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Over several decades, medium-sized industrial towns have suffered from a combination of economic and political processes: Deindustrialization, metropolization, and withdrawal of public services. After two decades in which they have been somewhat neglected (in favor of metropolises), there have recently been State and European public policies aimed...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... qualitative approach allowed us to better understand and characterize these deep changes. Figure 1 shows the location of French medium-sized industrial towns, with some regional logics and the historical divide between the industrialized East and the under-industrialized West. Indeed, by the middle of the 20th century, three regions-Hauts de France (south of Lille and inland from Calais), former Rhône-Alpes, and Grand Est (stretching from the Ardennes to Mulhouse city)-formed France's industrial heartland, enjoying flourishing growth and industrial development until the 1970s owing to traditional industries, such as steel, metalworking, and textiles. ...
Context 2
... is necessary to go beyond these figures and discussions homogenizing the dynamics of these territories to highlight their great disparity. Data show that the population has declined in a quarter of these areas over the period and Figure 1 already highlights that the industrial was not geographically uniform between 1975 and 2016. It was stronger than at the national level in the medium-sized industrial towns highlighted in dark blue, which are located mainly in the northeast of the country. ...
... At the same time, other areas have seen their population increase significantly. Thus, demographic trends vary between different areas with opposite population trajectories (Martinez-Fernandez et al. 2016;Batunova and Gunko 2018;Gros-Balthazard and Talandier 2020). ...
The study of population changes across space and time of cohorts at different life stages is relevant for regional planning, but it is often not taken into account. We focus on a case study along the urban-rural gradient of continental Spain from 2002 to 2017 at a municipal scale. Making use of longitudinal data from the municipal registers, we studied changes in total population and three birth cohorts: the cohort joining the workforce, the cohort at a mature working age and the cohort reaching retirement during the study period. The results showed key spatiotemporal population variations. The absolute population increased in 36% of the municipalities, but at least one of the study cohorts showed an increase in 75% of the municipalities. While the cohort joining workforce tended to concentrate in urban and suburban areas, the retiring cohort tended to move to small suburban and rural municipalities. In the next decades the retirement of large birth cohorts in Spain will be a relevant issue for planning. This methodological approach allows us to understand life cycle residential movements across urban, suburban and rural areas and better enables spatial planning decisions. The method can be applied to other study areas at different spatial and temporal scales.
... PTTAZ). The size of the PTTAZ is interpreted in terms of passengers accessibility to transit stations [Poe15; Gut08; Kim07; Mur03; El-14], the cost of 1 SMCs population is defined based on the size of considered country, e.g. for France, SMCs have population ≤ 100, 000[Gro20], or Switzerland ≤ 50, 000[Wag21] and on other continents, for India, ≤ four millions[Tiw11] MFTS 2022 using transport services, and the travel cost that is taken to access a transit station[Mur98;Mav12]. ...
This paper aims to develop and validate an efficient method for delineation of public transit analysis zones (PTTAZ), particularly for origin-destination (OD) matrix prediction for transit operation planning. Existing methods have a problem in reflecting the level of spatial precision, travel characteristics, travel demand growth, access to transit stations, and most importantly, the direction of transit routes. This study proposes a new methodology to redelineate existing traffic analysis zones (TAZ) to create PTTAZ in order to allocate travel demand to transit stops. We aim to achieve an accurate prediction of the OD matrix for public transportation (PT). The matrix should reflect the passenger accessibility in the socioeconomic and socio-spatial characterization of PTTAZ and minimize intrazonal trips. The proposed methodology transforms TAZ-based to PTTAZ-based data with sequential steps through multiple statistical methods. In short, the generation of PTTAZ establishes homogeneous sub-zones representing the relationship between passenger flow, network structure, land use, population, socio-economic characteristics, and, most importantly, existing bus transit infrastructure. To validate the proposed scheme, we implement the framework for India’s Vishakhapatnam bus network and compare the results with the household survey. The results show that the PTTAZ-based OD matrix represents a realistic scenario for PT demand.
... На поисковом этапе задача состояла в первоначальном выделении круга таких акторов, в выяснении их соотношения, взаимодействия и форм участия в развитии нестоличных промышленных городов. При этом деятельность сообществ и их лидеров была рассмотрена с позиции её вос-№ 4, Том 13, 2022 и частной сторон [30]. Отметим и исследования зарубежных урбанистов, посвященные реактуализации индустриального наследия в новых социокультурных контекстах [33]. ...
... В качестве таковых выделяются: государственный сектор/правительство, муниципальные департаменты, представители частного сектора/бизнес, горожане и создаваемые ими группы [36]; отмечается необходимость комплексного подхода к управлению их действиями [32; 25; 40; 36]. Однако по отношению к промышленным городам в работах западных исследователей тема раскрывается редко [30], как редким -в условиях продвижения деиндустриализации [37; 34] -становится обращение к ним в целом. ...
The purpose of the article the author sees as the identification of actors of non-capital industrial cities of Tatarstan, the clarification of their relationship and forms of participation in urban development. The activities of urban communities and their leaders are considered in the article from the standpoint of its perception by residents, in terms of influencing their decision to stay in the city/leave it.
The exploratory nature of the study led to the use of the method of group problem-oriented interviews carried out by the author in 2021 during reconnaissance field trips to the cities of Tatarstan: Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Zelenodolsk. They took place in families that made it possible to increase the number of interviewees, compare the opinions of different generations and achieve a comfortable atmosphere for conducting interviews, and were accompanied by notes.
The study preliminary confirmed the hypothesis that the key players in non-capital industrial settlements in Russia are the municipal authorities and communities that develop around their leading enterprises. The significance of both in different cities varies, that depends on the industry, functional affiliation of industries and a number of subjective factors, primarily on the ability of leaders-managers to build a strategy and tactics of participation in urban processes. The main forms of such participation for manufacturing companies are: social support for employees, sponsorship of city events, inclusion in regional programmes to improve the urban environment and the implementation of their own projects in the field of healthcare, specialised and general education, sports, culture, and city spaces. Representatives of the city administration more often perform not only managerial functions, but also act as a link between the actors of urban processes. Individual small and medium-sized businesses take part in the latter, and the role of cultural workers depends on the development of the cultural environment of the city. The practices of urban activists are limited to single actions, although activism is revealed at the level of courtyards and volunteer movements. It has been empirically confirmed that a significant contribution to the development of the cities of Tatarstan is made by regional authorities. In the indicated context, the life strategies of citizens reveal complex trajectories that depend, among other things, on the activities of the actors under consideration that affect the level and quality of life in the city, and residents´ opportunities for self-realisation.
... Nyseth et Hamdouch (2019) y voient des pratiques et activités permettant de faire face à des enjeux sociaux ou de répondre aux besoins sociaux de la population d'un territoire. Ils arrivent à la même conclusion qu'une multitude de chercheurs : l'IS permet d'identifier les besoins d'une communauté (Bartels, 2017;Gros-Balthazard et Talandier, 2020;Howaldt et Schwarz, 2010;Ricciardelli et collab., 2020;Thompson, 2019). Une nuance est toutefois apportée par Cajaiba-Santana (2014) : répondre à un besoin social ne constitue pas automatiquement une innovation sociale. ...
L’innovation sociale suscite un intérêt grandissant de la part des administrations municipales. Or, l’adoption de processus d’innovation sociale par une organisation municipale comporte son lot d’ajustements auxarrangements institutionnels. Cet article s’intéresse au développement et à la promotion de processus d’innovation sociale par des acteurs non gouvernementaux à l’échelle municipale. L’objectif est d’identifier les barrières institutionnelles et bureaucratiques à l’innovation sociale, et d’offrir un cadre conceptuel aux praticiens faisant face à cet enjeu afin de favoriser le franchissement de ces barrières. Social innovation is attracting growing interest from municipal governments. However, the adoption of social innovation processes by a municipal organization involves adjustments to the institutional arrangements. This article focuses on the development and promotion of social innovation processes by municipal non-governmental actors. The objective is to identify the institutional and bureaucratic barriers to social innovation, and to offer a conceptual framework to practitioners facing this problem to help overcome these barriers.
... In recent decades, small, regional towns (i.e. small urban settlements or secondary towns - Mtika and Tilley (2020)) in many parts of the world have experienced increasing population growth and land use change (Jansen et al., 2012;Shackleton et al., 2018;Beer and Clower, 2009;Gros-Balthazard and Talandier, 2020) and are predicted to double in size over the next 15 years (Pilgrim et al., 2007). In Australia, over 400,000 people relocated from capital cities to regional areas between 2011 and 2016 (Regional Australia Institute, 2019). ...
In many parts of the world, small towns are experiencing high levels of population growth and development. However, there is little understanding of how urban growth in these regional towns will impact urban runoff. We used the case study of Wangaratta, located in South-East Australia, between 2006 and 2016, to investigate land cover changes and their impacts on urban runoff discharge. Detailed spatio-temporal analysis (including neighbourhood composition analysis and supervised classification of aerial imagery) identified that population, land use and land cover changes in Wangaratta, although subtle, were mostly driven by residential growth in the outskirts of the town, where there were large increases in impervious surface area. Overall, the urban growth was minimal. However, in spite of these small changes, a sub-catchment only SWMM model showed that the increase in impervious surface area nevertheless resulted in a statistically significant increase in total runoff across the town. Particularly, this increase was most pronounced for frequent and shorter storms. The analysis of urban development pattern changes coupled with urban hydrological modelling indicated that land cover changes in regional towns, especially when analysed in detail, may result in hydrological changes in the urban region (likely to be exacerbated in coming years by changing climate) and that adaptation efforts will need to adopt a variety of approaches in both existing and growth zones. Our findings highlight the necessity of detailed fine-scale analyses in small towns as even subtle changes will have substantial future implications and robust planning and adaptation decisions are even more important when compared to larger cities due to the greater economic constraints that small towns face and their important relationship with the surrounding hinterlands.
Развитие современных городов определяется не только инициативами «сверху», но и наличием/отсутствием в них реальных акторов, способных интегрировать сообщества, выстроить стратегии участия в городских процессах и внутригородское взаимодействие. Проведенные в четырех промышленных поселениях Татарстана – Набережных Челнах, Нижнекамске, Альметьевске, Зеленодольске – экспертные интервью показали, что такими акторами выступают прежде всего лидеры градообразующих предприятий. В их стратегиях выделяются косвенный (путем социальной поддержки работников и вложений в их профессиональный рост) и прямой виды (когда они участвуют в разного рода экологических проектах территорий, в совершенствовании их инфраструктуры, в проведении городских мероприятий). Они чаще концептуализированы и заявлены в программных формах, а ход их реализации отражен в корпоративной социальной отчетности. Масштабы и характер участия компаний в развитии городов зависят от их отраслевой, функциональной принадлежности и интенций руководства. Стратегии местных властей также концептуально выстроены и имеют заявленные формы, в то же время их реальные стратегии часто остаются ситуативными. Главной функцией муниципальных органов является организация взаимодействия участников городских процессов для решения задач комплексного развития территорий. Однако в изучаемых кейсах они осуществляют ее с каждой группой акторов в отдельности, причем эта коммуникация редко оказывается связанной с выстраиванием целевого образа города. Новыми субъектами в промышленных городах выступают представители малого и среднего бизнеса, сообщества которых во многих из них только формируются, соответственно и деятельность в отношении городов скорее ситуативна. Не получают четкого концептуального выражения и действия общественников, по большей части выстраиваемые вокруг благоустройства районов и дворов, конкретных волонтерских проектов. В сфере культуры выделяются старые и новые (представители креативных индустрий) акторы, от взаимодействия которых зависит культурное содержание выстраиваемых образов места и привлекательность пространств. Одновременно значимым игроком в поле промышленных городов Татарстана являются региональные акторы. При наличии у выделенных субъектов действия своих стратегий единое, четко сформулированное видение ими проективного образа города в изучаемых кейсах скорее отсутствует. Они мало ориентированы на долгосрочные цели и действуют зачастую тактически. Тем не менее экспертные интервью позволили выделить возможные векторы перспективного развития каждого из нестоличных промышленных центров Республики Татарстан.
Numerous projects, which today are described as social innovations, are being developed in response to the recent crises to meet various unsatisfied social needs (housing, climate, ageing, inequalities, etc.). Their highly collective nature implies a better understanding of the ways in which the partners involved in these projects are connected, which we propose to do using the relational chain method. The data collected using this method highlights the significant use of non-personal arrangements (circles and calls for projects) to obtain the support of institutions (local authorities) or organisations (foundations); interpersonal relationships—essentially professional—appear to be mobilised less frequently and mainly to access the world of research.
De nombreux projets qualifiés aujourd'hui d'innovation sociale se développent face aux crises récentes pour répondre à différents besoins sociaux non satisfaits (logement, climat, vieillissement, inégalités, etc.). Leur nature éminemment collective implique de mieux comprendre les modalités de mise en relation des partenaires impliqués dans ces projets, ce que nous nous proposons de faire en mobilisant la méthode des chaines relationnelles. Les données collectées grâce à cette méthode mettent en évidence le recours important aux dispositifs non personnels (cercles de l'ESS et appels à projets) pour obtenir le support d'institutions (collectivités) ou d'organisations (fondations) ; les relations interpersonnelles-essentiellement professionnelles-apparaissent quant à elles mobilisées plus rarement et principalement pour accéder au monde de la recherche.
Green innovation technology transfer (GITT) has become an essential means to realizing regional sustainable development due to its dual attributes in economy and society. To better understand GITT's importance and mechanism in regional sustainable development, we propose new evidence on its significance at the city-regional scale based on green innovation technology patent transfer data from the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), involving 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta from 2012 to 2020. We find that the Yangtze River Delta's global GITT network has become increasingly dense, moving from existing only within single cities or among geographically adjacent cities to a jump-type interactive cooperation network structure. The hierarchical network structure is broken, the direct paths connecting cities are increasing, redundant connections are being reduced, and the network is increasingly stable and flat. The core cities have been upgraded from a closed-door in-city state to stronger and more open external connections and internal sources. We also find that the development of staged outreach of green technology is key to the region's sustainable development.
Faced with deindustrialization, the city of Romans-sur-Isère has recently adopted a strategy of redeployment of its activities based on an heritage model. This work focuses on the transformative dimension of the economic model adopted by crossing two paradigms: new economic models and the circular economy. It examines the degree of transformation of this industrial model through five emblematic experiments. These experiments serve as a basis for proposing and identifying the characteristics of an innovative model. The analysis thus allows us to show the stakes of a change of model towards a