Figure 1 - uploaded by Ilaria Mariotti
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Context 1
... with our exploratory spatial analysis, Table 1 shows the distribution of logistics firms by municipalities. Logistics firms concentrate in a fairly small number of municipalities. More than 85% of Spanish municipalities have no logistics firms at all and about 10% of municipalities have less than 5 logistics firms. The remaining 1.7% of municipalities shows more than 10 logistics firms with 11 municipalities that have over 100 logistics firms. These 1.7% of municipalities concentrate three quarters of all Spanish logistics firms. Two municipalities stand out: Madrid and Barcelona each one house about 1,000 logistics establishments. Taking into account also their suburbs, the two urban areas house about a third of all logistics establishments. This numbers confirm the strong spatial concentration of logistics firms in specific urban areas (Bowen, 2008;Jing and Cai, 2010;van den Heuvel et. al., 2013). Next, we map our logistics firms (note, these are firms in SABI that were active in 2007) together with the 2007 road network (Figure 1 in Appendix). In addition to the concentration in the Madrid and Barcelona area, one can also observe some concentration around other major cities, but also along major transportation corridors. Figure 2 in Appendix provides a zoom-in for the Madrid and Barcelona area. Again, the relevance of the road network stands out. In Table 2 we show the location pattern of the logistics sector to those of other sectors. Namely, we compare the logistics sector to manufacturing firms, business service firms and transport operators. First, we look at the mean distances of these firms in relation to the transportation networks. Logistics firms are on average located closer to each of the transportation infrastructure analyzed. Logistics firms locate closer to highways, airports and seaports than firms in other sectors. Looking at the percentage of firms that locates in a distance of 1, 5, and 10 kilometres from a highway, we can also see that logistics firms are strongly attracted to the highway network. More than 95% of our logistics firms are located within 10km of a highway and nearly half of our logistics firms are within 1 kilometre of a highway. Other sectors are also attracted to the highway network, but this attraction is particularly strong for logistics ...