Fig 2 - uploaded by Damian Kasza
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The paper provides information on the history of the creation and activities of the Geodynamic Laboratory in Książ (Central Sudetes, SW Poland). A unique laboratory environment, instrumental facili-ties and research program were presented. Particular attention was paid to the study of geodynamic sig-nals of non-tidal nature, relating to the local g...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... as conducting compara- tive studies between horizontal pendulums and water-tube tiltmeters (Kaczorowski, 1999a(Kaczorowski, , 199b, 2005(Kaczorowski, , 2006a(Kaczorowski, , 2006b(Kaczorowski, , 2010Kaczorowski and Olszak, 2010). In 2006 was built a gravimetric pavilion equipped with columns for the relative and absolute gravi- ty measurements (Fig. 2). In 2007 was installed a second pair of horizontal pendu-lums, while also changed the way of observations recording from a photographic to an electronic (Kaczorowski, 2010). ...
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