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Main Interface of E-learning UINSU
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The objective of this study is to find out student patterns and perceptions of using a MOODLE-based e-learning system that was first used in 2014. The methodology involved was a survey to 165 respondents comprising of several classes of various subjects. This study investigates the intensity of student's use of e-learning; time choice; justificatio...
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... e resources of the Internet make online sports gymnastics teaching through the Internet a reality [1,2]. It is an inevitable trend of gymnastics teaching and management work in modern colleges to establish a modern physical education network teaching system to cultivate the effect of gymnastics learning of students [3,4]. ...
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and big data analysis technology, the use of online learning has become more technical premises. It has the advantages of convenient data update, simple real-time communication, and high stability and flexibility. These have laid a good technical cornerstone for the development of online learning platforms. In order to solve the problems such as the lack of teaching materials for physical gymnastics in colleges and the lack of technical support for teaching, this study aims to study the design of college sports gymnastics online learning system based on BP neural network. On the basis of analyzing the introduction of BP neural network, the status quo of gymnastics teaching in Chinese colleges and universities and the principles of system design and adopting the principles of reliability, stability, and maintainability as the method of system design, the gymnastics online learning system based on BP neural network is carried out. Finally, the performance of the constructed system is tested. The test results show that, as the number of concurrent users continues to increase, the response time is gradually increasing. When the number of concurrent users is 3000, the maximum response time is 1.832 s, the minimum response time is 1.473 s, and the average response time is 1.512 s, which can meet the needs of users when the amount of concurrency is large.
... Incorporating Moodle is an essential issue in the research field of webbased curricula (Badia, 2014), as it is widely adopted both by schools and universities (Smet, 2012) (Pynoo, 2011). Previous studies have indicated positive influence of applying Moodle in learning on students' learning performance, sense of community, comfort in the online classroom and on their self-awareness (Sayekti, 2018). ...
... Incorporating Moodle is an essential issue in the research field of webbased curricula (Badia, 2014), as it is widely adopted both by schools and universities (Smet, 2012) (Pynoo, 2011). Previous studies have indicated positive influence of applying Moodle in learning on students' learning performance, sense of community, comfort in the online classroom and on their self-awareness (Sayekti, 2018). ...
Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment in teaching Senior High School subjects (DRRR)
... Penelitian dilakukan oleh (Akhmadan, 2017), menunjukkan pembelajaran melalui LMS memberikan efek potensial terhadap hasil belajar pebelajar. Sejalan dengan hasil penelitian (Sayekti, 2018) sistem e-learning memberikan media lebih informatif dalam pembelajaran dibandingkan dengan sistem pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian lain (Febliza & Okatariani, 2020) LMS digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran valid dan memberikan pengalaman belajar online bagi pebelajar serta pebelajar juga memberikan respon positif pada semua aspek (minat desain, preferensi warna, gambar dan video, kreativitas dan inovasi, komunikasi) dengan rata-rata jumlah persentase dalam kriteria baik. ...
... Informasi yang disajikan melalui e-learning dapat dengan mudah diperoleh pebelajar kapanpun dan dimanapun sehingga didalam mengakses pembelajaran maupun mengerjakan tugas tidak mengalami kendala. Sejalan dengan pendapat (Sayekti, 2018) bahwa sistem e-learning memberikan media yang lebih informatif dalam pembelajaran dibandingkan dengan sistem pembelajaran konvensional. Dengan sistem e-learning, pebelajar dapat mengakses kapanpun mencari informasi mengenai pelajaran mereka agar lebih tepat dalam mengerjakan tugas mereka. ...
This study has the aim of developing a product in the form of online learning media using moodle on the human respiratory system material that is feasible and valid for the learning of VIII grade junior high school students. Online learning media using Moodle is integrated as an online learning medium that can be accessed by students via the web anywhere and anytime, so that it can attract students' motivation to learn independently. This study uses the development model of Lee and Owens (2004). The results of the media expert validation obtained a percentage value of 95% and the material expert validation obtained a percentage of 100%. While the results of the student feasibility test obtained a percentage of 97.5%. Based on these results, online learning media using moodle is valid and suitable for students to use for independent learning. The use of learning media is a solution for educators to deliver online learning to make it easier and more structured and helps students increase their enthusiasm for learning at home.
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mengembangkan produk berupa media pembelajaran daring menggunakan moodle pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia yang layak dan valid digunakan untuk pembelajaran pebelajar kelas VIII SMP. Media pembelajaran daring menggunakan moodle diintegrasikan sebagai media belajar online yang dapat diakses pebelajar melalui web dimanapun dan kapanpun, sehingga dapat menarik motivasi pebelajar untuk belajar secara mandiri. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Lee dan Owens (2004). Hasil dari validasi ahli media memperoleh persentase nilai sebesar 95% dan validasi ahli materi memperoleh persentase sebesar nilai 100%. Sedangkan hasil uji kelayakan pebelajar memperoleh persentase sebesar 97,5%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut media pembelajaran daring menggunakan moodle valid serta layak digunakan pebelajar belajar mandiri. Penggunaan media pembelajaran tersebut menjadi solusi bagi pendidik untuk menyampaikan pembelajaran dengan online agar lebih mudah dan terstuktur serta membantu pebelajar meningkatkan semangat belajar di rumah.
... In the framework of the national project "Education", which includes ten Federal projects, including the project "Digital educational environment", the creation of a modern and safe digital learning environment, ensuring high quality and availability of education of all types and levels in the period from January 2019 to 2024, inclusive, was planned. This project is consistent with the evolution of the e-learning process (Sayekti, 2018). The pandemic has brought about changes in these plans: on March 16, 2020, the Ministry of science and higher education recommended transfer of students on distance learning because of the infection by coronavirus threat. ...
... The majority of higher educational institutions have already used the benefits of the Learning Management System (LMS), which can be adopted to current needs of vocational training [4] and generates new technological solutions, including mobile learning technologies that are becoming viable [5,6]. In addition, the development of international cooperation within education and science requires higher educational institutions to use unified electronic learning systems for ensuring the effectiveness of international cooperation [7]. ...
... The modern model of the educational process focuses on a high standard of educational quality; that is why, many state and commercial educational institutions use LMS Moodle, which is convenient in the application and is a kind of standard for a distance and blended learning [6]. This platform can be used to organize the traditional, distance, blended, and adaptive learning using elements of artificial intelligence [17]. ...
... The authors agree with research results of LMS Moodle efficiency in ensuring the comfort and convenience of the learning process [2,6,12,18,19]. However, to form comprehensive vocational education of the future specialist, various pedagogical methodologies and technologies, as well as modern learning platform are necessary. ...
This article considers the opportunities of using Moodle LMS (learning management system) tools to ensure the effective implementation of an innovative policy of the higher educational institution. In the framework of digital transformation of social space an important and relevant topic for higher educational institutions is the creation of high-quality information and communication environment, which shall correspond to the contemporary state of science and technology development, global educational standards and information society needs. The advantages of the Moodle system are studied. Moodle system provides for a comprehensive educational process through its extensive educational content, a system for control, monitoring and evaluating the knowledge quality. The authors compare the four-phased model of knowledge management with the capacities of LMS Moodle educational environment. The latter is capable of simulating professional actions in a virtual educational space that allows the university to train advanced specialists and ensure a high level of their professional skills based on hard and soft skills. The perceptive and cognitive attitude of university students and teachers towards the implementation of the LMS Moodle educational platform was researched. The research has brought out the subjective assessment model of the innovative process with clear meaningful factors of changes’ perception. Such a model allows understanding the collective attitude to the university’s policy and highlighting mental settings necessary for working with human resources within the social adaptation and diffusion of innovation. The synergy of technological and managerial innovations has been updated to ensure completeness and efficiency in presenting a professional educational product based on the LMS Moodle platform.
... E-learning merupakan bentuk implementasi dari pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan teknologi dan tidak dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu baik dilakukan secara bersama (synchronous) maupun tidak bersamaan (asynchronous) [4]. Sedangkan manfaat e-learning mempunyai 4 (empat) hal yang utama : meningkatkan kadar interaksi pembelajaran antara peserta didik dengan guru atau instruktur (enhance interactivity between students and teacher ), memungkinkan terjadinya interaksi pembelajaran dari mana dan kapan saja (time and place flexibility), menjangkau peserta didik dalam cakupan yang luas (potential to reach a global audience), dan mempermudah penyempurnaan dan penyimpanan materi pembelajaran (easy updating of content ss well as archivable capabilities) [5]. ...
Perkembangan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) atau Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam beberapa dekade terakhir berjalan sangat cepat sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi, termasuk jaringan komputer. Berbagai kendala dialami guru dalam pembelajara di tingkat SD yang siswanya tergolong generasi Z yang sudah menikmati keajaiban internet, guru dituntut dapat membuat desain instruksional, penguasaan TIK sebagai sumber pembelajaran yang up to date dan juga mampu menciptakan relasi dengan orang tua. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan pembelajaran berbasis e-learning yang mampu merelasikan antara guru-siswa-orangtua dalam meningkatkan proses belajar dengan menggunakan Edmodo. Tujuan e-learning ini agar proses belajar mengajar dapat berjalan lebih efektif dan melibatkan semua pihak terutama guru-siswa-orangtua dan pihak sekolah. Hasil dari pelatihan e-learning dengan Edmodo ini yaitu guru mampu menyajikan materi yang sudah dibuat baik slide, video dan text yang nantinya siswa dan orangtua dapat terlibat, pemberian tugas juga dapat dilakukan secara online sehingga efektifitas proses belajar mengajar sebagai suplemen belajar di kelas dapat dilakukan dengan baik.
... Incorporating Moodle is an essential issue in the research field of web-based curricula [2], as it is widely adopted both by schools and universities [3,4]. Previous studies have indicated positive influence of applying Moodle in learning on students' learning performance, sense of community, comfort in the online classroom and on their self-awareness [5]. ...
Over the past 10 years, a lot of universities worldwide have designed different online courses available to their students. The emergence of online courses makes Higher Education a more flexible and elastic concept. The present paper documents a qualitative study that examines motivating and demotivating factors in using Moodle for English language learning in higher schools. The survey encompasses data collected from 137 students and 20 teachers in a higher technical school (Russia) with a focus on students’ and teachers’ perception of Moodle-based learning. Analysis of the obtained data reveals a set of factors concerning pedagogical, technical, management approaches towards Moodle implementation. The results suggest further development of positive experiences and minimizing demotivating factors in online learning environment.