Figure 1 - uploaded by Bridget Read Deemer
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Map of 15 study sites (marked by dots with corresponding three letter station codes), watershed areas (shaded), and streamlines. Inset map shows the location of Clark County (thick black outline) in Washington State (thin black outline) as well as the national nutrient ecoregions represented in this study (ecoregion I in light gray and ecoregion II in dark gray). Ecoregions are also delineated by a dotted line on the main map, where the darker shading to the right of the map is ecoregion II. The Columbia River is the boundary between the states of Oregon and Washington.
Source publication
In southwest Washington, rapid population growth and associated land use change have resulted in elevated stream nutrient con-centrations. To evaluate the extent and nature of human alterations to stream nutrient concentrations in this region, we compiled four water years of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) data from two...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... this study we used stream monitoring data collected from 15 sites on 12 creeks by the Clark County Water Resources Department (Figure 1) during four water years (2004 to 2007). The 15 sampling locations were selected by the County to be representative of a wide range of conditions across the county. ...
Context 2
... ecoregions were developed by EPA to facilitate the development of nutrient criteria by state agencies, and group regions with similar geology, climate, and geomorphology. The majority of the water- sheds in this study were located fully or partially within nutrient ecoregion I, the Willamette and Central Valleys (Figure 1). The 25 th percentile values of EPA found data for nutrient ecoregion I are 0.310 mg L -1 N and 0.047 mg L -1 P for TN and TP, respectively (US EPA 2001). ...
Context 3
... 25 th percentile values of EPA found data for nutrient ecoregion I are 0.310 mg L -1 N and 0.047 mg L -1 P for TN and TP, respectively (US EPA 2001). Three watersheds were located fully within ecoregion II, the Western Forested Mountains, and three watersheds were located partially within ecoregion I and partially within ecoregion II ( Figure 1). The 25 th percentile values of EPA found data for nutrient ecoregion II are 0.120 mg L -1 N and 0.010 mg L -1 P for TN and TP, respectively (US EPA 2000). ...
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