Manufactured hexapole magnet showing the M = 12, N42H-grade permanent magnets.

Manufactured hexapole magnet showing the M = 12, N42H-grade permanent magnets.

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A method for measuring the weak value of spin for atoms is proposed using a variant of the original Stern–Gerlach apparatus. A full simulation of an experiment for observing the real part of the weak value using the impulsive approximation has been carried out. Our predictions show a displacement of the beam of helium atoms in the metastable 23S1 s...

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... magnetisation direction for each segment is rotated by 120 • with respect to the last. The hexapole magnet is shown in Figure 6, with each individual segment located in a 316LN SShousing. The magnetic field experienced by an atom in a permanent multipole magnet (produced from M segmented pieces) is detailed by Halbach [34] and is shown below: ...

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... It is also worth noticing the application of the Madelung famework within the quantum engineering as a tool for designing semiconductor devices [8,9,10,11] and even as an alternative way of conceiving quantum engineering systems [12]. Regarding the treatment for qubit systems within the Madelung picture, it is worth mentioning the studies about qubits [13,14,15,16,17] and the analysis of entangled qubits [18,19,20,21,22]. An important feature of these treatments of the qubits yields on an exhaustive analysis of the trajectories of the qubit in the configuration space. ...
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In this work the Madelung picture is applied to the single qubit systems. The projective aspect of the Madelung quantities and the polar expression of the components of the quantum state allow one to obtain a general dynamical system of equations. Even though this dynamical system of equations is nonlinear, it offers the advantage of designing single quibt gates in a straightforward manner. It only requires the specification of the initial and final points on the Bloch sphere, as well as the gate operation time. This application of the Madelung picture is particularily illustrated for the nuclear magnetic resonance processor case. It turns the problem of specifying the magnetic fields into a simpler problem of substitution.
... Finally, Robert Flack, Vincenzo Monachello, Basil Hiley, and Peter Barker describe a method for measuring the weak value of spin, for atoms using a variant of the original Stern-Gerlach apparatus [31]. The purpose of the methodological design is to enable the testing of "the original Bohm approach", which must use "non-relativistic atoms". ...
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