Fig 1 - uploaded by Sérgio Gomes
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Location of the Late Prehistory sites identified during the construction of the Bloco de Rega de Brinches -Enxoé (Serpa).

Location of the Late Prehistory sites identified during the construction of the Bloco de Rega de Brinches -Enxoé (Serpa).

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Neste texto analisamos a tradição de construção em negativo durante a Pré-história Recente no Sul de Portugal. Os vestígios que estudamos foram identificados no âmbito de intervenções realizadas a propósito da execução do Bloco de Rega de Brinches-Enxoé (Serpa). Num primeiro momento, discutimos as possibilidades de, na base empírica decorrente de t...

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... Apesar da sua raridade no interior Norte de Portugal, estes contextos têm sido referenciados, escavados e estudados no Alentejo. Os trabalhos de minimização da construção da barragem do Alqueva e dos respectivos blocos de rega, no âmbito do património arqueológico, revolucionaram empiricamente o conhecimento da Pré-história Recente daquela região (Valera & alii, 2010;Baptista & alii, 2012;Vale & alii, 2015;Gomes & alii, 2015, Gomes & Baptista, 2017Baptista & Gomes, 2019). No entanto, a problemática em torno das dinâmicas diacrónicas de ocupação daqueles espaços e a sua interpretação ainda é alvo de discussão. ...
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This article intends to disclose the archaeological intervention carried out in late 2019, in Pedreira do Poio, as part of the Research Project “An investigation on the Late Prehistory of the Côa Valley. Dynamics of use and occupation of the territory”. The site was identified by archaeologists from the Côa Park Foundation. It is located in the middle of the exploration area of the Poio quarry and, when recognized, it was already quite destroyed. The main objective of this intervention was to recover as much information as possible. At the end of the work two ideas emerge: 1 – the site chronologically falls within Late Prehistory; 2 – its type is unprecedented in the region: a pit site.
... Apesar da sua raridade no interior Norte de Portugal, estes contextos têm sido referenciados, escavados e estudados no Alentejo. Os trabalhos de minimização da construção da barragem do Alqueva e dos respectivos blocos de rega, no âmbito do património arqueológico, revolucionaram empiricamente o conhecimento da Pré-história Recente daquela região (Valera & alii, 2010;Baptista & alii, 2012;Vale & alii, 2015;Gomes & alii, 2015, Gomes & Baptista, 2017Baptista & Gomes, 2019). No entanto, a problemática em torno das dinâmicas diacrónicas de ocupação daqueles espaços e a sua interpretação ainda é alvo de discussão. ...
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RESUMO Com este artigo pretendemos dar a conhecer a intervenção arqueológica realizada em finais de 2019, na Pedreira do Poio. Estes trabalhos integram-se no Projecto de Investigação denominado “Uma investigação sobre a Pré-história Recente do Vale do Côa. Dinâmicas de uso e ocupação do território”. O sítio foi identificado por ar- queólogos da Fundação Côa Parque. Localiza-se em plena área de exploração da pedreira do Poio e, quando foi reconhecido, encontrava-se já muito destruído. O principal objectivo desta intervenção consistiu na recuperação do máximo de informação possível. No final dos trabalhos duas ideias surgem: 1 – o sítio cronologicamente insere-se na Pré-história Recente; 2 – o seu tipo é inédito na região: um sítio de fossas. Palavras-chave: Alto Douro, Pré-história Recente, Escavação, Sítio de fossas. ABSTRACT This article intends to disclose the archaeological intervention carried out in late 2019, in Pedreira do Poio, as part of the Research Project “An investigation on the Late Prehistory of the Côa Valley. Dynamics of use and occupation of the territory”. The site was identified by archaeologists from the Côa Park Foundation. It is located in the middle of the exploration area of the Poio quarry and, when recognized, it was already quite destroyed. The main objective of this intervention was to recover as much information as possible. At the end of the work two ideas emerge: 1 – the site chronologically falls within Late Prehistory; 2 – its type is unprecedented in the region: a pit site. Keywords: High Douro, Late Prehistory, Excavation, Pit-site.
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The present dissertation aims to examine the possibility of a cultural specificity in the far South of the Iberian Southwest, contributing with structuralist/post-structuralist and semiotic views to the overall discourse on the subject matter. We will thus study the entirety of the walled settlement of Cerro dos Castelos de São Brás (Serpa), excavated in the end of the 70s by Rui Parreira. The great abundance of artefacts resulting from the excavation deemed the surface findings close to irrelevant, for no additional conclusion would be drawn from them; exceptions were made for the various stone tool industries and materialities pertaining to metallurgical chaine operatoire. More than 3000 artefacts were studied and closely described. After the establishment of a firm empirical basis, it was possible to contextualize them historically and chronically, mobilizing to the discussion of the main topic of the proposed questionnaire: to assess the existence of a cultural specificity in the hydrographic basin of the Guadiana River between the Ardila in the North and the Chança in the East – hereby called Terra de Serpes. Not all artefactual classes were employed with this in mind, for the scarcity of some artefactual types presented unfathomable problems in the overall articulation with the remaining contexts of the 3rd millennium of the Iberian South. The lack of investigation in some topics in this region – such as biotic resource management – didn’t allow a meaningful comparison between results. A small synthesis of the concept of culture in the prehistoric studies was made, covering the first steps of what would become prehistoric archaeology since nowadays. From such a basis the discussion proceeded to define the concept of culture and seeing it through the lenses of structuralism/post structuralism and semiotics. Dialectically speaking, a synthesis was achieved, crossing the empirical basis that resulted from the monographic study of the aforementioned walled site and our questionnaire. Hence, and using São Brás as a metonym, we were able to envision in Terra de Serpes a cultural specificity in relation to the Iberian Southwest as a whole, based on several territorial elements and some components of the material culture. Thus, not only new interpretive pathways were opened for future studies as well as meaningfully contributed to the questionnaire that guided the present dissertation.
This article approaches the role of writing in the archaeological process. I revisit some earlier literature focusing on this topic within which is argued that the practice of writing participates in the shaping of the knowledge we produce about the past. This is so because writing entails a dialogue between the limits of the way we experience past materials and the limits of the languages we use to translate such experiences. In order to understand this dialogue, by following Michel de Certeau, we may ask what kind of subject are we while writing about past materials? And, how does such a practice entail a transformation of our subjectivity by seeking to create the conditions to express the difference of the past? I will discuss how this concern about the process of writing, and the exploration of different styles of narrative, help me to expand the study of late prehistory deposition contexts. By analysing the emplotment used in the study of these contexts, I will argue that deposition needs to be understood as an individual character, and not as just something resulting from practices of deposition. In arguing this, I present fable as a narrative style exploring alternative plots highlighting the irreducibility of archaeological evidences.