in Geometrids (see Fig. S5 in supplementary ...
Context 2
... beta diversity of macro-moth species among the sites as calculated with Jaccard's index was intermediate; β j = 0.82 (range = 0.78-0.86). The outer sites of the gradient with the more extreme environmental conditions had the highest average beta diversity, while sites in the middle had the lowest average beta diversity (Fig. 5a). A linear regression model indicated that with increasing distance Jaccard's similarity decreases (R 2 = 0.52 p < 0.001) (see Fig. S6 in supplementary ...
Context 3
... pair-wise beta diversity, Sites 2 and 10 were significantly higher than other sites in terms of turnover (Fig. 5b). Only Site 3 was significantly higher in terms of nestedness ( Fig. 5c), all other sites, except Site 8 were not significantly different. The sites with the highest and lowest average species replacement were the same as those with the highest and lowest beta diversity (Fig. ...
Context 4
... pair-wise beta diversity, Sites 2 and 10 were significantly higher than other sites in terms of turnover (Fig. 5b). Only Site 3 was significantly higher in terms of nestedness ( Fig. 5c), all other sites, except Site 8 were not significantly different. The sites with the highest and lowest average species replacement were the same as those with the highest and lowest beta diversity (Fig. ...
Context 5
... 10 were significantly higher than other sites in terms of turnover (Fig. 5b). Only Site 3 was significantly higher in terms of nestedness ( Fig. 5c), all other sites, except Site 8 were not significantly different. The sites with the highest and lowest average species replacement were the same as those with the highest and lowest beta diversity (Fig. ...
Context 6
... can explain the high richness of Erebidae in the grassland sites. Venn diagrams ( Figure S5) also showed that species overlap between the desert and the grassland sites of Noctuids, Erebids, and others were similar in percentage (20-27%); in contrast, the species overlap of Geometrids was very low with only four species in common (7.4%). Geometrid moths are sensitive to the environmental changes; thus, the low overlap of Geometrids could indicate better habitat quality in the grassland sites compared to the desert sites. ...
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