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... low abundance of organisms is a notable feature in this lake, as the total density recorded was 70 org/m 2 where- as in others environments the density might vary from 350 to 95,000 org/m 2 ( Table 2). In general, the greater percentage of the density of the organisms is reported by the oligochaetes, which are used in freshwater environments as indicators of organic pollution (Wright, 1995;Carr and Hiltunen, 1965;Howmiller and Beeton, 1971;Slepukhina, 1984). ...

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Ponencia presentada dentro del "Primer simpsio sobre plagio en México", organizado por INFOTEC, UNAM y CONACYT.


... Se ha descripto que las larvas de Clinotanypus aparecen por lo general en sedimentos finos en la zona bentónica litoral de los embalses y en áreas de escasa corriente de arroyos y ríos, y que prefieren aguas cálidas (Cranston and Epler 2013). Procladius se reportó como abundante en lagos y embalses (Prat 1991;Hershey and Lamberti 2001;Juárez and Ibáñez 2003). En la familia Chironomidae se reconoce al género Chironomus como muy tolerante a la contaminación, con capacidad para soportar períodos de anoxia debido al componente de hemoglobina en sus tejidos, que le permite almacenar oxígeno. ...
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El Embalse Río Hondo es un ambiente muy poluído para el que los antecedentes de estudios biológicos aún son escasos. En este trabajo se caracteriza la diversidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos y se aplica el índice multimétrico ICBRES, desarrollado para embalses. Se realizó un muestreo de macroinvertebrados, sedimentos y variables fisicoquímicas del agua en 6 sitios dentro del embalse. La temperatura media fue 19.3±2.2 °C, el pH fue 8±0.4, la conductividad eléctrica fue 656±13.3 µS/cm y el oxígeno disuelto fue 9.4±1.5 mg/L. La profundidad varió entre 1.3 y 16 m, y la transparencia osciló entre 0.25 y 0.70 m. En los sedimentos prevalecieron la arena fina, los limos y las arcillas. La densidad de organismos varió entre 0 y 23819±10312 individuos/m2. El 93.5% perteneció a Oligochaeta, el 4.1% a Chironomidae, el 2.2% a otros grupos bentónicos y el 0.2% a insectos no Chironomidae. La riqueza total fue 32 taxones y el índice de Shannon alcanzó un valor global de 1.63. Los oligoquetos más abundantes fueron Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède 1862 y Aulodrilus pigueti Kowalewski 1914. Entre los quironómidos, los más abundantes fueron Clinotanypus y Procladius. El índice aplicado clasificó la calidad del agua de buena a muy mala en los diferentes sitios. La baja diversidad y dominancia de organismos tolerantes reflejan las condiciones de contaminación y degradación ambiental del embalse. Se considera prometedor el potencial para desarrollar herramientas de biomonitoreo en base a macroinvertebrados bentónicos en el Embalse Río Hondo.
... Still, Chalco Lake's richness is close to that of lakes located around central Mexico, where richness ranges from 4 (Metztitlan Lake; Figure 4. Canonical correspondence analysis using the species that accounted for more than 5% of the individuals collected in the lake. Juárez & Ibáñez, 2003) to 22 families (Lake Tecocomulco, Hidalgo State), where Corixidae represented more than 50% of the individuals (Rico-Sánchez et al., 2014). A case of special interest, due to their proximity, are those located in the remainders of prehispanic Xochimilco Lake, which are only about 8 km and had never been drained. ...
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Many urban environments are places with strong stressors that substantially modify water quality. Although tests evaluating water quality are usually physico-chemical, including biological components can also provide relevant information. Lake Chalco, at the border between Mexico City and Estado de México, interacts with the surrounding human population. We investigated some water quality parameters and the community of macroinvertebrates living in Lake Chalco. From January to October 2017, we sampled water along the shoreline in 4 permanent areas of the lake. We recorded the NH 4 +, NO 3-N, NO 2-N, total P, Zn, Cu 2+ , ORP, DO, TDS, conductivity, and pH. In addition, we characterized the richness, composition, and abundance of the macroinvertebrate community. There was spatial and temporal variation in physico-chemical parameters, perhaps due to the agricultural activity around the lake. Nevertheless, water quality was unable to be placed in a category of the national law. Four out of 20 macroinvertebrate RTU's significantly correlated with environmental variables. Thus, no bioindicators could be proposed. In general, lake water quality is poor, so it is not recommended for anthropic activities. Yet, the lake may be important as a center of dispersion for aquatic invertebrates.
... Still, Chalco Lake's richness is close to that of lakes located around central Mexico, where richness ranges from 4 (Metztitlan Lake; Figure 4. Canonical correspondence analysis using the species that accounted for more than 5% of the individuals collected in the lake. Juárez & Ibáñez, 2003) to 22 families (Lake Tecocomulco, Hidalgo State), where Corixidae represented more than 50% of the individuals (Rico-Sánchez et al., 2014). A case of special interest, due to their proximity, are those located in the remainders of prehispanic Xochimilco Lake, which are only about 8 km and had never been drained. ...
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Many urban environments are places with strong stressors that substantially modify water quality. Although tests evaluating water quality are usually physico-chemical, including biological components can also provide relevant information. Lake Chalco, at the border between Mexico City and Estado de México, interacts with the surrounding human population. We investigated some water quality parameters and the community of macroinvertebrates living in Lake Chalco. From January to October 2017, we sampled water along the shoreline in 4 permanent areas of the lake. We recorded the NH 4 +, NO 3-N, NO 2-N, total P, Zn, Cu 2+ , ORP, DO, TDS, conductivity, and pH. In addition, we characterized the richness, composition, and abundance of the macroinvertebrate community. There was spatial and temporal variation in physico-chemical parameters, perhaps due to the agricultural activity around the lake. Nevertheless, water quality was unable to be placed in a category of the national law. Four out of 20 macroinvertebrate RTU's significantly correlated with environmental variables. Thus, no bioindicators could be proposed. In general, lake water quality is poor, so it is not recommended for anthropic activities. Yet, the lake may be important as a center of dispersion for aquatic invertebrates.
... Por lo antes mencionado se debe destacar la importancia de las técnicas de evaluación rápida para el monitoreo de la calidad del agua, y aún mas importante llevarlas a cabo en países en desarrollo como el nuestro (Chessman, 1995). Actualmente en México, los estudios sobre los componentes del bentos se han llevado a cabo en diversas localidades y cuerpos de agua, Juárez e Ibáñez (2003) realizaron un estudio sobre los macroinvertebrados bentónicos en el estado de Hidalgo, mencionando que se encontraron bajas densidades de quironómidos por diversas razones. Navarrete, et al. (2004) determinaron parámetros fisicoquímicos y reportaron 15 géneros de quironómidos en un bordo del Estado de México en la época de estiaje. ...
... Martínez (2008) reportó que los quironómidos fueron los organismos bentónicos, que presentaron la mayor incidencia en el bordo "Laguna Seca" con un total de 161 org/m 2, similar a lo obtenido en este bordo, con los mayores incrementos en enero y noviembre durante el estiaje; análogo a lo registrado en este cuerpo de agua. Juárez e Ibáñez (2003) reportaron que en el lago Metztitlán, Hidalgo, los quironómidos estuvieron ausentes durante la época de lluvias en el mes de septiembre, que fue donde se registró el mayor aporte de materia orgánica, además de que la mayor diversidad se registró en los meses de mayo y julio. ...
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In the trophic net of a water body, the organisms of the zoobenthos occupy a fundamental place in their dynamics, since they collaborate with the recycling of nutrients, their wealth of species and abundances are related directly to the conditions of these systems, mainly in atmospheres like temporary water reservoirs, whose changes during the year, affect of fundamental way their metabolism. This study was realized to analyze the composition and abundance of the benthonic fauna in a water body, used for extensive aquaculture in the east region of the state of Morelos. The water reservoir "the Poza" is located in the locality of Ixtlilco El Chico in the municipality of Tepalcingo, Morelos in Mexico. Two sites of sampling settled down, to collect zoobenthos, and to realize the monitoring of parameters of quality of the water and nutrients, monthly during a year (May 2008 to May 2009). The analysis of the results indicated that a total of 585 org/m2 was registered, the abundance was smaller in the period spring-summer and major in autumn and winter. The following groups of organisms reported themselves: ostracods, chironimids, annelids, cladocera, nematodes, insects and gasteropoda. The parameters related to the groups before mentioned according to the correlations of Pearson were: nitrites, nitrates, phosphates and total of dissolved solids. The particular conditions of the water body influenced in the type and abundance of the present organisms.
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Este capítulo analiza las herramientas y estrategias para el estudio de la biodiversidad y la conservación de los ecosistemas. En él se hace una evaluación del conocimiento adquirido a través del monitoreo de ecosistemas terrestres, costeros y marinos, así como el desarrollo y uso de indicadores para este fin. También se realiza un análisis de los alcances del Sistema de Áreas Naturales Protegidas en México.
The goal was to examine how macroinvertebrate taxonomic richness and density respond to spatial-temporal changes and to the influence of water physicochemical characteristics along the Bañado Carilauquen (BC). Benthic samplings were conducted seasonally and environmental parameters were recorded in five reaches of the BC. Cluster analysis was applied to compare taxonomic richness among sites. Community structure and spatial-temporal variation were explored using logarithmic regression. CCA was applied to explore the relationship between species and environmental variables. A total of 36 taxa were identified, predominantly insects. A growing gradient of conductivity and hardness was registered between headwaters (HD; relatively soft waters) and outlet (OL; very hard and saline waters). Total density of taxa showed significant differences among sampling sites and climate seasons. A decline in richness and density was observed from HD to OL. The spatial conductivity gradient is the major factor modulating macroinvertebrate distribution along this saline arid wetland. With the exception of the headwaters, hard, eutrophic, polysaprobic and contaminated waters such of those of the BC represent critical conditions for the development of macroinvertebrate assemblages.