Figure - uploaded by Jamal Hekmati
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Today, remote sensing is widely used to estimate soil properties. Because it is an easy and accessible way to estimate soil properties that are difficult to estimate in the field. Based on this, to evaluate the soil fertility (SF), soil sampling was performed irregularly from the surface depth of 0–30 cm in 216 points, 11 soil properties were measu...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... study area extends across 3375 km 2 of agricultural lands in northwest Iran (between 45 o 30′00′′ to 47 o 00′00′′ longitude and 35 o 50′00′′ to 36 o 30′00′′ latitude) (Fig. 1a). The annual precipitation average is ~ 350 mm and the annual average air temperature is ~ 9.2C•. Land uses include agricultural Lands, forests, grasslands, urban, water, and rock outcrops (Fig. 1b). The conquering soil orders are Entisols and Inceptisols. The major agricultural commodities are winter wheat, barley, and peas. Furrow ...Context 2
... across 3375 km 2 of agricultural lands in northwest Iran (between 45 o 30′00′′ to 47 o 00′00′′ longitude and 35 o 50′00′′ to 36 o 30′00′′ latitude) (Fig. 1a). The annual precipitation average is ~ 350 mm and the annual average air temperature is ~ 9.2C•. Land uses include agricultural Lands, forests, grasslands, urban, water, and rock outcrops (Fig. 1b). The conquering soil orders are Entisols and Inceptisols. The major agricultural commodities are winter wheat, barley, and peas. Furrow irrigation has been practiced in the region for decades, even though the shrinking water resources compeled growers towards more efficient irrigation systems such as central pivot ...Context 3
... the summer of 2022, 216 soil samples were collected (Fig. 1c). The method of soil sampling was stratified random from 0 to 30 cm soil depth in agricultural lands (Fig. 1a). This sampling method does not need previous information about spatial variations of soil properties (C. Cao et al., 2022). In this method, every population unit has the same chance of being chosen, and The selection of ...Context 4
... the summer of 2022, 216 soil samples were collected (Fig. 1c). The method of soil sampling was stratified random from 0 to 30 cm soil depth in agricultural lands (Fig. 1a). This sampling method does not need previous information about spatial variations of soil properties (C. Cao et al., 2022). In this method, every population unit has the same chance of being chosen, and The selection of sampling units is independent. Soil samples were packed in zip bags. First, soil samples were air-dried and passed ...