Fig 7 - uploaded by David Sebag
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Map of the dry stone structure density, defined by the ratio between the area covered by the structures and the area of a cell (30 m x 30 m), (A) lines density and (B) heaps density
Source publication
Les plateaux de la rive occidentale du fleuve Niger sont recouverts de lignes et de tas de pierres sèches alors que ces
surfaces tabulaires sont aujourd'hui dépourvues de toutes cultures. Le sol du plateau est constitué d'un horizon argilo-sableux
visible uniquement dans la zone où ces structures sont présentes. Elles témoigneraient d'un épierrage...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... spatial distribution of stone structures is not homogeneous on the plateau, with a maximum density of Figure 7 shows that heap den- sity and line density are distributed differently. North of the thalweg, linear structures are clearly more abundant in the east (Figure 7-A) because of the presence of many small enclosures. ...
Context 2
... spatial distribution of stone structures is not homogeneous on the plateau, with a maximum density of Figure 7 shows that heap den- sity and line density are distributed differently. North of the thalweg, linear structures are clearly more abundant in the east (Figure 7-A) because of the presence of many small enclosures. In the centre of the plateau lies a 100 m-wide band running SE/NO without any lines. ...
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