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Málaga-Rincón de la Victoria locality cartography. The color indicates the degree of conservation (DC) of the 5220* HCI at each polygon number: the green color indicates a high DC; the orange color means a good DC; and the red color corresponds with a reduced DC. The base map used is the World Imagery, provided by ESRI [52]: layer services credits source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. 3.2.2. Degree of Conservation (DC) of the Locality of SIERRA de Torremolinos (Polygon 21) The detected shrubland of the 5220* HCI is currently the southwesternmost locality of the HCI. It is allocated in the lower part of Torremolinos municipality (Figure 5).
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The westernmost European nucleus of the 5220* Habitat of Community Interest (HCI) is located in the province of Málaga (Andalusia). In this area, the 5220* HCI is characterized by the presence of scrublands of Gymnosporia senegalensis subsp. europaea. This is a relict species in Europe, with inhabits only in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula....
... With an excellent DC value, one inland locality (Pizarra) was highlighted. However, the highest reduction in the value of DC was observed in the localities of Torremolinos and Málaga-Rincón de la Victoria, which had a reduced area of occupancy and was fragmented [23]. ...
Green infrastructures (e.g., forests, parks, and other types of green spaces) in urban areas provide people with a huge volume of ecosystem benefits. However, the quality of urban green infrastructure varies among cities in different countries/regions, and key ecological processes, maintaining mechanisms, and policy decision routes remain unclear. Here, we recognize four themes that link studies from the Asia-Pacific and European regions presented in this Editorial: (1) indicators and services of urban green spaces; (2) assembly of and changes in diverse plant communities; (3) utilization and evaluation of urban forest landscape; and (4) patterns and drivers of urban agro-forestry systems. These investigations enlarge our understanding on the theoretical exploration and methodological innovation of urban forestry studies in response to the changing environment, and shed some light on routes to achieve sustainable development goals in the context of rapid urbanization.
... Additionally, these areas are highlighted due to the presence of relict species like Gymnosporia senegalensis subsp. europaea [113]. ...
Although Mediterranean coastal regions in southern Spain have high floristic diversity and numerous Habitats of Community Interest (HCIs) identified by the European Union Directive Council, they are also vulnerable to invasive plants. In our study, we aimed to create a checklist of terrestrial alien taxa in the Iberian area of the Alboran coast, assess each species’ current invasion, analyse the influence of environmental attributes on invasion, estimate the richness of alien species per HCI group, and evaluate each species’ potential invasiveness based on its reproductive and dispersal attributes. The checklist that we developed includes 123 alien taxa, most belonging to the Asteraceae, Asparagaceae, and Poaceae families. Notably, 20% of the species are super invaders that occupy more than 20% of HCI. We also identified Aloe vera, Cylindropuntia spp., Agave salmiana, Opuntia spp., and Paspalum spp. as incipient invaders with the potential for future expansion. Although most alien flora in the HCIs are not regulated by Spanish legislation (RDL 630/2013), monitoring and eradication plans are crucial. Advocating the cessation of using those plants in gardens and reducing anthropogenic pressure are also essential, as human activities worsen invasion dynamics and facilitate the introduction and establishment of invasive species.
En la primavera de 2023 se celebró en Salobreña (Granada) un taller científico-técnico sobre los problemas de conservación de Maytenus senegalensis subsp. europaea (“arto”) y su hábitat ante el desarrollo de actividades socioeconómicas, y las posibles soluciones para la preservación de tan importante valor de biodiversidad del sur y este ibérico. Con una gran participación de técnicos, científicos, empresas, ONGs, entre otros, se trataron diversos aspectos en formato sesiones con discusiones abiertas, sobre el conocimiento científico actual, implicaciones legales-administrativas, o criterios y protocolos para soluciones y actuaciones de difusión. Finalmente se elaboraron unas conclusiones y se presentó la plataforma, como punto de encuentro de profesionales y colectivos implicados en la problemática de conservación de M. senegalensis subsp. europaea. Dicha plataforma tiene como objetivo generar conocimiento y desarrollar estrategias de gestión territorial sostenible, acordes con la conservación del hábitat y la especie.